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Northern Iowan
1967 02 01
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Article Summary:
Class of 1927.
None specified
Adams--Agnes I. (Class of 1927)
Adams--Leota Edyth (Class of 1921)
Aldinger--Minnie Leblanc (Class of 1927)
Alsip--Minerva (Classes of 1921 and 1927)
Anderson--Gladys Streeter (Class of 1927)
Anderson--Helen Crumley (Class of 1927)
Angersbach--Julia Marie (Class of 1927)
Back--Alice Hancock (Class of 1927)
Backer--Bernita Burns (Class of 1927)
Baker--Esther (Class of 1927)
Balm--Ruth Arvilla (Class of 1927)
Barney--Marjorie Berrier (Class of 1927)
Bedsaul--Grace Lyman Birchard (Class of 1927)
Beistle--Frances E. Livesay (Class of 1927)
Berg--Anna Wherry (Class of 1927)
Blake--Ruth Huizinga (Classes of 1927--1928--and 1929)
Boshak--Vernal A. (Class of 1927)
Brater--George L. (Class of 1927)
Bravick--Sadie Ahlers (Class of 1927)
Brennan--Catherine A. (Class of 1927)
Briar--Marguerite Ryan (Class of 1927)
Bryan--Alice (Class of 1927)
Burgart--Oliva (Class of 1927)
Carson--Dora M. (Class of 1927)
Chaplin--Loretta Lucas (Class of 1927)
Christ--Mayme (Class of 1927)
Clark--Doris (Class of 1927)
Coleman--Willo Wilkinson (Class of 1927)
Collins--Eleanor Simmons (Class of 1927)
Collins--Kathryn A. (Class of 1927)
Collins--Lois B. (Class of 1927)
Cooley--Viola M. Merritt (Class of 1927; Campus School Faculty)
Cooling--Florence J. (Class of 1927)
Criswell--Louise (Class of 1927)
Daskam--Donovan A. (Class of 1927)
De Long--Irene Caviness (Class of 1927)
Dennis--Wayne (Class of 1927)
Dexter--Leora Andersen (Class of 1927)
Dinan--Charlotte M. (Class of 1927)
Dorrell--Francis Cogswell (Class of 1927)
Dwyer--Pearl Azilda White (Class of 1927)
Eberle--Regene Leona (Class of 1927)
Ellingson--Emelia Rund (Class of 1927)
Elliott--Elsie Tharp (Class of 1927)
Emerson--L. Marie (Class of 1927)
Entwisle--Mary Keenan (Class of 1927)
Erichsen--Marie Anna (Class of 1927)
Estey--Ruth W. (Class of 1927)
Fell--Esda Grace (Class of 1927)
Fetterman--Lois (Class of 1927--1930--and 1932)
Field--Idabel (Class of 1927)
Fluhrer--Ivy Prufrock (Class of 1927)
Fordyce--Dorothy Mae (Class of 1925 and 1927)
Francis--Fae Bernadine (Class of 1927)
Free--Lillian Anna (Class of 1927)
Freeman--Ila R. (Class of 1927)
Garton--Alice J. (Class of 1927)
Gause--Mary N. (Class of 1927)
Gillaspy--Carrie C. (Class of 1927)
Gilreath--Margaret Genevieve Vaughn (Class of 1927)
Green--Irma Edith Mitchell (Class of 1927)
Grey--Buelah Fiene (Class of 1927)
Griggs--Myrna Henry (Class of 1927)
Grimes--Jena Baumgardner (Class of 1927)
Gunderson--Viola Chillberg (Class of 1927)
Halpin--Alice M. (Class of 1927)
Halpin--Julia A. (Class of 1927)
Hare--Margaret Mein (Class of 1927)
Haugan--Lillian I. [Class of 1927]
Hawl--Evalyn Streicher (Class of 1927)
Hayden--Opal Shaw (Class of 1927)
Hayes--Erma Faye (Class of 1927)
Herzog--Gladys A. [Class of 1927]
Hiatt--Constance L. [Class of 1927]
Hodsoon--Lowell C. (Class of 1927)
Hooker--Marian J. (Class of 1927)
Horn--Rosa Mae (Class of 1927)
Huesselman--Clarice Huffaker (Class of 1927)
Hunt--Orveita Elmes (Class of 1927)
Johnson--Noemi (Class of 1927)
Johnston--Gladys E. (Class of 1927)
Kelty--Ida Laurena (Class of 1927)
Kern--Dorothy Starboard (Class of 1927)
Kerr--Dorothy Fern (Class of 1927)
Ketelsen--Irma A. (Class of 1927)
Kimball--Grace Hickey (Class of 1927)
Koch--Alma Castel (Class of 1927)
Kroemer--Anna L. (Class of 1927)
Kuech--Norma H. (Class of 1927)
Kutzner--Marjorie E. Hill (Class of 1927)
Leese--Ernestine E. (Class of 1927)
Leonard--Verva Madison (Class of 1927)
Lischer--Florence M. (Class of 1927)
Marsh--Sara Wright (Class of 1927)
Maxwell--Doris A. (class of 1927)
Maynard--Mary Elizabeth (Class of 1927)
McDermott--Nellie (Class of 1927)
McNabb--Winifred Eliza Cushman (Class of 1927)
Meredith--Hazel A. (Class of 1927)
Merrill--Amy A. (Class of 1927)
Miller--Gladys Wright (Class of 1927)
Moe--Agnes O. (Class of 1927)
Moffett--Laura M. (Classes of 1927 and 1932)
Monsen--Helen P. (Class of 1927)
Moore--Kenneth L. (Class of 1927)
Morgan--Irma L. (Class of 1927)
Moynihan--Margaret (Class of 1927)
Nichols--Wanda Harris (Class of 1927)
Norgard--Emma Berthine (Classes of 1918--1927--and 1930)
Oliver--Ruth K. Glazier (Class of 1927)
Olson--Alma Jeannette (Class of 1927)
Orr--Helen Armstrong (Class of 1927)
Orris--Ruth Hultquist (Class of 1927)
Otoole--Kathryn (Class of 1927)
Oyster--Wilma Culver (Class of 1927)
Packer--Ethel (Class of 1927; Campus School Faculty)
Palham--Wilma I. (Class of 1927
Palmer--Arthur S. (Class of 1927)
Palmer--Clarence John (Class of 1923 and 1927)
Parr--Winifred Ellen (Class of 1927)
Paul--Orlie Horning (Class of 1927)
Pennell--Margaret Cooper (Class of 1927)
Pepper--Margaret Berger (Class of 1927)
Peterson--Clara May Barker (Class of 1927)
Peterson--Evald L. (Classes of 1924 and 1927)
Pettit--Donald Dalton (Class of 1927)
Phelan--William E. (Class of 1927)
Platts--Esther (Class of 1927)
Porter--Dorothy Hart (Class of 1927)
Portman--Eileen Collins (Class of 1927)
Powers--Fanchon W. (Class of 1927)
Prusia--Viola M. (Class of 1927)
Ramer--Ernest L. (Class of 1927)
Reupke--Elizabeth C. (Class of 1927)
Roach--Evelyn M. (Class of 1927)
Robbins--Luella (Class of 1927)
Saupe--Lora P. (Classes of 1919 and 1927)
Siddall--Marie G. Edmonds (Class of 1927)
Skinner--Zoa S. Burns (Class of 1927)
Smith--Margaret Rice (Class of 1927)
Smith--Marjorie L. (Class of 1927)
Smith--Rachel Mary Delaney (Class of 1927)
Snyder--Marian F. (Class of 1927)
Stover--Florence (Class of 1927)
Stream--Rhea (Class of 1927)
Strickler--Elsie May Norman (Class of 1927)
Swanson--Belle H. (Class of 1927)
Taylor--Vivian (Class of 1927)
Tellier--L. Frank (Classes of 1927 and 1928)
Thelen--Frances A. (Class of 1927)
Thomas--Thelma Bonita Nicholson (Class of 1927)
Thompson--Louise Burge(Class of 1927)
Vaugh--Irvin A. (Class of 1927)
Voss--Clara Gladys (Class of 1927)
Waterman--Muriel (Class of 1927)
Weber--Myrtle Mae Abele (Class of 1927)
Webster--Dorothy D. (Class of 1927)
Welton--Shirley Redd (Class of 1927)
Wilcox-Eleanor Rea (Class of 1927)
Wild--Elizabeth N. (Class of 1927)
Woods--Monica J. McKane (Class of 1927)
Zaruba--Crystal Childers (Class of 1927)
Issue (click for contents)
Northern Iowan
Wednesday, February 1, 1967
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