Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Quarantine concerns prompt classroom shifts
Kelsey--Elizabeth (Class of 2021), Crow--Catherine (Student--2020)
Classrooms change their locations and arrangements with growing COVID-19 concerns, with an emphasis on students sitting six feet apart to reduce the frequency of quarantining; photos.
2 The show must go on for Ochesis
McGuill--Lauren (Student--2019), Fortmann--Toni (Class of 2022)
The Orchesis Dance Company hosts its annual gala, adjusting for COVID-19 protocols; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
3 LTE: Advocate for global poverty
Iradukunda--Nicole (Student--2020)
Nicole Iradukunda urges readers to contact Iowa politicians to advocate for action against global poverty.
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# Article Article Summary
4 Goedken: Menstruation is not a choice
Goedken--Dani (Student--2020)
Dani Goedken argues that UNI isn't doing enough to supply menstrual products to the student body; photo.
5 Montgomery: Don't treat life as a big picture
Montgomery--Tyler (Student--2020)
Tyler Montgomery writes a piece about personal memory and its importance.
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# Article Article Summary
6 Former Campus Life Editor gets married
Lawrence--Kayla (Student--2020)
Former Campus Life editor for the Northern Iowan Sofia Legaspi gets married; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
7 "Tenet": an incomprehensible spectacle
Friesen--Hunter (Class of 2022)
Hunter Friesen writes a film review about the movie "Tenet," 3.5/5; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
8 Athletes need to do more to see desired change
Horning--Colin (Class of 2022)
Colin Horning writes an opinion piece about protest demonstrations for civil rights in sports; photos.
9 Panther profile: Patriots' Xavier Williams
Schindler--Nicholas (Student--2020)
A profile of Xavier Williams, UNI alumni, now-NFL champion; photo.