Adams--Marjorie B. (Physical Education Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Department of Physical Education for Women Old Gold 0:0, p.30 |
Ideals of the department; photos. |
2 | Department of Physical Education for Women Old Gold 0:0, p.36 |
Seven aims and objectives; photos. |
3 | Redheaded coed chorus furnishes act for show College Eye 21:18, p.1 |
Roster of chorus members. | |
4 | Eight exponents of the Bow school of natural charm collected Public Relations News Release 1929:196, p.1 |
A chorus of red-headed women will sing at Tutor Ticklers. | |
5 | Ten organizations competing Public Relations News Release 1929:176, p.1 |
Campus organizations are set to perform in Tutor Ticklers; roster of judges and student organizations is provided. | |
6 | Organizations prepare for "Tutor Ticklers" College Eye 21:15, p.1 |
Enthusiasm widespread on campus. | |
7 | Archery golf finds favor among women College Eye 21:14, p.6 |
Description of the new game which substitutes a bow and arrow for a golf club and ball. | |
8 | Archery golf, a game where the twang of Indian bows and arrows Public Relations News Release 1929:119, p.1 |
An explanation of a new sport called archery golf, played like golf, but instead if clubs, bows and arrows are used. | |
9 | Students will stage big show, Feb. 6, 7 College Eye 21:13, p.1 |
Big vaudeville show planned; will benefit Student Loan Fund. | |
10 | Students and faculty members Public Relations News Release 1929:99, p.1 |
A student and faculty vaudeville show is planned for February 1930. | |
11 | New members of college faculty College Eye 20:1, p.1 |
Brief profiles of new faculty. | |
12 | Granted leave of absence College Eye 20:1, p.1 |
Several faculty members will pursue advanced study. | |
13 | Physical Education instructor on leave College Eye 19:44, p.1 |
Marjorie Adams will study at Wellesley; Emily Mears will replace her. | |
14 | Department of Physical Education for Women Old Gold 0:0, p.39 |
Department roster; photos. |
15 | Women's Athletics Old Gold 0:0, p.164 |
Photos of the women's Life Saving Corps. | |
16 | Irving College Eye 19:34, p.5 |
Society banquet information. | |
17 | Women's Sports; W. A. A. College Eye 19:14, p.7 |
Brief review of the state WAA meeting on campus. | |
18 | Department for Physical Education for Women Old Gold 0:0, p.38 |
Brief overview of the department; staff photo. | |
19 | Executive council of the Women's Athletic Association Old Gold 0:0, p.212 |
Roster of officers, sports managers and advisors; letter from "Miss W. A. A." about the association; photo. |