# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | A fight for our rights Northern Iowan 119:4, p.3 |
Bailey Klinkhammer writes her opinions on the recent event of the Dobbs v. Jackson court case. Klinkhammer argues that it is just the beginning of the 14th Amendments slowly being stripped away unless people take a stand and defend it; photo. | |
2 | In defense of Dobbs v. Jackson Northern Iowan 119:2, p.3 |
Drew Hill writes his opinions on the ruling of Dobbs v. Jackson case which overturned the protective abortion rights of Roe v. Wade. He believes that the Supreme Court made the right decision in the controversial debate. | |
3 | Roe v. Wade is under attack (again) Northern Iowan 118:55, p.3 |
Klinkhammer expresses opinions on the leaked draft of the Dobbs v. Jackson Supreme Court case, the attacks on Roe v. Wade and women's abortion rights through history, and what the draft could mean for other marginalized groups and Constitutional rights; photo. | |
4 | NISG Senator speaks out about controversy Northern Iowan 117:16, p.3 |
Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) Senator Mohammed Rawwas defends the controversial ruling denying registry to Students for Life; photo. | |
5 | Students for Life fails to pass Northern Iowan 117:16, p.1 |
The Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) fails to pass a bill allowing the student organization "Students for Life" to form on campus, stirring controversy; photo. | |
6 | Stop governing womens' bodies Northern Iowan 117:14, p.3 |
Planned Parenthood has been heavily criticized for performing too many abortions but critics do not focus on their other functions, including sex education, reproductive health care, and other resources. In Goedken's opinion, Planned Parenthood should keep their funds in place to promote healthy lives and to keep people safe; photo. | |
7 | Art Dept. lecture covers feminist art Northern Iowan 116:36, p.2 |
Dr. Claire Kovacs presented a lecture titled 'The SisterSerpents' Rage + Bodily Autonomy" in Kammerick Art Building. A group of students, faculty, and community members was in attendance. Presenter Dr. Claire Kovacs gave the lecture "The SisterSerpents' Rage + Bodily Autonomy" in the Kamerick Art Building. She was introduced by UNI art faculty member Dr. Elizabeth Sutton, and also briefly talked about the "Empowered" show she co-curated on display in the Gallery of Art. | |
8 | A feminism for the 99 percent Northern Iowan 116:15, p.3 |
In the author's opinion, Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar represent the true face of modern feminism in their critical and anti-capitalist approach. Rawwas also explains why they have endorsed Bernie Sanders for president; photos. | |
9 | Are you pro-life or pro-birth? Northern Iowan 115:39, p.3 |
Professor emeritus of marketing Steve Corbin submits a letter to the editor arguing that there are major differences between being pro-life and pro-birth; photo. | |
10 | First district candidates sound off Northern Iowan 115:21, p.1 |
The article gives an overview of House of Representatives candidates Rod Blum and Abby Finkenauer and their stances on issues including heath care, the environment, abortion, and immigration; photos. | |
11 | Heartbeat bill faces lawsuit Northern Iowan 115:1, p.3 |
Governor Reynolds signed a bill which places strict restrictions on women seeking abortions. The bill has sparked debates on women's rights and several lawsuits have been filed against it; photo. | |
12 | Understanding "late-term" abortions Northern Iowan 114:3, p.3 |
Columnist Brenna Wolfe discusses her views on abortion, particularly late-term abortion. | |
13 | LTE: satire piece maligns student orgs Northern Iowan 112:48, p.3 |
The author writes a letter to the editor on behalf of the student organizations College Republicans and Right to Life in response to the satire piece "Student orgs offer help to those in need" published in the Northern Iowan on March 31. In the author's opinion, it disparaged both organizations and they ask the Northern Iowan to retract it. |
14 | CDC infographic sparks controversy Northern Iowan 112:35, p.2 |
Members of the UNI community discuss reactions to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) information and guidelines regarding pregnancy and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder; photo. |
15 | The 'pro-life' pickle: can we find a more accurate term? Northern Iowan 112:18, p.3 |
Northern Iowan executive editor Nick Fisher discusses journalistic ethics and pro-life/pro-choice terminology in regard to the recent articles published in the paper about UNI Right to Life, UNI Freethinkers and Inquirers (UNIFI), and UNI Students Together for the Advancement of Reproductive Rights (UNI STARR); photo. |
16 | Time for America to un-stupid itself Northern Iowan 112:15, p.3 |
In the author's opinion, the Republican presidential candidates are unqualified, and Jackson encourages readers to use their education to improve the world. |
17 | Student orgs. wage chalking war over abortion Northern Iowan 112:14, p.3 |
UNI Right to Life chalked the sidewalk in front of Maucker Union to spread abortion awareness. UNI Freethinkers and Inquirers (UNIFI) and UNI Students Together for the Advancement of Reproductive Rights (UNI STARR) responded with chalkings to promote reproductive rights. Members of each group discuss their messages; photo. |
18 | Censorship abound in UNIFI/RTL chalk war Northern Iowan 112:14, p.4 |
In the author's opinion, student chalk messages should not be censored and should be removed only if they violate school policy of chalking without representation. Moeller discusses the recent messages by Right to Life and UNI Freethinkers and Inquirers; photo. |
19 | UNI Right to Life responds to 'War on Christianity' Northern Iowan 112:6, p.3 |
In response Hannah Carr-Murphy's column "War on Christianity" published in the Northern Iowan on September 10, student organization UNI Right to Life responds discussing their organization's goals and clarifying that religious belief is not required. |
20 | Student speaks out on abortion guest speaker Northern Iowan 110:44, p.3 |
In a letter to the editor, Emily Engle speaks about Jill Stanek's speech, "An Insider's View on Abortion." She says that only one viewpoint was discussed in the speech, and that every issue has two sides. | |
21 | Activist, former nurse condemns abortions Northern Iowan 110:43, p.1 |
UNI Right to Life brought Jill Stanek to campus to speak out against abortion. Jill Stanek formerly worked in a hospital that allowed late-term abortions and told stories of the things she witnessed while working there; photo. | |
22 | Who are you politically? Northern Iowan 110:24, p.4 |
The author expresses her dissatisfaction with the United States government and President Obama. She feels that government spending is out of hand and that the government needs to take action. | |
23 | Taylor discusses abortion Northern Iowan 110:24, p.1 |
Sunsara Taylor spoke to the UNI community about abortion and other women's rights issues. Taylor explained that having an abortion is a safe and confidential process that should be available to all women as a choice; photo. | |
24 | UNI to host political activist Sunsara Taylor Public Relations News Release 2013:113, p.1 |
Sunsara Taylor, a writer and political activist, will present "Defeating the Assault on Abortion Rights: Wining the Full Liberation of Women". Taylor believes that birth control and abortion are rights that women cannot be denied. | |
25 | Controversial musical hits Strayer-Wood Northern Iowan 110:17, p.4 |
"Spring Awakening" is a Strayer-Wood Theatre musical that is set to open on October 31. It deals with controversial subjects and is meant for mature audiences only; photo. | |
26 | Silent students raise awareness Northern Iowan 110:15, p.4 |
UNI students showed their pro-life views by wearing red tape with the word "life" over their mouths. This was symbolic of the millions of children aborted who were unable to speak. These students want to raise awareness and protest abortion; photo. | |
27 | Protest incites student response Northern Iowan 109:53, p.1 |
Protesters from Missionaries to the Pre-Born gathered outside of the Maucker Union to protest abortion and homosexuality. Groups of students opposed this protest and formed their own counter-protest group, photo. | |
28 | We should all be pro-life Northern Iowan 109:42, p.4 |
The author voices his opinion on abortion and some possible consequences of outlawing it. | |
29 | The right's war on facts Northern Iowan 109:15, p.4 |
Student gives information on Republican candidate platforms for local elections. | |
30 | The conservative crusade against women's health Northern Iowan 108:38, p.4 |
Several states, including Iowa, have proposed legislation making abortion more difficult and against the law. The Iowa bill, if passed, would make causing an abortion a Class A felony; punishable by life in prison. | |
31 | Abortion takes center stage at UNI Northern Iowan 106:50, p.6 |
Melissa Ohden will speak on the awareness of the impact of abortion on men, women, children, families, and communities. | |
32 | Family planning research sparks debate among UNI students Northern Iowan 106:35, p.1 |
Cost analysis study conducted by Iowa Initiative to Reduce Unwanted Pregnancies resulted in $3.78 saved for every $1.00 invested in family planning during the first year. Students have mixed views; photo. | |
33 | Irrelevance of religious pro-life arguments Northern Iowan 2008:30, p.5 |
Abortion revisited. | |
34 | Why I won't vote for Obama Northern Iowan 105:18, p.5 |
Writer shares four clear points on his choice for president, John McCain. | |
35 | Culture Corner; signs of the apocalypse Northern Iowan 104:18, p.5 |
Trick and treating ending before dark, pro-life campaign, and constant construction seen as signs of inevitable end of days. | |
36 | Baby killers? Northern Iowan 103:8, p.6 |
Keyed car noted as improper way to express opinion on abortion. | |
37 | New stem-cell technology may ease tensions in pro-life debate Northern Iowan 103:5, p.4 |
Dr. Robert Lanza reports that for the first time human embryonic stem cells can be generated without interfering with the embryo's potential for life. | |
38 | Writers need to convey all the facts Northern Iowan 102:47, p.6 |
Believes that recent column by Taylor Gerling on men's reproductive rights ignored important courses of action. | |
39 | Who is financially responsible for baby? Northern Iowan 102:46, p.7 |
Considers father's rights in reproduction. | |
40 | U. S. abortion policy violates men's rights Northern Iowan 102:33, p.5 |
Wonders why abortion laws only pertain to the choices of women. | |
41 | High court needs to step up Northern Iowan 102:30, p.5 |
Wonders why Supreme Court did not take strong stance in recent abortion case. | |
42 | However you look at it, abortions here to stay Northern Iowan 102:6, p.7 |
Comments about new Supreme Court Chief Justice nominee John G. Roberts, and about abortion, a subject about Mr. Roberts has been questioned. | |
43 | Harkin-endorsed stem cell research bill moves to Senate Northern Iowan 101:61, p.3 |
While stem cell research could result in medical advancements that might cure millions of people, the ethics of using embryo stem cells causes controversy. | |
44 | Liberal responses hardly an argument Northern Iowan 101:45, p.6 |
Support the ideas presented in an earlier letter on abortion written by Deidre Connell; believes Robert Rivera is presenting a liberal view on the subject. | |
45 | Facts little more than propaganda Northern Iowan 101:44, p.6 |
Feels Deirdre Connell has misinterpreted her facts on abortion. | |
46 | The gory truth about abortion Northern Iowan 101:42, p.6 |
Presents facts on abortion to dispute other letters to the editor on the topic. | |
47 | Pro-life material lacking facts Northern Iowan 101:40, p.6 |
Wants people to be aware that not all information presented in letters to the editor is true and may be slanted towards the writer's view. | |
48 | Just the facts, please Northern Iowan 101:39, p.9 |
Believes that Ryan Crane was unjustified in his support of abortion. | |
49 | Pro-choice isn't pro-death Northern Iowan 101:39, p.7 |
Feels abstinence-only education is not the right method for sex education. | |
50 | When is a baby human? Northern Iowan 101:39, p.9 |
Questions columnist Ryan Crane as to when he believes a fetus becomes a human. |