Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Campanile illuminated for autism awareness
Keiser--Erin Rose (Student--2012)
In honor of National Autism Awareness Month, the UNI chapter of Alpha Xi Delta arranged to have the Campanile lit up with blue lights each night during April; photo.
2 Hansen's brings farm-fresh dairy to UNI dining
Ta--Linh Mai (Student--2011)
Hansen's Dairy Farm is responsible for supplying dairy items for Chats and Prexy's in Maucker Union. Hansen's Dairy Farm is a family-owned business that is located in Hudson, Iowa; photo.
3 Pipe bomb found in Cedar Falls
Ta--Linh Mai (Student--2011)
One day after the Boston Marathon attack, employees of the city of Cedar Falls found a pipe bomb in a storm drain in a residential area in Cedar Falls. The Cedar Falls police department, along with the Waterloo bomb squad, secured the scene.
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# Article Article Summary
4 April 10 senate meeting disappointing
Spoerl--Anthony J. (Student--2013)
Says that the April 10 NISG meeting was very upsetting because two qualified individuals were denied positions as executive directors. Beth Monnier and Elijah Seay were questioned in an unprofessional way. It was not fair, nor welcomed.
5 Just break up already!
Pope--David William (Student--2012)
Says that in relationships, whether they be romantic or otherwise, sometimes it is necessary to let go. Some relationships are not meant to last. Pretending everything is fine hurts the relationship more. Just breaking up may be the best option.
6 Paired kidney exchanges save lives
Baxter--Brittney (Student--2007)
Thanks Beth Monnier for writing about paired kidney exchanges in the April 9, 2013 issue. The author's mother received a kidney through a paired exchange. More people should decide to become organ donors and help save lives.
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# Article Article Summary
7 He said, she said: relationship advice
Mitchell--Anthony Patrick (Student--2009)
Both columnist answer the question "How much contact is too much contact during the flirting stage of a potential relationship? How do I know when I've crossed the line from flirty to annoying?"
8 UNI speech team places 10th in nation for 2nd consecutive year
Tjossem--Kirsten Ruth (Student--2011)
The UNI speech team placed 10th at the American Forensics Association - National Individual Events Tournament for the second year in a row. The seniors on the team will go on to compete at the National Forensic Association National Tournament.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Fun and discounts put the 'O' in WOW
Tjossem--Kirsten Ruth (Student--2011)
Women's Outrageous Weekend, or WOW, will be help on April 26 and 27 on Main Street. The event will include free makeovers.
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# Article Article Summary
10 More names mean more revenue
Dengler--Sean Henry (Student--2013)
Says it is highly essential for UNI athletics to gain revenue. The best way to do that is to sell the naming rights to the UNI-Dome, McLeod Center, and on jerseys in each sport.
11 UNI softball game vs. Bradley postponed
Bemis--Jacob Harry (Student--2011)
For the third time this season, the softball team has had to cancel a regular-season matchup due to mother nature. Their next game will be against Indiana State University.
12 UNI women's golf team takes 2nd in Creighton Classic matchup
Miller--Alex Christopher (Student--2011)
The women's golf team claimed 2nd place at the Creighton Classic. Four UNI women place in the top 20 in the tournament; photo.