Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Hearst lecture at UNI: "The United States of America and the United States of Europe" T.R. Reid will present the lecture Monday, March 5.
2 News Brief/Calendar of Events "The United States of America and the United States of Europe" will be presented at the Hearst Lecture Series Monday, March 5.
3 News Brief/Calendar of Events "Your Cubicle or Mine? Sexual Harassment in the Workplace" is the topic of an interactive workshop presented by Donna Wood Monday, March 5.
4 News Brief/Calendar of Events "From Bolivia to Spain: Gendered Opportunities and Transnational Narratives of Loss" will be presented at the CROW Forum Monday, March 5.
5 News Brief/Calendar of Events "Research in the Capitol" will be presented Monday, March 5.
6 News Brief/Calendar of Events The University Museum will celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday Saturday, March 3.
7 News Brief/Calendar of Events Recayi Pecen will present "If we really must use coal for a power plant in Waterloo, why not an Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Power Plant, never a pulverized coal plant?" Saturday, March 3.
8 News Brief/Calendar of Events "Culture and the Medieval King" will be presented Friday, March 2.
9 News Brief/Calendar of Events The Spotlight on Educational Technology will take place Friday, March 2.
10 News Brief/Calendar of Events "Telling My Way Home" will be performed Thursday, March 1 to Saturday, March 3.
11 News Brief/Calendar of Events An informal panel discussion, "Early Days of Women's Studies," will take place Thursday, March 1.
12 News Brief/Calendar of Events The Cedar Valley Nonprofit Roundtable will take place Wednesday, February 28.
13 News Brief/Calendar of Events The Entrepreneurship Symposium will be taking place Wednesday, February 28.
14 News Brief/Calendar of Events The Northern Iowa Student Government elections will be taking place February 27-28.
15 News Brief/Calendar of Events "Whatever happened to the 'science' in social science?" will be presented by Ralph Scott Tuesday, February 27.
16 News Brief/Calendar of Events Opposing Views: "Should UNI sell sweatshop-produced apparel?" is the topic of a discussion for the "Civic Discourse and Opposing Views Series."
17 News Brief/Calendar of Events A presentation on identity theft strategies will be given Tuesday, February 27 by Katherine Cota-Uyar.
18 News Brief/Calendar of Events Two speakers will share their stories of struggling with eating disorders.
19 Sexual harassment workshop to be held at UNI "Your Cubicle or Mine?: Sexual Harassment in the Workplace" will be the topic for the interactive workshop Monday, March 5.
20 UNI lifeguards collaborate with Cedar Falls Fire Department UNI lifeguards will collaborate with the Cedar Falls Fire Department for in-service training February 26 and March 5 and 6.
21 West African Drum Ensemble recital at UNI The West African Drum Ensemble will be presenting a recital Monday, March 5.