Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Legislation for impeachment of election commissioner brings debate
Davidson--Nicole Jean (Student--2008)
Northern Iowa Student Government divided over the possible impeachment of Nick Covington, the election commissioner.
2 NISG elections may be postponed Due to two cases pending before the Supreme Court, the election for student body president and vice-president will be held March 10 and 11; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
3 Panther Portraits
Bardsley--Laura Lee (Student--2008)
Scenes from the David Cook concert; photo.
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4 Community service brings honor to University of Northern Iowa
Kuster--Therese Catherine (Student--2008)
UNI given a space on the President's Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll. Award recognizes those who support innovative and effective community service and service-learning projects.
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# Article Article Summary
5 UNI hosts CEIC
Kuster--Therese Catherine (Student--2008)
Collegiate Entrepreneur Iowa Conference connects students and professionals, facilitates networking, and offers presentations. Dan Leese and John Hall are featured speakers; photo.
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6 Panther Portraits
Bardsley--Laura Lee (Student--2008)
More scenes from the David Cook concert; photo.
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7 The plight of the girl child
Bormann--Emily Ann (Student--2008)
Girls born in many areas of the world are subjected to the worst form of gender discrimination. The UN has launched a campaign to aid the "girl child".
8 Trevor and Anthony encourage openness, involvement
Cordes--Nicholas David (Student--2008)
Support for the Boeckmann/Palomo ticket.
9 What we expect from NISG
Dahlke--Lisa Renae (Student--2006)
Northern Iowan editorial staff states the expectations of communication and cooperation with the Northern Iowa Student Government; endorses Haselhuhn/Rudy ticket.
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10 A new idea about freedom
Koch--William N. (English Faculty)
Power of verbal language compared to Biblical times.
11 Stupid is as stupid does
Landhuis--Travis John (Student--2008)
Society is examined for the images mankind projects. According to the author, we are not looking good at the present time.
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12 Black Hawks give back
Reeder--Laura M. (Student--2007)
Local hockey team volunteers to aid Cedar Bend Humane Society with fund raising efforts.
13 Economy affects local night life
Tegeler--Cassie L. (Student--2008)
College students adjust to reality of paying for rent, groceries, utilities, and social activities. Business owners have noticed a decline in patrons; prompting them to have more specials. Students have added more hours to work schedule.
14 UNI student sings at Metropolitan Opera
Zidon--Rachel Margaret (Student--2008)
Kate Crist, a vocal music graduate student, performed in New York City. The trip and performance opportunity resulted from winning the Upper Midwest Regional Metropolitan Opera national Council auditions; photo.
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15 Top 10 movies of 2008
Frazier--James Timothy (Student--2006)
Northern Iowa film critic James Frazier ranks the movies of 2008; photo.
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16 Dropping the ball
Stout--Michael (Student--2008)
Baseball program will be dropped following the current season, unless over $1.2 million can be found to pay for three years of operation; photo.
17 Panthers come from behind to defeat Bulldogs
Long--Rachel Paige (Student--2008)
Women's basketball team defeats Drake, 60-58. Team loses to Creighton in overtime, 67-59; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Softball's fast start best since 2002 season
Siebring--Owen Thomas (Student--2005)
Panther softball team won 2 and lost 1 game at the LSU Purple and Gold Classic. LSU defeated the Panthers, 3-2. Wins were over University of Alabama-Birmingham and Texas State.
19 Wrestlers dominate South Dakota State Wrestling team wins dual match with South Dakota State, 33-3; photo.