Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 UNI faces possible fines for crime reporting violations
Koolbeck--Alex Elizabeth (Student--2010)
Department of Education audits discover errors in reporting crime statistics, failure to distribute the Campus Security Report, insufficient information regarding timely warnings and sexual assault policy; photo.
2 UNI finalizes budget for fiscal year 2012
Braumann--Kari Sue (Student--2009)
UNI remains committed to providing an affordable high-quality educational experience following another budget cut; totaling $4.3 million dollars. The university budget has been cut twenty four percent in the past four years.
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# Article Article Summary
3 UNI receives Environmental Excellence Award
Koolbeck--Alex Elizabeth (Student--2010)
UNI has taken an active role in practicing sustainable stewardship of our primarily urban campus. Controlled drainage of Dry Run Creek, the installation of rain gardens, and the introduction of native plant species are helpful; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
4 Bringing in new students with style
Findley--Blake Thurston (Student--2010)
Summer Orientation Staff share their passion for UNI, while helping incoming freshmen and transfer students transition into college life. Guiding the students and answering questions fills the day.
5 Construction hits campus
Koolbeck--Alex Elizabeth (Student--2010)
Each summer construction projects appear on campus. This summer there are many projects that are smaller in nature; photo.