Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 NISG analyzes UNI's budget situation
Bardsley--Laura Lee (Student--2008)
Budget cuts and proposed changes in the liberal arts core are topics to be discussed during town hall meetings sponsored by Northern Iowa Student Government; photo.
2 NISG supports Veterans Day
Zidon--Rachel Margaret (Student--2008)
Northern Iowa Student Government showed support and respect for those who have served or are serving in the Armed Forces by passing a resolution of support in honor of Veterans Day; photo.
3 Students' grades go up , effort goes down
Anderson--John David (Student--2008)
Grade inflation cited as having a negative effect on student motivation and is one of many symptoms of a decline in academic rigor; photo.
4 University of Northern Iowa provides spring schedule packet online only
Jensen--Brice Tyler (Student--2009)
The well known class schedule books are no longer available. In the continuing effort toward sustainability, the class schedule book is now online. This move will save money and be more efficient; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
5 Price Lab School seeks unpaid tuition fees
Bardsley--Laura Lee (Student--2008)
Unpaid tuition at Lab School totaling $250,000 discovered during audit; $95,000 of this total will not be sought due to uncertain legal standing The remaining $155,000 will be sought for payment; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
6 Northern Iowa Student Government hosts town hall meetings to communicate with students
Anderson--John David (Student--2008)
Members of the UNI administration will attend town hall meetings to answer student questions. The current budget situation, a one hundred dollar surcharge, and proposed tuition increase will be discussed.
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# Article Article Summary
7 Fire safety right to know regulations for colleges
O'Loughlin--Emily (Student--2008)
United States Department of Education requires annual reports about fire safety and fire safety features in residence halls. Sprinkler systems, fire alarms, and tornado alarms are included; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
8 Mental health in the U. S.
Fagle--Tess Ann (Student--2009)
The newly passed Affordable Health Care for America Act allows mental health care coverage. Mental illness accounts for fifteen per cent of disease burdens in the U. S.; photo.
9 The Maine problem with gay marriages
Derringer--Cory James (Student--2009)
Gay marriage became illegal in Maine due to a popular vote. Many Christians believe that they are upholding God's commands by voting against gay marriage; believes Bible does not command respect for sanctity of marriage
10 What we want to see during budget cuts
French--Larissa A. (Student--2007)
Budget cuts should include a transparent process, student input, efficient use of funds, and consideration of all costs involved with a program. Students need to contact the President, Provost, and student government.
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# Article Article Summary
11 AmmUNIition opportunity
Bohlke--Laura Catherine (Student--2009)
Announcement of a show choir organization; newly formed on campus. Auditions will be held soon. Forty to sixty members are sought.
12 CEO bonuses and salaries
Uhlenkamp--Jessica Ann (Student--2009)
Huge salaries and bonuses questioned for corporate executives. Are these employees worth all this money? Government involvement in setting an employee's worth to the company is of concern.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Course offered in preparation for the Dalai Lama
Wilson--Kalli Jean (Student--2009)
Spring 2010 course offering entitled, "The Dalai Lama: A Sacred Tradition and a Political Institution" is open to the general public, faculty, and students; photo.
14 No Shame Theatre allows students to freely perform poetry, skits and music
Kintzel--Scott Elliott (Student--2009)
Friday evenings at 10:00 pm, a group meets to perform original acts. Acts must be less than five minutes in length and not be dangerous. This is the twenty-third year for the theatre; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Strayer-Wood Theatre presentation of "Marat/Sade" pushes the boundaries
Anderson--John David (Student--2008)
Presentation is a play within a play. Real star of the show is guest costume designer, Cat Chow. Sounds of the insane members of the mob made Marat's speeches difficult to understand.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Student Voices
Moore--Emily Janelle (Student--2009)
Responses to what is your favorite movie; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Brad's Sports Blurb
Eilers--Bradley David (Student--2008)
Bowl Championship Series combines six computer rankings, the Harris Poll, USA Today Poll. A better solution would be a playoff system to determine the national champion.
18 Panthers closing in on conference title
Walters--Casey Beaudean (Student--2008)
Volleyball team has the longest winning streak since 2000 with twenty-two straight wins. Defeats Illinois State and Indiana State, 3-0; photo.
19 Panthers defeat Penguins, 28-7 Football team defeats Youngstown State. Improves record to 4-2 in the conference and 6-3 overall.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Panther legend returns home
Kintzel--Scott Elliott (Student--2009)
Eldon Miller, former Panther men's basketball coach, returned as his son's assistant for a game. Eldon and his wife were honored for their dedication not only to basketball, but to the McLeod Center as well; photo.