Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 30th Anniversary of the fall of Saigon Believes that lessons from Viet Nam can be applied to the current war in Iraq.
2 Financial Literacy Month good time to discuss credit management with children Credit education is important, especially because many college students graduate with high debt.
3 Friday, April 29 Repertory Dance Theatre will present a lecture; Cinco de Mayo Celebration to take place; the UNI Foundation Board will tour the McLeod Center construction site.
4 Hubble Space Telescope celebrating 15th service anniversary More than ten thousand papers have been written using information from the telescope.
5 National Playground Safety Week a time to focus on children's outdoor play environments "Play S. A. F. E. Promise" campaign encourages children to play safe on playgrounds.
6 National Turn Off the TV Week has merit Believes that television contributes to over-consumption and negative self-images.
7 Saturday, April 30

The 47th Annual Recognition Breakfast will honor thirteen retiring employees.

8 Thursday, April 28 Paul Turman will discuss "The Rituals of Sport;" teacher quality forum will continue; Thursdaze will feature carnival games.
9 UNI CEEE announces Iowa Energy Poster Contest Winners Winners were awarded $100 savings bonds; includes list of winners.
10 UNI faculty member to hold discussion, signing for his book on energy realities Kamyar Enshayan will discuss his book "Living Within Our Means: Beyond the Fossil Fuel Credit Card."
11 UNI Wellness & Recreation Service offers students a chance to de-stress Mini-massages, puppies, and kittens will be in the Union to relieve students of some of their stress.
12 Wednesday, April 27 Patricia Ireland will discuss "What's It All About? Sex, Gender, and Equality in the 21st Century;" Paula Smith will read some of her work.