Alumni Association

Displaying 1 - 50 of 731 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Connie Hansen's impact at UNI spans 34 years
Northern Iowan 119:42, p.5
Bailey Klinkhammer interviews and tells Connie Hansen's story of her time as a student and employee at UNI. Connie has worked in the Office of Admissions, the Alumni Association, and currently the Office of Student Involvement in Maucker Union; photo.
2 The fall of UNI fraternities and sororities
Northern Iowan 119:31, p.5
Kate Murphy writes about the decreasing numbers of students enrolling in UNI which in turn is causing fraternity and sororities to struggle finding recruitment. Starting Spring 2023, the fraternity Pi Kappa Alpha is shutting down permanently due to the lack of new members; photo.
3 Three UNI Alumni selected for GOLD & Bold Awards
Northern Iowan 119:18, p.1
Hasina Jalal, Russel Karim, and Trevor Rayhons are award recipients for the 2022 GOLD & Bold Awards which will be held in the Maucker Union Ballrooms on Thursday October 27th. Bailey Klinkhammer gives details on each award recipient and their successes after graduating UNI; photo.
4 Highlighting Black leaders at UNI
Northern Iowan 118:37, p.1
The author discusses the development of Black History Month in American and UNI history as well as student, community, and alumni involvement, and the many Black leaders who have visited UNI; photo
5 The history of the Alumni House
Northern Iowan 118:17, p.5

The Alumni House has been home to many different offices and people over the years; photo.

6 Commence towards graduation this Wednesday
Northern Iowan 116:42, p.4
UNI students graduating were invited to attend the Graduation Fair in Maucker Union Ballroom. The event was to provide graduating students with the resources they needed prior to graduation. The Graduation Fair will take place on March 11 in the Maucker Union ballrooms. The Office of the Registrar, Career Services, Financial Aid and Scholarships, bookstore, Flash Photography, and Alumni Association will be present offering services.
7 Fortepan Iowa wheat-pastes past
Northern Iowan 116:11, p.1
College Hill wheat-pasting project was completed. Five images, that were pulled from Fortepan Iowa, an online archive of digitized photos based in Rod Library, were pasted onto exterior walls of three buildings on College Hill.
8 Fortepan Iowa wheat-pastes past
Northern Iowan 116:11, p.1
Three buildings on College Hill have a new look after a wheat-pasting project was completed last week. Volunteer crews pasted five huge images onto the exterior walls in the district. The images were taken from Fortepan Iowa, an online archive of digitized photos based in Rod Library that launched in 2015. Photos in the Iowa archive, all of which are donated, are carefully curated to represent everyday life in Iowa in the 19th and 20th centuries; photo.
9 2018 Homecoming kickoff
Northern Iowan 115:16, p.1
2018's Homecoming Week began with the Homecoming Kickoff on Lawther Field. Siraj Acharya and Megan Lenstra were crowned homecoming royalty. Three Pride Cry finalists were chosen: Alpha Phi and Sigma Phi Epsilon, Dance Marathon, and Alpha Sigma Tau; photos.
10 New philanthropy event set to thank and give back
Northern Iowan 112:36, p.5

The UNI Foundation and Alumni Association are hosting the week-long We Are One UNI philanthropy event; photo.

11 Panther Tours offers once-in-a-lifetime leadership retreat and safari in South Africa
Public Relations News Release 2014:161, p.1
An informational meeting about the trip will be February 10, in the Large Meeting Room at the Cedar Falls Public Library.
12 UNI to host 24-hour day of giving
Public Relations News Release 2014:131, p.1
UNI will host We Are One, from December 2 to the 3. The day will include 10 challenges issued by university leadership and alumni.
13 UNI alumni and friends honored at Distinguished Awards Celebration
Public Relations News Release 2014:113, p.1
UNI Alumni Association and the UNI Foundation will host a Distinguished Awards Celebration during a luncheon November 8, in the UNI Commons. Recipients will be recognized for their professional accomplishments and service to the university.
14 Pep rally gears students up for Homecoming game
Northern Iowan 111:7, p.1
The Homecoming pep rally in McLeod Center included speeches from President Ruud, Defensive Line Coach Bryce Paup, performances by the Pride Cry finalists and the UNI Swim and Dive team, and the crowning of the Homecoming king and queen.
15 Students race for traditions
Northern Iowan 111:7, p.4
Students and groups completed the Amazing Race Traditions Challenge; photo.
16 Can't rain on our parade
Northern Iowan 111:7, p.1
UNI's Homecoming parade returned this year despite rainy weather; photo.
17 Alumni to return to UNI for Alumni in Residence program
Public Relations News Release 2013:241, p.1
Each spring UNI selects distinguished graduates to participate in the Alumni in Residence program. These accomplished alumni come to campus and speak with students about the connection between the classroom and professional world.
18 Alumni aid in cost of tuition
Northern Iowan 110:47, p.1
The UNI Foundation accepts donations from alumni and friends. The donations go toward scholarships and program funding, as well as other improvements to the university; photo.
19 These alumni and friends made the commitment to become Purple for Life with a lifetime membership. Will you?
Northern Iowa Today 97:1, p.14
A list, in very fine print, of lifetime members of the Alumni Association.
20 UNI Alumni Association Board of Directors, 2013-2014
Northern Iowa Today 97:1, p.24
Group photo.
21 Travel
Northern Iowa Today 97:1, p.
The Alumni Association is offering trips to the Tahitian Islands, Canada, and the Mediterranean; photo.
22 Alumni bring character to UNI
Northern Iowan 110:23, p.1
UNI alumni like to stay involved at UNI. Many alumni stay in the area after they graduate. The Alumni Association, along with Connecting Students to Alumni, put on events for alumni throughout the school year; photo.
23 UNI to host seventh annual Polar Bare Run, Walk or Roll
Public Relations News Release 2013:108, p.1
UNI Alumni Association and Connecting Alumni to Students are putting on their annual Polar Bare Run, Walk or Roll event. This is a mile-long run, and students are encouraged to bring clothing to donate to the Salvation Army.
24 Saying goodbye to Baker Hall
Northern Iowan 110:14, p.1
The cost that it would take to renovate Baker Hall is about the same as it will be to build a whole new building. On October 12, UNI said goodbye to Baker Hall. A demolition date has not been confirmed; photo.
25 UNI purple for life
Northern Iowa Today 96:3, p.26
Justin Bierman talks about Panther Caves; photo.
26 UNI Homecoming celebration features new events
Public Relations News Release 2013:60, p.1
There are many different events planned for Homecoming. These include a picnic, pride cry, casino night, a magician, and the annual pep rally.
27 Good times and good food kick off the school year
Northern Iowan 110:2, p.1
The Welcome Week Panther Picnic was held to welcome students back for a new school year. The picnic provided students with free food, games, and dancing. There were also several clubs and organizations represented at the picnic; photo.
28 UNI alumni and friends to be honored at Distinguished Awards Celebration
Public Relations News Release 2013:26, p.1
UNI Alumni Association and UNI Foundation will host the Distinguished Awards Celebration. Alumni and friends will be recognized for their accomplishments and service to the university.
29 Snapshots of UNI Alumni Association events
Northern Iowa Today 95:3, p.31
30 Snapshots
Northern Iowa Today 95:3, p.28
Alumni Association events; photo.
31 Dear fellow Panthers
Northern Iowa Today 95:3, p.26
Justin Bierman urges alumni to support UNI in any way possible; photo.
32 UNI students beating hunger one t-shirt at a time
Northern Iowan 109:31, p.6
Students, alumni, and members of the community come together to aid the Northeast Iowa Food Bank by selling "beat hunger" shirts.
33 Top 10 reasons to join the UNI Alumni Association
Northern Iowa Today 95:1, p.16
Benefits include potential career improvements, discounts, networking, and keeping traditions alive.
34 Keep in touch, stay in touch
Northern Iowa Today 95:1, p.22
Cites ways in which membership in the Alumni Association can be beneficial; photo.
35 2012-2013 UNI alumni board
Northern Iowa Today 95:1, p.26
Justin Bierman urges alumni to stay connected to UNI; photo.
36 UNI Purple for Life
Northern Iowa Today 94:4, p.
Sandy Stevens urges alumni to join the Alumni Association; photo.
37 Check out what your Alumni Association can do for you!
Northern Iowa Today 94:4, p.16
Alumni Association offers connections, discounts, special events, and networking; photo.
38 2011-12 UNI Alumni Association Board
Northern Iowa Today 94:4, p.18
Roster of board members; photo.
39 UNI students brave the cold for Polar Bare Run
Northern Iowan 109:22, p.4
Assistant Director for the Office of Alumni Relations Connie Hansen deemed the event a success. Despite chilly temperatures and elections, the benefit brought in between 375 and 400 items.
40 Annual Polar Bare Run set for Nov. 6
Northern Iowan 109:19, p.9
UNI will host the sixth annual Polar Bare Run. Donations for the one-mile event go to the Salvation Army. Students encouraged to give back to the community.
41 UNI to host sixth annual Polar Bare Run, Walk, or Roll
Public Relations News Release 2012:116, p.1
Sixth Annual Polar Bare Run, Walk, or Roll will be hosted by UNI Alumni Association and Connecting Alumni to Students. Clothing and donations will go to Salvation Army.
42 Give the gift of purple and gold
Northern Iowa Today 95:3, p.
The Cat urges alumni to join the Alumni Association; photo.
43 Distinguished Awards Celebration honors alumni
Northern Iowan 109:5, p.8
Alumni Association and the UNI Foundation sponsored the event, which was held in the Commons.
44 UNI alumni and friends to be honored at Distinguished Awards Celebration
Public Relations News Release 2012:43, p.1
Recipients of the Heritage Honours Awards include: Mildred Wood, Sandy Stevens, Jason Kilborn, and Ed Gallagher. President's Philanthropy Awards recipients: Gary and Myrna Floyd.
45 Register now for UNI workshop focused on choosing the right management approach for the situation
Public Relations News Release 2012:9, p.1
Executive Development Center to host a workshop entitled; "Are You Micro-Managing, Macro-Managing or Right Managing".
46 The UNI traditions challenge
Northern Iowa Today 95:2, p.4
Alumni Association publishes a booklet that describes over fifty UNI traditions; photo.
47 Connecting Alumni To Students
Northern Iowa Today 95:2, p.21
CATS works with the Alumni Association to help spread school spirit; performs volunteer work in community; photo.
48 UNI announces 2012 Lux Service Award recipients
Public Relations News Release 2011:306, p.1
Joel Anderson and Ashley Stewart win the most prestigious award given to undergraduate students in recognition of their service to the university.
49 Register now for UNI workshop focused on skills for first-time managers
Public Relations News Release 2011:297, p.1
Management skills and tools needed to begin a successful career as a leader will be presented.
50 For many of us
Northern Iowa Today 95:1, p.26
Sandy Stevens talks about upcoming reunions; photo.