Alberts--Joyce (Counseling Services Staff)

Displaying 1 - 26 of 26 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Acknowledgments--Volume II
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.0

Professor Lang.'s daughters thank those who assisted in the preparation of the UNI centennial history.

2 Eleven years of work pays off: Northern Iowan Index for 1967-1991 completed
Northern Iowan 88:57, p.7
Library Special Collections staff puts together subject index to Northern Iowan.
3 History names campus; what's in a name?
Northern Iowan 88:18, p.5
Brief survey of buildings and their namesakes.
4 Something for nearly every need: Counseling Center plans activities
Northern Iowan 84:2, p.11
List of support groups and workshops.
5 'Welcome Back' weekend planned for UNI students, parents Aug. 21-24
Public Relations News Release 1986:506, p.1
The Welcome Back weekend was a series of activities designed to help returning students begin the school year. Faculty speakers made presentations on note taking skills, self-motivation, time management obtaining jobs, and adjusting to college life.
6 Group copes with grief
Northern Iowan 82:11, p.8
Joyce Alberts talks about grief support group.
7 Vice president retires to teach
UNI Century 12:3, p.6

Vice President Hansmeier resigns effective August 1, 1984; will teach; President Curris names search committee; photo.

8 Curris selects committee for VP replacement search
Northern Iowan 80:56, p.1
President Curris names committee; expresses concern about recent rash of resignations.
9 Task force designs plan of action
Northern Iowan 80:11, p.5
Tom Romanin talks about the plan.
10 Campus Consultation
Northern Iowan 79:53, p.9
How do you stop nail biting?
11 "Burn-out" not a disease--being tired, unmotivated normal
Northern Iowan 79:43, p.9
Counselors talk about stress that may not necessarily lead to depression.
12 News Notes . . . .
Northern Iowan 79:39, p.3
Counseling Center will offer group to support those who have lost someone to death; Bartlett Hall will host "The Dating Game"; Department of Political Science will offer course on women in politics.
13 Peer counseling helps solve problems
Northern Iowan 79:4, p.13
Joyce Alberts talks about the program.
14 Peer advisors
Old Gold 0:0, p.113
Peer Advisors work with Freshmen throughout the school year; photo.
15 'Impact' peer advising helps freshman cope
Northern Iowan 76:31, p.12
The peer advising program "Impact", now in its third year of existence, helps those freshmen who are at "high risk".
16 Students help students adjust to college life
UNI Century 7:2, p.1
Project IMPACT designed to link students with peer advisors.
17 Apply now to be peer advisor
Northern Iowan 75:36, p.8
Qualifications for the job.
18 Tips and survival suggestions for finals
Northern Iowan 75:27, p.1
Joyce Alberts offers advice on preparing for and taking examinations.
19 Chimes
Northern Iowan 75:3, p.9
Will have ice cream at Joyce Albert's house.
20 Skills classes offered
Northern Iowan 73:39, p.8
Schedule of classes.
21 Study skills
Northern Iowan 73:29, p.5
Counseling Center will offer sessions for non-traditional students.
22 Friends of study skills
UNI Century 5:1, p.4
Group of twenty staff members meets to assess need for study skills support.
23 New course
Northern Iowan 72:41, p.5
Professor Hallberg will assist with team that will teach effective study techniques.
24 Counseling Center--a cure for poor study skills?
Northern Iowan 70:47, p.12
Joyce Alberts offers advice on studying; photo.
25 Mature students
Northern Iowan 70:4, p.3
Informal lunches with speakers will continue.
26 "Preview UNI" Acquaints New Students, Parents with Life at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1971:699, p.1
Around 1600 student and 950 of their parents are scheduled to visit the campus during the summer for "Preview UNI". The program conisists of 9 two-day programs, beginning June 24 and lasting until July 30.