Agbese--Pita Ogaba (Political Science Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 56 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 APIP presents candidates for provost
Northern Iowan 107:7, p.2
Pita Agbese, Maria Basom, and Ming-Kai Chin interviewed for the position of Associate Provost for International Programs.
2 UNI faculty, staff receive 2009 Regents Excellence Awards
Public Relations News Release 2009:125, p.1
Nine faculty and staff members received 2009 Faculty or Staff Excellence Awards, given by the Board of Regents, State of Iowa. The recipients were honored at Convocation in September. Recipients and nominators are listed.
3 Faculty rewarded for dedication to education
Northern Iowan 101:14, p.1
Six UNI professors received the 2004 Regents Award for Faculty Excellence; photo.
4 Six UNI profs receive Regents Award for Faculty Excellence
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Brief profile of each recipient.
5 What's up
Northern Iowan 100:50, p.4
Meetings and events planned.
6 UNI calendar
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Lectures and events for the week of April 12-16.
7 What's up
Northern Iowan 100:49, p.3
Meetings and events planned.
8 UNI professor to discuss impact of strict Muslim law on Nigerian politics
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Pita Agbese will give a lecture titled "Nigeria and the Politics of Shar'ia" on Wednesday, April 14.
9 Hoxie Forum part of 'Congress to Campus' visit to UNI
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Harold Volkmer, Bill Goodling, Pita Agbese, Steven Lobell, and Christopher Rossi will serve on panel discussing congressional-presidential relations.
10 UNI Interpreters Theatre presents 'Voices for Freedom: The Brazilian Slave Stories'
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Performance to visually outline struggles experienced by slaves in Brazil; performers listed.
11 Panel of profs postulate on war progress
Northern Iowan 99:49, p.1
Professors offered their views on several aspects of the present war in Iraq to a over-flowing room of students.
12 UNI to host panel discussion on war in Iraq
Public Relations News Release 2002:426, p.1
Faculty will form panel to talk about the United Nations, government opinion around the globe and U. S. foreign policy with respect to the war in Iraq.
13 Professors fight for press freedoms; Ogbondah and Pita travel to native Nigeria to aid government
Northern Iowan 98:52, p.1
Professors Chris Ogbondah and Pita Agbese visited Nigeria in order to help draft a new constitution; photo.
14 Pita Agbese and Chris Ogbondah
Campus News Network 9:17, p.
Published article on environmental justice.
15 "Women and Global Action: Advocacy for Equality, Development, and Peace" conference to be held at the University of Northern Iowa March 26
Public Relations News Release 1996:316, p.1
Susan Davis speaks to start off a day long conference about women and equality.
16 Celebration of Black History Month continues at University of Northern Iowa.
Public Relations News Release 1996:255, p.1
Scheduled events for Black History Month.
17 Chris Ogbondah and Pita Agbese
Campus News Network 7:4, p.
Publish paper on Nigeria; Professor Ogbondah referees papers.
18 Asking for environmental justice
Public Relations News Release 1995:452, p.1
In many countries around the world, a grassroots effort called environmental justice is growing.
19 Pita Agbese and Chris Ogbondah
Campus News Network 6:13, p.
Presented their paper on environmental justice in Nigeria.
20 Mandela moving forward.
Public Relations News Release 1994:146, p.1
Pita Agbese believes if Mandela is given time, he can accomplish his promised goals.
21 Sources
Public Relations News Release 0:475, p.1
Topics for discussion this week include angels and Rwanda.
22 Overzealous Zulus?
Public Relations News Release 0:445, p.1
South Africa's largest tribe oppose the free election.
23 Professional leaves announced
Campus News Network 4:14, p.1
Fall, spring, and academic year leaves are announced for 1994-1995.
24 The first step toward getting along.
Public Relations News Release 1993:333, p.1
Pita Agbese says that changing laws will not end animosity among races.
25 University of Northern Iowa graduate students presented papers during a recent conference in Omaha, Nebraska
Public Relations News Release 1993:280, p.1
Chad DeWaard and Steve Havercamp presented papers during the 16th National Third World Conference in Omaha.
26 Political science faculty
Campus News Network 4:8, p.3
Pita Agbese, Dhriendra Vajpeyi, and Taifa Yu presented at a third world conference while Jeremy R. T. Lewis and Kenneth Basom presented at the European Studies Conference.
27 Conference of Political Scientists at University of Northern Iowa Saturday (October 30)
Public Relations News Release 1993:145, p.1
Charles Grassley will be the guest speaker at the Iowa Conference of Political Scientists held at UNI. Participants include Edward Cohen, Robert Hislope, Eduardo Magalhaes, Michael Jogerst, William Reisinger, Keith Yanner, Darrell Hanson, Joe Shannahan
28 Time sharing
Public Relations News Release 1993:85, p.1
South Africa gives blacks some voice in government.
29 Sources
Public Relations News Release 1993:75, p.1
Topics of discussion this week include; Bulgarian women struggle to survive and potpourri. Sources for additional information are listed.
30 Political pain.
Public Relations News Release 1992:741, p.1
Nigeria is another African nation in crisis according to Pita Agbese.
31 Today's topics for discussion
Public Relations News Release 1992:740, p.1
Nigerian unrest and Zimbabwe top the news topics for discussion this week.
32 Mini-grants provide for infusion of technology
Campus News Network 3:17, p.1

Roster of winners and their topics of research.

33 The volatile south
Public Relations News Release 1992:604, p.1
South Africa continues to have political unrest, rioting, and killing. Pita Agbese feels the death of Hani will allow Mandela to recapture some of his power.
34 Summer fellowships announced
Campus News Network 3:11, p.1
Roster of winners and their topics of research.
35 Pita Ogaba Agbese
Campus News Network 3:11, p.
Publishes article on Nigerian democracy.
36 A question of commitment.
Public Relations News Release 1992:229, p.1
Pita Agbese feels that if troops are sent to Somalia, food and supplies will get to the people. If the troops leave chaos will resume.
37 Northern Iowa sources for this week's topics in the news
Public Relations News Release 1992:236, p.1
Capital punishment, gun control, Somalia, kids under six not ready for competitive sports are the topics discussed this week at UNI.
38 We thought we were enduring a strange year in politics.
Public Relations News Release 1992:92, p.1
Pita Agbese will evaluate election results from Angola.
39 ¿and famine in Africa
Public Relations News Release 1992:21, p.1
Smugglers are stealing tons of food from refugee camps in Somalia to sell for profit according to Pita Agbese.
40 Pita Ogaba Agbese
Campus News Network 2:21, p.
Three articles will be published.
41 Mini-grants provide for multicultural and gender diverse studies
Campus News Network 2:17, p.1
Roster of faculty awarded mini-grants.
42 Pita Ogaba Agbese
Campus News Network 2:15, p.
Publishes articles on Nigeria.
43 Faculty promotions and tenure granted to University of Northern Iowa faculty by Board of Regents
Public Relations News Release 1991:540, p.1
UNI faculty promotions and tenure appointments announced.
44 Closing the book on apartheid
Public Relations News Release 1991:514, p.1
Pita Agbese talks about the recent vote taken in South Africa on apartheid.
45 Northern Iowa sources for this week's topics in the news
Public Relations News Release 1991:485, p.1
UNI sources named as sources on South African election.
46 Northern Iowa sources for this week's topics in the news:
Public Relations News Release 1991:365, p.1
Faculty sources of more complete information on the UN's role in the "New World Order", Crisis of confidence in politics, and media and the election.
47 African delegation visits UNI for educational experience
Northern Iowan 87:41, p.6
Group of representatives of educational ministries on campus.
48 Summer fellowships announced
Campus News Network 1:11, p.
Roster of winners and their topics.
49 The effects of war: faculty, staff offer opinions, commentary
Campus News Network 1:11, p.1
50 How will American prisoners of war be treated in Iraq?
Public Relations News Release 1990:327, p.1
Concern over potential treatment of POWs in Iraq expressed by UNI professor.