Amend--Edward W. (Philosophy and Religion Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 113 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 University of Northern Iowa Elderhostel to be held June 18-23
Public Relations News Release 1999:445, p.1
Mary Bozik, Randy Hogancamp, and Edward Amend will be presenters at this year's Elderhostel workshops.
2 The University of Northern Iowa will host two Elderhostel sessions in June and July
Public Relations News Release 1998:280, p.1
Two Elderhostel sessions of classes will be held in June and July. Classes will be taught by Jerome Soneson, Don Rierson, Harold Wohl, Edward Amend, Bill Shepherd, and Charles Holcombe.
3 Elderhostel draws 'senior' students from Iowa and beyond to University of Northern Iowa for summer classes
Public Relations News Release 1997:411, p.1
Elderhostel allows students of at least 55 years of age to participate in summer classes at UNI.
4 Elderhostel draws 'senior' students from Iowa and beyond to University of Northern Iowa for summer classes
Public Relations News Release 1997:410, p.1
Elderhostel allows students of at least 55 years of age to participate in summer classes at UNI.
5 Elderhostel draws people from around state and beyond to University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1996:467, p.1
Over fifty-one people over the age of sixty gathered on campus for Elderhostel.
6 Profile: the retirement class of '96-'97
Campus News Network 7:18, p.2
Thirty UNI employees will retire this year; photo.
7 Long term employees retiring from University of Northern Iowa to be recognized May 3
Public Relations News Release 1996:380, p.1

Thirty employees will be honored at the 39th Annual Recognition Breakfast.

8 Graduate Council unanimously names Shivesh C. Thakur 1997-98 UNI Distinguished Scholar
Campus News Network 7:11, p.4
Shivesh C. Thakur named Distinguished Scholar.
9 Video on Jewish and Christian relations part of Martha Ellen Tye Multicultural Fine Arts Festival at the University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1996:109, p.1
"The Chosen People" will be shown in James Robinson's "Religions of the World" class, which will allow the public to attend for the viewing.
10 UNI granted certification by NCAA
Campus News Network 6:13, p.1
UNI athletic program received certification; photo.
11 University of Northern Iowa granted certification by NCAA
Public Relations News Release 1995:254, p.1
NCAA Committee on Athletics Certification accepts UNI as a certified institution.
12 Ed Amend
Campus News Network 6:11, p.
Appointed to the Advisory Board of the Institute for Public Leadership.
13 UNI submits plan for gender equity to NCAA's
Northern Iowan 92:30, p.1
Plan drafted, sent to Ritrievi and Faculty Senate, and then to NCAA.
14 University of Northern Iowa names recipients of Presidential Scholarships
Public Relations News Release 1995:180, p.1
Presidential Scholarship award winners announced. Students listed.
15 Iowa "who's who" plot future of university
Northern Iowan 92:11, p.1
External sessions of strategic planning for UNI include Iowa leaders; photo.
16 University of Northern Iowa names recipients of Presidential Scholarships
Public Relations News Release 1995:72, p.1
Presidential Scholars are announced at UNI. Students listed.
17 Edward Amend
Campus News Network 5:21, p.5
Was featured speaker at fortieth anniversary celebration of Ascension Lutheran Church in Oklahoma where he was the first pastor.
18 Other major administrative, service, and curricular changes
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.234
The college adopts the semester plan to begin in summer, 1957; changes in student teaching supervision include resumption of work in Cedar Falls schools; institution of honors program and work with provisional students; photo.
19 Faculty Senate votes to drop infrequent classes from curriculum, revamp academic advising
Northern Iowan 91:57, p.2
Continue to consider Quality in the Curriculum report.
20 Faculty Senate continues to examine quality of UNI curriculum
Northern Iowan 91:53, p.4
Senate continues of examine report of Committee on Quality in the Curriculum.
21 Faculty Senate postpones action on revising university curriculum
Northern Iowan 91:47, p.2
Receives report of Ad Hoc Committee on Quality in the Curriculum; will consider recommendations.
22 UNI athletics in violation of gender equity rules
Northern Iowan 91:43, p.2
Faculty Senate hears report on athletics.
23 University of Northern Iowa names recipients of Presidential Scholarships
Public Relations News Release 1994:251, p.1
Winners of Presidential Scholarships are announced. Students listed.
24 Faculty Senate defines faculty productivity
Northern Iowan 91:33, p.2
Senators debate meaning of term.
25 University of Northern Iowa names recipients of Presidential Scholarships.
Public Relations News Release 1994:6, p.1
Presidential Scholars named at UNI.
26 Faculty Senate addresses hazardous weather policy
Northern Iowan 90:52, p.2
Approves advisory guidelines.
27 Presentations/lectures: Ed Amend
Campus News Network 4:14, p.3
Ed Amend presented a paper on Christianity and Islam.
28 Faculty Senate addresses tests outside of classtime
Northern Iowan 90:42, p.1
Students ask to be informed about outside tests.
29 University of Northern Iowa names recipients of Presidential Scholarships
Public Relations News Release 1993:390, p.1
UNI Presidential Scholars are named. Students listed
30 New directors, head guide UNI programs
Northern Iowa Today 22:1, p.5
Biographical sketches of Rheta DeVries, Robert Hartman, Dennis Harbaugh, and Ed Amend; photo.
31 New department head named; Amend to head philosophy and religion
Northern Iowan 90:38, p.3
Will replace Professor Thakur; short biographical sketch; photo.
32 Dr. Edward W. Amend named head of Philosophy and Religion Department
Northern Edition 2:5, p.4
Professor Amend will succeed Shivesh Thakur as department head; biographical sketch; photo.
33 Amend new head of Philosophy & Religion
Campus News Network 4:12, p.1
UNI Professor Edward W. Amend named head of his department; photo.
34 New Philosophy and Religion Department head at the University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1993:350, p.1
Edward Amend has been named head of the Department of Philosophy and Religion.
35 Faculty Senate discusses evaluations; student assessments useful
Northern Iowan 90:18, p.2
Roger Sell leads discussion on improving quality of teaching.
36 University of Northern Iowa grad awarded religion scholarship.
Public Relations News Release 1993:152, p.1
Victoria Blitsch received the William Randolph Hearst Scholarship.
37 Senior religion major at University of Northern Iowa receives Haywood Scholarship for second time
Public Relations News Release 1992:114, p.1
Victoria Blitsch named winner of the Mabel Haywood Scholarship.
38 Religion-philosophy department undergoes change
Northern Iowan 89:5, p.5
Combined religion-philosophy degree will not be offered after fall 1993.
39 Five new academic heads/two acting heads appointed
Campus News Network 3:1, p.1
Roster and brief sketches of new and acting heads.
40 Hearst Series to bring 10 visiting scholars to UNI campus
Public Relations News Release 1992:26, p.1
Page duBois and Martin Marty are the first two speakers for the 1992-93 Hearst Series.
41 Seven disciplines welcome new department heads
Northern Iowan 89:2, p.4
Short biographical sketches of new heads; photo.
42 Five new academic department heads as classes begin at University of Northern Iowa: Two acting heads
Public Relations News Release 1992:10, p.1
New department heads named prior to fall semester.
43 Who's playing God... "Dr. Death" or advanced medical technology
Public Relations News Release 1991:312, p.1
Assisted suicides of terminally ill patients have raised the debate concerning euthanasia. Ed Amend states that this debate will resound throughout the 1990s.
44 Northern Iowa sources for this week's topics in the news.
Public Relations News Release 1991:280, p.1
Available faculty members are listed as sources on current news topics.
45 In God we trust--Even more than last year
Public Relations News Release 1991:262, p.1
Religious membership in the United States grew by more that two million people in the last two years, according to Edward Amend.
46 "The future of Christianity" subject of forum Wednesday (April 10) at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1990:466, p.1
Forum on the future of Christianity will be held at UNI.
47 University of Northern Iowa professors to discuss "Field of Dreams" October 5 at Hearst Center
Public Relations News Release 1990:81, p.1
Panel discussion of the film, "Field of Dreams" to be held at Hearst Center.
48 An exchange of ideas, ways of life; students grow and learn through National Student Exchange
Northern Iowa Today 17:2, p.1
Survey of UNI students' experience with National Student Exchange; photo.
49 The Elvis syndrome -- why do we refuse to let cult figures die?
Public Relations News Release 1989:594, p.1
Ed Amend says people recognize "stars" as being larger than life. Researchers are extremely interested in death-related topics and says Elvis fans who "believe" may be in the denial stage of the grieving process.
50 UNI professor to give speech about ethics
Northern Iowan 85:7, p.6
Professor Amend will speak on "Jesus as Ethical Example".