Ackerman--Ethel (Publc School Relations)

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Mail room employees learn as they work
Northern Iowan 74:30, p.4
Students talk about their job in the mail room.
2 NAES confab
Northern Iowan 72:61, p.3
Will hold 42nd annual conference and institute.
3 Reunion celebrated with 1920s songs
Alumnus 60:3, p.7
Minnesingers return; service awards announced; photo.
4 Two secretaries installed in IAES offices
Northern Iowan 69:14, p.5
Ethel Ackerman and Elverda Bender take office.
5 UNI Office Staff Member Elected to State Office
Public Relations News Release 1972:110, p.1
Ethel Ackerman was elected president-elect of the Iowa Association of Educational Secretaries at their meeting in Des Moines last weekend (Oct. 22-23).
6 UNI Secretaries to Attend Meeting in Des Moines
Public Relations News Release 1970:117, p.1
11 members of the UNI Association of Educational Secretaries (AES) will attend the annual convetion of the Iowa AES Oct 23-24 in Des Moines.
7 News Release 10-22-1970
Public Relations News Release 1970:117, p.1
11 members of the UNI Association of Educational Secretaries (AES) will attend the annual convetion of the Iowa AES Oct 23-24 in Des Moines.
8 Automatic age hits SCI in public school relations
College Eye 53:7, p.3

Public School Relations Office uses new automatic typewriter to generate correspondence; photo.