A Century of Leadership and Service

1990 Publication
Page Article Article Summary
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Professor Lang credits those who helped him in the research and writing of the centennial history.
Professor Herbst recommends the publication of the centennial history to President Curris.
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Professor Lang describes the circumstances of the writing of the centennial history; outlines aims of book.
1 The setting
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Political and economic background in Iowa; orphans home movement; photo.
7 Gestation and birth
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
General educational background in Iowa prior to the founding of the Normal School; description of General Assembly actions which resulted in the founding of the school; initial actions of Board of Directors; photo.
27 Getting started
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
A look at the earliest days of the Normal School; description of living conditions; photo.
30 The first faculty
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Biographical sketches of Principal Gilchrist and Professors Bartlett, Wright, and Webster; photo.
37 The quest for adequate financial support Early changes in faculty; General Assembly actions affecting the Normal School; the building of the second hall: South Hall, later Old Gilchrist Hall; photo.
52 Student life
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Account of student life, organizations, recreation, discipline, and curriculum in the first ten years of the Normal School; photo.
71 Administering the Normal School
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Duties of the Principal and the Board with regard to appointments and curriculum; continuing difficulties with the Model School; salary controversies; photo.
82 Changing the leadership
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Analysis of the Board's dismissal of Principal Gilchrist and election of Principal Seerley; photo.
90 The principal-elect
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Detailed sketch of Homer Seerley's personal and educational background; photo.
95 The new administration begins its work
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Principal Seerley realigns relations with high schools and colleges; assumes new title of President; photo.
107 Institutional growth and program expansion to 1890
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Enrollment grows; the Board outlines its authority more clearly; difficulties with the Boarding Department and physical facilities; photo.
115 Actions of the General Assembly--1890-1902; finally significant commitment
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Analysis of the struggles to obtain adequate funding for the Normal School; the millage tax; the Auditorium Building dedication; photo.
141 Meeting educational needs, 1890-1902
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Organization of academic departments, military studies, the Training School; expansion of the curriculum; photo.
154 Administering a burgeoning normal school
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Debate over the mission of the Normal School; disparity in salary for women and men; duties of Board; organization of library services; photo.
175 Life in the Normal School community
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
The beginnings of extracurricular activities and groups at UNI including athletics and sports, oratory and debate, music, literary societies, and the Alumni Association; photo.
218 The promise of the twentieth century; the teachers colleges
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
The historical background for the change from normal schools to teachers colleges; photo.
223 The Normal School moves toward collegiate status
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Changes in faculty, development of the curriculum, and new construction financed by the millage levy bring the Normal School to a new level; photo.
237 The General Assembly and the State Normal School 1904 through 1909
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Detailed discussion of the various inquiries, investigations, and responses associated with defining the appropriate role for the Normal School; attempts to form a unified governing board for the three state schools; photo.
255 Institutional growth; transfer of governance to the State Board of Education (1906 through June, 1909)
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Organization of the school into formal departments; Dean of Women Walker develops guidelines for rooming houses; photo.
268 Through troubled times (1909-1920)
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
The unified Board of Education gets organized; faculty and curricular changes; photo.
282 The Board of Education acts to fulfill its mandate
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Board considers proposal to limit Teachers College to a two year curriculum.
295 The Coordination Plan debated and rescinded
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
President Seerley and school supporters attempt to counter the plan to limit the Teachers College to a two year curriculum; they and their political allies manage to defeat the scheme.
318 New and expanded curricula and services (1913 through April, 1917); the Claxton Commission
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
The college expands its services to include extension, rural education, Bible study, student health, and dormitories; a close look at the Claxton Commission Report and the Inside Survey; photo.
348 World War I and the Teachers College; contention in Cedar Falls
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Effects of World War I on the campus, curriculum, and students; detailed look at the student teaching controversy with the Cedar Falls schools.
369 A time of transitions; the "Golden Twenties"
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Survey of the local and national background for the Teachers College in the 1920s; photo.
379 Increased needs during a time of economic stress
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Presidents Seerley's efforts to meet generally austere funding from the General Assembly; photo.
393 Academic and administrative changes; physical expansion
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Survey of changes in curriculum, faculty, and facilities; the Seerley Hall murals; the acquisition of the west forty acres; photo.
420 Celebrating a half century of service
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
The Campanile project; the 50th commencement; services of the college to the state.
428 President Seerley retires; an assessment
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
President Seerley is honored at his retirement in 1928; Professor Lang offers an assessment of his achievement; photo.
436 Continuing common experiences
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
The role of the college in regulating behavior; the influence of religion on students and faculty; photo.
448 Expanded co- and extra-curricular activities
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Survey of activities of literary societies, drama, athletics, Greeks, debate, oratory, and college student publications; photo.
484 Other facets of institutional life
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Brief survey of founding and activities of faculty social organizations.
1995 Publication
Page Article Article Summary
0 Acknowledgments--Volume II
Bridges--Barbara Ann Lang (Class of 1961; Laboratory School Faculty)

Professor Lang.'s daughters thank those who assisted in the preparation of the UNI centennial history.

1 The Depression years
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)

General economic and political background as the college entered the 1930s under new leadership; photo.

6 Latham at the helm
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Biographical sketch of O. R. Latham; his first days on campus; early objectives; photo.
12 Setting new standards for faculty preparation, professorial rank, and retirement
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
President Latham takes initial steps to improve faculty credentials, regularize the system of faculty rank, and define the possibilities for faculty retirement; photo.
17 Institutional evaluation and administrative change
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
The college receives accreditation from the North Central Association; President Latham organizes publicity, research, alumni services, and placement; institution of the Faculty Senate and changes in faculty governance; the role of religion; photo.
28 Accreditation and celebration
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
The Teachers College is recognized and accredited by national organizations; several surveys of the work of the college are undertaken; the college celebrates its 60th anniversary; photo.
37 The fiscal crisis of the Thirties
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
The college faces a difficult financial picture, with a decline in enrollment, salary cuts, and strict economies in operations; photo.
44 Enlarging and beautifying the campus and physical plant
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
President Latham's construction and landscaping programs prosper despite the Depression; photo.
50 Program, personnel, and other changes
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
President Latham determines the appropriate role for extension and consultant service; alters and strengthens curriculum; considers graduate study; student voice anti-war sentiments; photo.
68 Student and faculty life at ISTC
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
History of student publications, debate, drama, music, and athletics during the Latham administration; photo.
90 Student social life
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Brief look at etiquette and Greek organizations in the 1930s; photo.
93 Other facets of college life
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
The May Day Fete; faculty organizations; faculty scholarship; photo.
96 The death of President O. R. Latham
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
President Latham's last days; tributes to his achievements; photo.
101 The Forties
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
National background of the Forties; photo.
103 A new president at the helm
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Biographical sketch of Malcolm Price; President Price's initial views and objectives; photo.
111 The impact of World War II
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
President Price manages the college during the War; effects of the WAVES and the Army Air Corps; the effects of the returning veterans; photo.
132 Curriculum and related matters, 1940-1950
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Detailed coverage of curriculum change, especially the movement to reformulate general education.
145 Financial matters
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Meeting the challenge of post-war inflation; developing the residence hall system; starting the Price Lab School complex; photo.
151 Enrollment and staffing
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Meeting the challenge of post-war enrollment increases; photo.
154 The Educational Policies Commission
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
The foundation and role of the EPC; its early work; its relationship with college administrators; photo.
158 The development of a retirement policy
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
The college begins participation in the TIAA plan; photo.
159 The political candidates issue
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
The Board of Education changes its rules and permits political candidates to speak on campus.
160 President Price's goal for the Iowa State Teachers College
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
President Price believes that teacher education is still the appropriate role for the college.
163 Radio and television at Iowa State Teachers College
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
The beginnings of radio and television at the college, including the controversy with KXEL.
165 Student and faculty life at the Teachers College in the Forties
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Recreation, speech, debate, and drama during the 1940s; photo.
169 President Price resigns; an assessment
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Tributes to President Price's achievements; photo.
173 Times of growth and change
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
General historical, political, cultural, and educational background for the beginning of President Maucker's administration.
177 The new president at the helm
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Biographical sketch of President Maucker; early views and objectives; photo.
182 The Strayer Report
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
A summary of the report which called for greater support of higher education in general, and recommended graduate study at the Teachers College.
185 Graduate work at the Teachers College
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
The College establishes the framework for graduate study; photo.
189 Efforts to evaluate and improve the teaching-learning process
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
The college studies the effectiveness of its teaching; cooperation with other institutions; photo.
193 Major curriculum changes
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
President Maucker attempts to include a greater exposure to international views into the curriculum with conferences and expanded foreign language and culture courses; photo.
201 Administrative reorganization
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
President Maucker seeks to resolve matters of faculty governance and authority; organizes and establishes administrative lines for units in Division of Field Services.
202 Seeking to solve the state teacher shortage
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Attempts by the college to recruit prospective teachers; photo.
205 Colloquia on teacher education
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
The college holds colloquia for school superintendents.
206 The impact of McCarthyism
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
The college faces challenges in teaching the Communist Manifesto, loyalty oaths, and charges of subversion on its own staff.
212 The evolution of the institution
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Establishing the PDL system; defeat of an honor system; the theft and cheating ring; coordination with the other Regents universities; the change from ISTC to SCI and then to UNI; the organization of the colleges; photo.
234 Other major administrative, service, and curricular changes
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
The college adopts the semester plan to begin in summer, 1957; changes in student teaching supervision include resumption of work in Cedar Falls schools; institution of honors program and work with provisional students; photo.
249 Unrest and adjustment
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
National background of the 1960s; photo.
255 Minority group relations at SCI/UNI
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)

Detailed account of attempts by the UNI administration to recruit and relate to African-American students; photo.

278 General activism and unrest on and off campus
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
President Maucker attempts to work with students to deal with civil rights and discrimination concerns; students stage march in Cedar Falls; photo.
282 The Hoffmans affair
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Detailed account of the controversy surrounding Mr. Hoffmans and his protests against the Viet Nam War and the draft; photo.
294 Continued protest and concern on and off campus
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Students organize and protest; some legislators demand order on campus; photo.
299 The Childress affair and its implication for academic freedom
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Detailed account of the assignment in which Mr. Childress used taboo words and the public reaction to the assignment.
302 The image of UNI 1969-1970
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
The effects of campus events on the public perception of UNI.
304 Enrollment: the "explosion" in the Sixties
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
the factors which led to the extraordinary growth in enrollment in the 1960s; the effects of the growth on campus facilities and services; photo.
309 Staffing
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
The difficulties in recruiting and retaining highly-qualified faculty in the 1950s and 1960s; photo.
311 Administrative changes and departmental reorganization
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Detailed look at the break-up of the old, large departments into smaller, more discrete units; list of those who headed the old and new departments; photo.
317 Faculty affairs
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
A look at salary schedules, fringe benefits, faculty loads, faculty governance, and faculty organizations in the 1950s and 1960s; photo.
323 Non-academic staff
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
The growth of various categories of UNI employment; Physical Plant employees organize; institution of the Merit System; photo.
325 Seeking to meet the institution's financial needs
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
UNI's relations with the General Assembly; rising costs for students and increased financial aid; the university begins to seek federal grants for various programs; photo.
333 Capital improvements, 1950-1970
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
A survey of new and renovated classroom, administrative, dormitory, and service buildings; new art on campus; the Lechay painting; the NAR; photo.
354 Controversial speakers program
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
A survey of the speakers who came to campus under this program; the reaction to the speakers; photo.
357 Legislative study committee
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
A committee of legislators visits campus and makes recommendations related to curtailing expenditures.
359 Services extending beyond the campus: Extension Service; Continuing Education; the church; the UNI Foundation
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Extension services designed to meet needs of growing enrollment; efforts in radio and television; a brief history of the last years of the CHIC; early efforts of the UNI Foundation; photo.
367 The climactic end of the Sixties
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
The close of the spring semester, 1970; reaction to the fighting in Cambodia; arrangements for ending the semester.
371 The resignation of President Maucker: the end of an era
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
President Maucker moves toward a decision to resign; tributes to his achievements; photo.
379 President's background and experience
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Biographical sketch of President Kamerick; initial goals and challenges; photo.
385 Regents' policies on campus disturbances
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
The Regents and President Kamerick establish procedures for dealing with campus disorder.
387 Teaching load hassle--1970
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Senator Messerly and Representative Grassley study the workload of UNI faculty; photo.
389 Financial concerns, 1970-1976
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
UNI administrators battle in the General Assembly and with the Regents for adequate funds; questions about the future of the Laboratory School.
407 Changes in the administrative structure, staff, and procedures
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
President Kamerick sets up divisions under vice presidents; Provost Martin engages in debate over tenure and promotion standards; photo.
415 The faculty adopts a constitution
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Detailed account of the negotiations among faculty, administration, and the Regents over the proposed faculty constitution; photo.
428 Collective bargaining
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Detailed account of legal actions and negotiations leading to the election of a faculty bargaining agent; photo.
441 UNI seeks to implement its mission
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
UNI attempts to expand its curriculum on undergraduate and graduate levels; photo.
453 Capital and other physical improvements
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Brief review of construction during the early 1970s including the Education Center, UNI-CUE, and the ITC; photo.
463 The University of Northern Iowa Foundation launches a capital fund drive
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Detailed account of raising money for the Dome; controversy about funding the Dome before and instead of the fine arts auditorium; early events in the Dome; photo.