Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Two UNI colleges to merge this week
Findley--Blake Thurston (Student--2010)
The College of Natural Sciences and the College of Humanities and Fine Arts will join to create the College of Humanities, Arts, and Sciences on July 1, 2011. Joel Haack will serve as Dean; photo.
2 Updates coming to UNI pedestrian bridge
Braumann--Kari Sue (Student--2009)
The walking bridge over Hudson Road becomes very slippery when wet or following the clearing of snow. Several safety concerns will be addressed. Resurfacing will be the first step prior to a planned refurbishing next year.
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3 Panther Portraits: Student Organization Fair
Firman--Tehrene Victoria (Student--2010)
Parents and students attending summer orientation have the opportunity to learn about the numerous student organizations available on campus; photo.
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4 New York's historical vote
Poll--Brandon Allen (Student--2011)
Believes that the passage of a bill to legalize same-sex marriage in New York is a positive step forward for the country. New York is the largest state to offer same-sex marriages; photo.
5 The College World Series just isn't the same at TD Ameritrade Park
Eilers--Bradley David (Student--2008)
Reports are that the "new stadium" is more like a major league park and has lost some of the feel for the college game. Corporate tents have replaced the food and clothing vendors outside of Rosenblatt; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
6 Corrections The life-size wigwam, referred to in the June 24, 2011 edition is a replica, built by UNI Museums and the Hartman Reserve staff.