Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Early satellite voting for UNI
Keiser--Erin Rose (Student--2012)
Student attending UNI are able to take part in early voting at the Maucker Union; photo
2 Pete Lee-ving in the moment
Noble--Cassidy (Student--2014)
Comedian Pete lee guest lectured to students and faculty in the Commons Ballroom; photo.
Scanned Newspaper Page
# Article Article Summary
3 Student voices; Do you think the "It's On Us" campaign will help change the way UNI deals with assault cases?
Wagner--Amanda (Student--2014)
Students respond to the question "Will the It's On Us campaign work?"; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
4 For scientifically illiterate America
Irving--Brett David (Student--2014)
Student Brett Irving shares his opinion on how those who are scientifically illiterate are holding the country back and stopping the United States from being at its full potential; photo.
5 Letter from the editor
Keiser--Erin Rose (Student--2012)
Amber Rouse, Executive Editor of the Northern Iowan, urges students to ignore the Yik-Yak posts that have been causing so much controversy and to not fuel the hate and make things worse; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
6 Letter to the editor Gabbi DeWitt of the Pink Ribbon Run Committee writes to the Northern Iowan thanking Gamma Phi Beta and the Student Alumni Ambassadors for their help with the Pink Ribbon Run; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
7 Charitable Chili
Hillyer--Dylan (Student--2014)
UNI 4 Kids is hosting a chili cook-off in order to raise money for charity.
8 Gritty film drives the horrors of war
Rouse--Joshua Daniel-Nelson (Student--2014)
Film Critic Joshua Rouse reviews the movie "Fury"
9 We're getting nerdy with Ernie
Wolfe--Parker Joseph (Student--2013)
Students gathered in the Lang Auditorium to listen to Ernie Cline discuss his book "Ready Player One"; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
10 Fantasy football hot or not: week 8
Ubben--Riley Paul (Student--2012)
Riley Ubben discusses picks for fantasy football; photo.
11 Getting students involved in halftime
Dengler--Sean Henry (Student--2013)
Student Sean Dengler believes that students should be more involved during the halftime shows at sporting events and lists a few ways this could be achieved; photo.
12 Previewing the 2014-15 UNI men's basketball season
Tjepkes--Brandon (Student 2014)
Student Brandon Tjepkes offers a sneak peek into how he thinks the 2014-15 basketball season will turn out; photo.