Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 UNI offers Nanoscience Workshop for teachers, June 30 through July 3 The workshop, in Begeman Hall, is directed toward helping high school teachers learn activities that will allow them to teach nanoscience, the study of the performance of ultra-small structures, materials, and devices.
2 UNI replacing diplomas after natural disasters Replacement diplomas will be offered to graduates who lost their diplomas because of the recent tornados and flooding. Alumni interested can call, e-mail, or stop by the Alumni house on West 23rd Street.
3 UNI Solar Electric Boat Team ties last year's finish, improves in design "Winning the outstanding solar power system design was very special for us since our students made their own 480-watt solar array system. Our custom-made panel gave us the lightest and most efficient panels for the championship event."