Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Enrollment down but students still like summer classes
Schindel--Christine (Student--2005)
Summer school is a good way to stay on track to graduate or to raise GPA, but fewer students enroll every summer.
2 Let us in!; students lament reduced hours at campus labs
Steffen--Amie R. (Class of 2006)
With only three labs on campus open during the summer session, some students are upset over shorter hours; photo.
3 UNI breaks ground on new business building; east campus structure will be completed by fall 2006
Gerling--Taylor R. (Student--2003)
Newest addition to UNI campus will be Business and Community Services Building (BCS); cost will be about $4.6 million; should be completed by fall of 2006.
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# Article Article Summary
4 Panther recognition Recognizes recent achievements of UNI staff and students.
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# Article Article Summary
5 Gov. conference at CEEE Governor's Conference on Environmental Education makes stop at UNI.
6 You don't know UNI until you know: Assistant Director of International Services Kristi Marchesani
Ahmad--Sayeeda T. (Student--2005)
Profile of Kristi Marchesani, assistant director of admissions.
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# Article Article Summary
7 New owners for Hidden Valley
Steffen--Amie R. (Class of 2006)
Group of new owners hopes to make improvements to student apartments.
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# Article Article Summary
8 Don't get eaten by a bear Believe outdoors should be enjoyed, but precautions should be taken to ensure safety.
9 Is it ever too late to fight for justice?
Gerling--Taylor R. (Student--2003)
Believes that while old crimes deserve justice, so do the ones that happen every day.
10 Taxing cigarettes bad for your health
Meinecke--Heather (Student--2003)
Believes taxing cigarettes has gone too far.
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# Article Article Summary
11 'Cool week' in hot Washington; tour of Pentagon among attractions
McCue--Timothy M. (Student--2003)
Tim McCue, an intern for Senator Charles Grassley, reports on his work for the week, including attending a Finance Committee hearing and touring the Pentagon.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Capitol M: hard rock, funk, a message
Kelly--Ned (Student--2004)
Local band plays a variety of music; will present a concert at the Reverb on July 2; photo.
13 Fun in the Summer Sun can have deadly effects
Kelly--Ned (Student--2004)
People should protect themselves from the sun; cases of skin cancer on the rise; photo.