Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 College of Education refocuses mission
Findley--Blake Thurston (Student--2010)
A new mission statement is meant to sum up the primary goals of the college: leadership, transformation, service, engagement, and diversity; photo.
2 Infinite access to UNI email now available
Peterson--Caitlin Anne (Student--2011)
Those who graduated in December 2010 or later will be allowed to keep their present university E-mail address. This is due to the lower cost of the new Gmail system.
3 Occupy movement continues with protest on Main Street
Zidon--Rachel Margaret (Student--2008)
People are still engaged in the Occupy movement. A letter will be delivered to the CEO of Wells Fargo Bank at the Cedar Falls office during a gathering of Occupy followers today; photo.
Peterson--Caitlin Anne (Student--2011)
UNI Wi-Fi system is now complete in all residence halls, except Bartlett. Bartlett Hall is due for renovation. Student reaction is positive; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
5 I Spy at UNI
Baker--Brandon Lee (Student--2011)
Staff, faculty, and students challenged to identify the "mystery photo". Stephanie Wessels identified the previous photo as being in a Baker Hall stairway; photo.
6 News in photos: Miss Iowa visits SAE blood drive
Anderson--John David (Student--2008)
Photos from the SAE annual blood drive held in the Commons Ballroom; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
7 What I learned from Rick Santorum
Greubel--Greg Harold (Student--2008)
Rick Santorum stated that in every society, marriage has always been defined as between a man and a woman; writer believes Mr. Santorum is entitled to his opinion, but urges students to visit with those of differing views; photo.
8 What would Linus say?
Early--Thomas Michael (Student--2011)
Members of the university community encouraged to remember the "real meaning" of Christmas and not focus on the commercialism that has taken over the holidays. Spend time with family and friends; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Personal Wellness
Whisler--Kenneth Gary (Student--2011)
Writer believes, after health classes in grade school and high school, that perhaps this class could be classified as over kill.
10 Personal Wellness
Walton--Thomas Nathaniel (Student--2009)
Sees value in the program.
11 Personal Wellness
Woody--Dustin D. (Student--2010)
Student requests more varieties of courses in a wellness program. This would result in reduced class size and more one-on-one contact with the instructors.
12 The death of something bad
Jones--Wesley Patrick (Student--2011)
Just say no to personal wellness classes as they are now offered. Need to add/require a physically active fitness class instead of just a lecture. If student input is given, it would be a resounding no to this class offering.
13 We don't need no education
Konrardy--Nathan Arnold (Student--2011)
Challenges present system of education. The process of cramming for exams and simply restating the material needs to be replaced with actual learning that uses critical thinking and creativity.
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# Article Article Summary
14 He said, she said
Mitchell--Anthony Patrick (Student--2009)
Dating and relationship questions answered from the male and female perspective; photo.
15 Soon to be Bachelor of Fine Arts grads able to show off hard work
Hottle--Olivia Grace (Student--2011)
Group art exhibition is open to the public. The art shown is the work of students nearing graduation. Time, sweat, and serious contemplation have gone into the projects.
16 Students gather for hope and chocolate
Phillips--Whitney Lea (Student--2011)
Lutheran Student Center was the site of the annual Hope and Hot Chocolate event. Students gathered for hot chocolate, snacks, conversation, and friendship; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
17 'tis the season of holiday giving
Firman--Tehrene Victoria (Student--2010)
Opportunities for sharing with those in need during the Christmas season; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Buy local and groove local to Lick It Ticket debut album
Phillips--Whitney Lea (Student--2011)
New group releases first album. Group made up of UNI music entertainers; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Hawkeye and Cyclone fans, I'm talking to you
Eilers--Bradley David (Student--2008)
Comparisons of athletics budgets among Iowa, Iowa State, and UNI show that Iowa spends seven times and Iowa State spends four times more than UNI on athletics in a year's time. It is time for UNI to get some respect.
20 UNI hammers in-state rival Iowa 80-60 in front of a packed house
Eilers--Bradley David (Student--2008)
Panther men's basketball team took advantage of technical fouls and a mental melt down by the Iowa Hawkeyes. Scoring and effort from the bench were fantastic; photo.
21 UNI prepares for quarterfinal matchup with Montana
Eilers--Bradley David (Student--2008)
Football team travels to Missoula, Montana, for the next step in the FCS playoff system. The game will be televised on ESPN. Montana has a 10-2 record and is playing at a high level; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Suh won't learn at any cost
Acton--Brennan Patrick (Student--2011)
Ndamukong Suh of the Detroit Lions has been fined for rule breaking several times this year. It seems doubtful that he will learn his lesson; photo.