Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Next MyEntre.Net webinar focuses on small business branding The fourth installment of the MyEntre.Net Summer Webinar Series begins with "Breakthrough Branding and your Bottom Line!" presented by Michael Wagner, president of White Rabbit Group.
2 UNI College of Natural Sciences to hold summer poster session for undergraduate researchers The eighth annual Summer Undergraduate Research Poster Session will be heald in the Great Reading Room in Seerley Hall. Darrell Wiens, professor of biology, will welcome the participants. Dwight Krehbiel, will present the keynote address. Students listed.
3 UNI Museums to host free ice-cream social and pie-baking contest Free ice cream will be served courtesy of Hansen's Dairy along with free watermelon from Hy-Vee. "We are encouraging visitors to bring a picnic dinner if they want. The evening is about having good, old-fashioned family fun in a beautiful prairie setting.
4 UNI students volunteer time to community Iowa ranks fifth in the nation for volunteer service rates. Three volunteer highlights from the College are listed, along with the most recent statistics of student community service.