IndexUNI: Database of University Articles

Old Gold

Displaying 951 - 1000 of 11772
Title Date Summary
951 Homecoming 1956
Old Gold 0:0, p.75
6/1/1957 Friday's partial cut day, and the bonfire and pep rally at Prexy's Pond set the spirit for an enthusiastic weekend; the variety show provided entertainment for students, alumni, and friends; also, Glenda Wilson was announced Homecoming Queen; photo.
952 Homemakers Broaden Their Field
Old Gold 0:0, p.227
6/1/1957 The Ellen Richards Club, was named after the founder of the field of home economics in the US, Ellen Richards; its goals are to promote home economics, promote leadership and responsibility, and to promote home economics in different angles; photo.
953 Honors Convocation
Old Gold 0:0, p.66
6/1/1957 Students who made outstanding records in both scholarship and extra-curricular participation were recognized; the "Utopian College Community," was spoken by Dr. D. F. Howard, and President J. W. Maucker commended the students on their achievements; photo.
954 IFTA Becomes Professional
Old Gold 0:0, p.232
6/1/1957 Iowa Future Teachers Association holds a banquet every spring for the old and new cabinet; they also assist at the Prospective Teachers Day, and send two delegates to the state conference in February where state officers are elected; photo.
955 Industrial Arts Club Promotes Growth
Old Gold 0:0, p.231
6/1/1957 The Industrial Arts Club provides an informal atmosphere, so members can pursue their interest; this club sponsored the annual Industrial Arts Conference for teachers all over the state in October of 1956; photo.
956 Instruction and Research
Old Gold 0:0, p.36
6/1/1957 Instruction and Research supervises instructional records, the marking procedure, advisory system, admissions and the academic guidance of students; the Registrar's Office and the Library and academic counseling service are also included; photo.
957 Inter-Varsity Welcomes All Students
Old Gold 0:0, p.197
6/1/1957 The Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship is an inter-denominational, student-led group with national and international affiliations; they participated in state-wide retreats, and sponsored a homecoming tea, a spring banquet, and seasonal parties; photo.
958 International Relations Reorganizes
Old Gold 0:0, p.230
6/1/1957 The purpose of the International Relations Club is to stimulate its members with active interest in all world affairs; this year, the club wrote a letter to Prime Minister Nehru of India, which received various responses; photo.
959 Intramurals-The Active Activity
Old Gold 0:0, p.184
6/1/1957 This is a program for students who do not participate in varsity athletics, and who love to participate in athletic activities; individual and team sports are offered year round, and both men and women can join the program; photo.
960 J. W. Maucker, President
Old Gold 0:0, p.30
6/1/1957 President Maucker describes the relationship between the administration and the rest of the college community; he says that by working as a team, they can all greatly enrich their educational experiences; photo.
961 Jazz Concert
Old Gold 0:0, p.82
6/1/1957 Dimensions in jazz No. 8 brought the usual combinations of standard pop tunes in jazz tunes, standard jazz tunes, and above all, original tunes by memebers and former members of Phi Mu Alpha; Dick Martin returned to emcee for the second time; photo.
962 Jeffersonians Speak for Democracy
Old Gold 0:0, p.233
6/1/1957 The Jeffersonian Club stimulates political interest on campus and directs support to the Democratic Party; members of this club have the opportunity for experience in practical politics through cooperation with the Blackhawk Democratic Committee; photo.
963 Kappa Delta Phi Hears Guest Speakers
Old Gold 0:0, p.208
6/1/1957 Kappa Delta Phi is a national honorary fraternity in education open to juniors, seniors, and graduate students; guest speakers included: President J. W. Maucker, Dwight Curtis, Herbert Silvey, Philip Jennings, Daryl Pendergraft, and Marshall Beard; photo.
964 Kappa Mu Epsilon Sees Beauty in Math
Old Gold 0:0, p.209
6/1/1957 The motto of Kappa Mu Epsilon is to develop an appreciation of the beauty of mathematics; they also hold biennial national conventions that are attended by students and regional conventions during alternating years; photo.
965 Kappa Pi Promotes Art Interest
Old Gold 0:0, p.210
6/1/1957 Kappa Pi, a national art fraternity, are known for promoting the work of other students through the exhibits and the national publication SKETCH BOOK, and to stimulate higher scholarship and to recognize potential and professional ability; photo.
966 Kappas Celebrate Golden Anniversary
Old Gold 0:0, p.246
6/1/1957 Kappa Theta Psi sponsored a Homecoming float, rush parties, overnight parties, coke dates, and a Mother's Day dinner; the Kappa Sweetheart dinner, arranged for members and their escorts and took place at Black's Tea was the highlight of the spring; photo.
967 Ki Prima Ki Tops Enrollment
Old Gold 0:0, p.235
6/1/1957 Ki Prima Ki wants to further the student's interests in the teaching area and acquaint them with activities in their chosen vocation; speeches were given by Miss Campbell from the art department and Dr. Ruman, a student teaching co-ordinator; photo.
968 KPBA Takes Interest in Children
Old Gold 0:0, p.234
6/1/1957 Kappa Pi Beta Alpha was founded in 1928; a newsletter is sent to alumni each year, which is written and published by the junior and senior girls; photo.
969 KYTC
Old Gold 0:0, p.147
6/1/1957 KYTC now occupies Annex 41 and is composed of two studios, a control-room, and an office; over one hundred people are on the KYTC personnel staff and they're on the air eighty hours during the week; the station airs from noon until midnight; photo.
970 Lawther Hall
Old Gold 0:0, p.126
6/1/1957 Lawther Hall had various activities that kept the sophomore women busy all year; the sophomore women governed themselves through a house council ran by Miss Hermoine Shantz, and her assistant Miss Avis Evely; photo.
971 Lecture-Concerts
Old Gold 0:0, p.79
6/1/1957 The Dave Brubeck Quartet was the first program of the series; the second series presented the Right Honorable Herbert Morrison; he's one of the most respected members of British Parliament and he lectured on "The Battle for Peace;" photo.
972 Lecture-Concerts
Old Gold 0:0, p.59
6/1/1957 The First Piano Quartet fascinated an audience of TC music lovers; the Ohio Wesleyan University A Cappella Choir made an appearance at TC; the final act of the night consisted of Dr. Polgar's weird and unusual hynotism stunts; photo.
973 Lecture-Concerts
Old Gold 0:0, p.103
6/1/1957 Jan Peerce was the intial artist for the winter Lecture-Concert series; he had appeared with the Metropolitan and San Francisco opera companies before starting on his world-wide tour; the Robert Joffery Theatre Dancers made an appearance as well; photo.
974 Linksmen Finish Third in NCC
Old Gold 0:0, p.182
6/1/1957 The Iowa Teachers golf team received third place in the NCC golf tournament; the Panthers were only a few strokes away from another North Central golf crown; photo.
975 LSA Emphasizes Evangelism
Old Gold 0:0, p.198
6/1/1957 Worship, study, evangelism, and service and recreation are the tasks carried out by the Lutheran Student Association; student-led matins, vesper services, a spring banquet, and the LSA Spiritual Contest are activities that were held; photo.
976 Marching Band
Old Gold 0:0, p.135
6/1/1957 Dr. Karl Holvik was the director of the 92 piece Marching Band; the band was led by DeLoy Davidsen, and the twirlers were: Janice Brown, Judith Hawthorne, Nancy Waite, and Ann Hoium; photo.
977 Marlins Swim Through The Year
Old Gold 0:0, p.236
6/1/1957 The main goal of the Marlins and the "minnows" was to learn synchronized swimming skills and good sportsmanship in the water; the key point of the year was the water show on Mother's Day weekend, showcasing all of the swimmers; photo.
978 Master of Arts
Old Gold 0:0, p.284
6/1/1957 Graduates; photo.
979 Master of Arts
Old Gold 0:0, p.285
6/1/1957 Graduates; photo.
980 Mathematics Club Applies Principles
Old Gold 0:0, p.237
6/1/1957 The Mathematics Club meets once a month and usually has a speaker who is often a professor or a student; in the fall and spring, picnics are held with Kappa Mu Epsilon; photo.
981 Men's Gymnasium
Old Gold 0:0, p.16
6/1/1957 This is one of the first buildings freshmen enter when they arrive at Teachers College and one of the last ones seniors leave before becoming full-fledged teachers; testing, sporting events, and Commencement all take place in this building; photo.
982 Men's Union
Old Gold 0:0, p.111
6/1/1957 Activities this year included a party for the orphanage in Waverly, the style show in connection with the Associated Women Students, and men's intramurals; this year's officers were: Ronald Salmonson, Jerald Torgerson, and Philip Lonning; photo.
983 MENC Develops Interest in Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.238
6/1/1957 The goal of the Music Educators National Conference was to improve music education in the schools of Iowa; panel discussions, a joint meeting with the Wartburg Chapter, and a trip to a regional convention in Omaha were the activities this year; photo.
984 Methodist Groups Train Christian Youth
Old Gold 0:0, p.200
6/1/1957 The Methodist Church on campus is Wesley Foundation; one of the divisions is Kappa Phi, which is a national religious organization open to all Methodist women, and the other is Sigma Theta Epsilion, a similar organization for Methodist men; photo.
985 Mother's Day
Old Gold 0:0, p.63
6/1/1957 Mary Ruth Culbert notified her mother, Mrs. A. J. Culbert that she had been chosen as TC's Mother of the Day; weekend activities included registration, teas, "Fantasy Land," and a Sunday chapel service; photo.
986 Netman Finish Second in Conference
Old Gold 0:0, p.180
6/1/1957 Coach Bill Koll's netmen had two wins and four losses, and they finished second in the NCC tennis meet, one point behind North Dakota State; sophomore Bill Kibbie won the NCC singles crown for Iowa Teachers College; photo.
987 Nu Sigma Phi Sends Round Robin
Old Gold 0:0, p.247
6/1/1957 Nu Sigma Phi was founded in 1896; overnights, secret sister week, bowling parties, theater parties, coke dates, a spring dinner dance, and a Mother's Day dinner took place; for three years they've received the Intersorority Scholarship Award; photo.
Old Gold 0:0, p.139
6/1/1957 A new printing process was used and a full-color picture, as well as a full-color cover, was added; the spring of 1956 was a year of deadlines, headlines, and headaches, but it proved to be a successful year; photo.
989 OLD GOLD Dance
Old Gold 0:0, p.101
6/1/1957 "Royalty in Rhythm" was the theme; in the center of attention were Naomi Harold, the first OLD GOLD Queen, and her attendants, and the OLD GOLD popularity winners; music was supplied by the Del Clayton orchestra; photo.
990 OLD GOLD Election
Old Gold 0:0, p.91
6/1/1957 Naomi Harold, Jan Adamson, Jeannie Bricker, and Nancy Peterson were selected as the top four OLD GOLD beauties; Roberta Kenny, Glenda Wilson, Sonny Tgiros, and Toby Robinson were chosen as the most popular students; photo.
991 OLD GOLD Pageant
Old Gold 0:0, p.84
6/1/1957 Eighty gorgeous TC coeds paraded in review before a panel of eight judges to determine the top fifteen campus beauties; the fifteen girls chosen, then vied for a place as one of the four OLD GOLD beauties; photo.
992 OLD GOLD Popularity
Old Gold 0:0, p.92
6/1/1957 This is a photo of Frank "Toby" Robinson; he was sponsored by the "I" Club; photo.
993 OLD GOLD Popularity
Old Gold 0:0, p.93
6/1/1957 This is a photo of Roberta "Bobby" Kenny; she was sponsored by Delta Delta Phi and Chimes; photo.
994 OLD GOLD Popularity
Old Gold 0:0, p.94
6/1/1957 This is a photo of Glenda Wilson; she was sponsored by the Wesley Foundation; photo.
995 OLD GOLD Popularity
Old Gold 0:0, p.95
6/1/1957 This is a photo of Constantine "Sonny" Tgiros; he was sponsored by Sigma Tau Gamma; photo.
996 OLD GOLD Queen
Old Gold 0:0, p.96
6/1/1957 Miss Naomi Harold was crowned OLD GOLD Queen; photo.
997 Orchesis Develops Creativity
Old Gold 0:0, p.239
6/1/1957 Orchesis is a group based on modern dance techniques and choreography; individuals and small groups performed during intermissions of formals and informal college dances, and did a few selections in one of the Waterloo Symphony Orchestra concerts; photo.
998 Orientation
Old Gold 0:0, p.70
6/1/1957 Placement tests, picnics, registration, meetings and mixers swept the freshman and transfer students along at a rapid pace; the Commons Open House was added to Orientation Week; the Newcomer's Variety Show had all seats reserved for the first time; photo.
999 Panthers Capture Conference Crown
Old Gold 0:0, p.177
6/1/1957 Art Dickinson's track team went undefeated in all indoor, dual, and tri-angular meets, and traveled to Brookings, South Dakota to bring back the NCC track title; this crown had been worn by South Dakota State for the past four years; photo.
1000 Panthers Have Hard Luck Season
Old Gold 0:0, p.150
6/1/1957 The football team did lead the conference in offense, but ended the season with a dismal 2-5-1 record; the only football player in Iowa Teachers College history to ever play every single second of every game during one season was Dick Formanek; photo.


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