Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Board of Regents approves UNI's budget plan
Krueger--Jeffrey Allen (Student--2009)
Governor Chet Culver's ten per cent across the board budget cut trickled down to a UNI share of $8.9 million dollars. A $100 surcharge on tuition for spring, days off without pay, and reducing retirement contributions have been approved; photo.
2 Hate crime protection for LGBT community
Kenealy--Stephanie Rose (Student--2009)
President Obama signed a defense bill that included making an assault on anyone based on his or her sexual orientation a federal hate crime; photo.
3 Hearings examine evidence for, against medical marijuana
Krueger--Jeffrey Allen (Student--2009)
Doctors, nurses, patients, advocates, and an Iowa Senator spoke during hearings in favor of the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Hearings were held at the University of Iowa, Mason City, Des Moines, and Council Bluffs; photo.
4 NISG promotes Diversity First Initiative Northern Iowa Student Government met with Cedar Falls city council candidate, filled election commission openings, learned of an upcoming diversity retreat, and approved a resolution on Veteran's Day observance.
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5 News briefs: shorter semesters proposal
Anderson--John David (Student--2008)
A proposal by Professor Susan Hill to shorten semesters to fourteen weeks was voted not to be docketed by the Faculty Senate.
6 News Briefs: International Education Week
Jensen--Brice Tyler (Student--2009)
Study Abroad program sponsors International Education Week during November.
7 News Briefs: Panther SafeRide
Anderson--John David (Student--2008)
Ridership on the Panther shuttle has increased fifty-two per cent over a year ago. Increase seen as showing the value of the program.
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8 Panther Portraits: Bartlett Halloween Party
Sagner--Bryce Aaron (Student--2009)
Scenes from Halloween party; photo.
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9 Commercial kitchen convenience
Showalter--John David (Student--2009)
Food waste in residence dining centers described as callous and inefficient; photo.
10 Quiet study places
French--Larissa A. (Student--2007)
Rod Library, Lang Hall, Communication Arts Center, Towers Center, Hemisphere Lounge, and Panera Bread listed as the favorite quiet study places for students. All have plusses and minuses.
11 Save Baker Hall
Shireman--Spencer Chase (Student--2007)
Case made for the preservation of Baker Hall.
12 The atheistic evolution
Hewitt--Lucas James (Student--2009)
Comparison between atheistic thinking of creation and value of life versus that of God's plan.
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13 Good times with Jesus
Krueger--Jeffrey Allen (Student--2009)
Memories of an evening on the Hill with friends and an old professor, who may have been Jesus.
14 Winterhof, a man of integrity
Supports Gary Winterhof in the upcoming Cedar Falls election.
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15 "This Is It" shows a different side of Michael Jackson
Frazier--James Timothy (Student--2006)
Michael Jackson documentary, "This Is It", reviewed.
16 He said, she said: relationship advice
Mitchell--Anthony Patrick (Student--2009)
Relationship problems addressed from the male and female point of view.
17 Panther Pep Crew pumps up UNI fans
Hart--Margaret McCarthy (Student--2009)
A dedicated group of twelve students has been officially recognized this year as the Panther Pep Crew. Their funding is a pair of purple and gold overalls; photo.
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18 Maucker Union turns 40
Anderson--John David (Student--2008)
Maucker Union was rededicated during the fortieth anniversary of the building; photo.
19 Student Voices
Moore--Emily Janelle (Student--2009)
Responses to the question; What do you think of students who text during class?
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20 A look at the future
Weber--Braydn Lee (Student--2008)
Freshman Marc Sonnen makes a positive impression during the Upper Iowa basketball game; photo.
21 Volleyball treats itself to sweeps of Bradley and SDSU
Walters--Casey Beaudean (Student--2008)
Volleyball team defeats Bradley and South Dakota State University, three games to none; photo.
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22 Program for undergraduates thinking about graduate school The ins and outs of applying for graduate school will be presented in the Maucker Union Ballroom. The Minority Graduate Student Association and the Honors Student Advisory Board are co-sponsors.