Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 New building hours create conflict for music majors
Findley--Blake Thurston (Student--2010)
Practice time for music majors must be adjusted due to the closure of buildings at 2:00AM. Student and building safety were cited as the reason for the changes. Buildings are open and monitored for 116 hours per week.
2 Record analyst process changed to two-week period
Findley--Blake Thurston (Student--2010)
Checking to see if a student has enough hours to graduate used to be by appointment. This year a two week open house is being tried. Some students have had disappointing experiences with the experiment; photo.
3 We, the 99 percent
Maddix--Nicholas Scott (Student--2010)
The Occupy Movement plans to elect two delegates from each of the congressional districts. Delegates will convene in Philadelphia on July 4, 2012, to vote on a list of demands; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
4 I Spy at UNI
Baker--Brandon Lee (Student--2011)
Mystery photo of the week. Gayle Nelson won last week's contest; identifying the horse statue near the Curris Business Building; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
5 A crucial benefit from Occupy Wall Street
Krob--Nicholas Joseph (Student--2008)
Occupy Wall Street movement has brought to center stage the gross overpayment of CEOs in our capitalist society. The average CEO salary in 2010 was $9 million. The money gap in our society is widening.
6 Hatin' on sitcoms
Mitchell--Anthony Patrick (Student--2009)
Today's generation seems to identify with the characters in present day sitcoms such as "Big Bang Theory" and "Two and a Half Men". The poor dialogue and ridiculous setups seem to click in their brains.
7 NISG A snake biting its own tail
Eilers--Bradley David (Student--2008)
The debate on proposed tuition increases in the Northern Iowa Student Government senate resulted in an undesirable final resolution. Senators expressed the opinion that their input did not matter to the Board of Regents. Amendments were not debated.
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# Article Article Summary
8 Those pesky evergreens
Sumpter--Gloria Jean (Grad Assistant--2011)
Compares people's traits to trees. Evergreens are those who are unwilling to change or be influenced by outside forces. There are many ideas, cultures, and backgrounds to discover, if we were people who could change with the seasons.
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# Article Article Summary
9 'The Three Musketeers' not historically accurate, but definitely entertaining
Heyer--Emily Nicole (Student--2010)
"The Three Musketeers" movie reviewed; photo.
11 Ninja Study Club teaches students how to study to educational success
Davis--Caroline Julia (Student--2011)
Originally formed to talk about the common read for Cornerstone, the group has expanded to discuss common issues with college studies. Anyone is welcome to attend a meeting and determine if it is for them.
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# Article Article Summary
10 Halloween Drag-a-Ganza
Firman--Tehrene Victoria (Student--2010)
UNI Proud held its first Halloween Drag-a-Ganza. The group has nearly 130 members. The group is open to anyone, including straight allies.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Hitchcock thrills at Oster Regent Theatre
Tjossem--Kirsten Ruth (Student--2011)
Oster Regent Theatre is returning to its roots. The third Alfred Hitchcock film to be shown is "The Man Who Knew Too Much". The movie shows at 2:00pm on October 30, 2011; photo.
13 Montover wins pumpkin carving contest Winner receives a $15 gift certificate from Jimmy John's; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
14 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' will allow crowd to get involved in the action
Terry--Elissa Danielle (Student--2011)
Theta Alpha Phi will offer a one-night free showing. A lot of full singing, dancing, and participation activities are expected. Many will dress for the occasion.
15 No Shame Theatre provides new, unusual and uncensored fun
Kennedy--Megan Gibson (Student--2011)
The Theatre's relaxed atmosphere has only three rules; 100 per cent original, less than five minutes long, and harmless to the performance space and occupants; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
16 UNI travels to Fargo with first place on the line
Eilers--Bradley David (Student--2008)
Football team, ranked no. 2 in the nation, will face North Dakota State, ranked no. 3 in the nation. Both teams feature strong defenses and ball control offenses. It should be a great game; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Can Theo Epstein reverse the curse in Chicago?
Bemis--Jacob Harry (Student--2011)
Theo Epstein turned around the Boston Red Sox. He has been hired to do the same thing for the Chicago Cubs. The Cubs will bring a new and perhaps more difficult challenge to Epstein.
18 NI Archives
Poll--Brandon Allen (Student--2011)
A look back at the NI on October 27, 1967. A highlight was female students with at least sophomore standing and parental permission had a no hours policy. Freshman had to be in the dorms by 1:00am. Dorm contracts were for a semester; photo.
19 Women's rugby team suffers first defeat of season
Severin--Taylor James (Student--2011)
Eastern Illinois is the only Division I varsity rugby team in the nation. They defeated the Panthers 25-5. It was a non conference game, but the loss still hurt the team. A final game remains against UW-Milwaukee; photo.