Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson to speak on Darfur conflict at UNI Bill Richardson will be presenting "Darfur, Diplomacy and American Foreign Policy" Friday, April 20.
2 Regional Diversity Summit on April 17 at Iowa State The second annual "Regional Summit-Higher Education and Diversity" will be held Tuesday, April 17.
3 UNI American Humanics recognizes outstanding organizations, businesses and volunteers Organizations, businesses, and individuals were honored during the Cedar Valley Nonprofit Awards Friday, April 13.
4 UNI CEEE announces Iowa Energy Poster Contest winners Iowa students in grades one through six created posters demonstrating their knowledge of energy conservation and efficiency.
5 UNI Gallery of Art to present "B.F.A. Group Exhibition" Emily Chace, Levi Biel, Luke Biel, Leah Mayer, and Amanda Chan will be exhibiting their works April 21 through May 1.