American Federation of Teachers (AFT)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 157 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI Federation of Teachers and UNI AFSCME Local 2659
Northern Iowan 95:17, p.4
Will present labor film series.
2 UNI Federation of Teachers and AFSCME
Northern Iowan 95:9, p.5
Sponsoring film series.
3 What's Up
Northern Iowan 94:18, p.3
Schedule of activities and meetings.
4 What's Up
Northern Iowan 94:16, p.3
Schedule of activities and meetings.
5 Collective bargaining
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.428
Detailed account of legal actions and negotiations leading to the election of a faculty bargaining agent; photo.
6 Changes in the administrative structure, staff, and procedures
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.407

President Kamerick sets up divisions under vice presidents; Provost Martin engages in debate over tenure and promotion standards; photo.

7 Teaching load hassle--1970
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.387
Senator Messerly and Representative Grassley study the workload of UNI faculty; photo.
8 Faculty affairs
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.317
A look at salary schedules, fringe benefits, faculty loads, faculty governance, and faculty organizations in the 1950s and 1960s; photo.
9 What's up
Northern Iowan 91:56, p.5
Meetings, activities planned; Student Moviemakers will premiere their 1995 movie; Women's Freedom Group discontinued for lack of interest.
10 What's Up
Northern Iowan 85:19, p.4
Meetings and activities.
11 What's Up
Northern Iowan 83:22, p.4
Meetings and activities.
12 Burn-out can be avoided
Northern Iowan 82:49, p.3
Berdena Beach and Ken Wernimont tell how stress can be overcome; photo.
13 AFT contributes to African fund
Northern Iowan 81:45, p.8
Contributes $250.
14 Lobbyist speaks on education
Northern Iowan 81:33, p.8
Robert Nielsen will speak; photo.
15 What's Up
Northern Iowan 81:32, p.4
Meetings and activities planned; Christ for UNI, and assertiveness communication group will meet; also a loss support group will be meeting; summer camp interview day also scheduled.
16 AFT wants closer look at EOP administrator neglect criticized
Northern Iowan 78:53, p.4
Text of statement calling for investigation of EOP administration.
17 Reagan's effect talk
Northern Iowan 78:18, p.4
The AFT will hold talk on Reaganomics.
18 Faculty unions aren't brotherly
Northern Iowan 78:13, p.1
UNI's two faculty unions do not co-exist peacefully, though the groups have many common goals.
19 'Frustrated faculty' not universal view
Northern Iowan 78:10, p.2
Professor Gilpin says that 'faculty apathy' is not universal on campus.
20 Professors say work unrewarded
Northern Iowan 78:8, p.1
AFT panelists voice opinions on work environment at UNI.
21 AFT sponsors panel
Northern Iowan 78:7, p.6
Will discuss work environment at UNI.
22 Social activist to talk
Northern Iowan 76:51, p.1
The Reverend Gilbert Dawes will talk on unions.
23 AFSCME protests discrimination; faculty and staff picket while students protest
Northern Iowan 76:21, p.2
Faculty and staff picketed for a pay increase and to protest the university's alleged discrimination against handicapped employees; photo.
24 Continue efforts to attain faculty unity
Northern Iowan 75:44, p.2
Robert Claus offers his opinions on attaining harmony among the faculty.
25 Crownfield responds
Northern Iowan 75:43, p.2
Professor Crownfield wants to be sure that he made no implication whatsoever that the decertification election was responsible for insufficient gains in the recent contract.
26 UF retained as union agent in decertification election; AFT vows to continue as the "loyal opposition"; UF calls vote a mandate to improve
Northern Iowan 75:29, p.1
Faculty vote 282-191 to retain UF.
27 Faculty votes on union agent; results of decertification vote expected today
Northern Iowan 75:28, p.1
UF needs to receive 50% of the vote.
28 Recap of AFT-UF rivalry
Northern Iowan 75:28, p.1
A look at the road to the decertification attempt.
29 AFT meeting
Northern Iowan 75:27, p.13
Will discuss economic issues in bargaining.
30 AFT wins right to decertify election; obtained required number of signatures
Northern Iowan 75:24, p.1
Election will be held in early 1979.
31 AFT-UF struggle
Northern Iowan 75:24, p.2
Surprised that AFT has been able to get enough votes to hold decertification election.
32 Petition may halt bargaining; PERB ruling may decide
Northern Iowan 75:23, p.1
Question about whether or not a bargaining agent can bargain while facing a decertification election.
33 76% of needed signed
Northern Iowan 75:23, p.1
AFT has gathered 130 signatures in support of decertification of UF; need total of 170.
34 Quirk: 'faculty need the support . . . from participation in a union'
Northern Iowan 75:20, p.8
Profile of Professor Quirk; viewpoints on faculty-administration relations and the benefits of AFT representation; photo.
35 Bruha urges faculty to "restore credibility"; AFT member urges decertification
Northern Iowan 75:20, p.3
Believes AFT will be a stronger voice.
36 AFT = Jimmy Hoffa?
Northern Iowan 75:20, p.2
Professor Claus urges faculty members to think for themselves in the ongoing union debates.
37 Quality, not quantity
Northern Iowan 75:18, p.2
Professor believes that Northern Iowan reporter misinterpreted the size versus the power of the faculty unions.
38 American Federation of Teachers vs. United Faculty
Northern Iowan 75:18, p.1
Spokesmen for AFT and UF state their positions.
39 Faculty, union leaders give bargaining views
Northern Iowan 75:18, p.3
Offer opinions on de-certification action.
40 Round one set to begin?
Northern Iowan 75:16, p.2
The two faculty unions on UNI's campus are seeking to decertify one another.
41 AFT moves to decertify United Faculty
Northern Iowan 75:16, p.1
UF officials believe the move will be harmful to the collective bargaining process.
42 Merger talks ended; AFT, UF at "impasse", faculty unions remain separate
Northern Iowan 75:14, p.12
Four meetings over last two weeks do not lead to agreement.
43 The effect of the Quirk case
Northern Iowan 74:54, p.13
AFT will hold panel discussion.
44 Faculty approves bargaining agent
UNI Century 5:1, p.1
Collective bargaining approved 358-116; United Faculty approved as agent over AFT, 288-133.
45 'AFT democratic'
Northern Iowan 73:27, p.2
Professor Ritchie responds to Professor Hallberg; believes that AFT is the appropriate collective bargaining choice.
46 'Disturbing'
Northern Iowan 73:26, p.2
Professor Hallberg believes AFT members should support United Faculty.
47 Bargaining approved; United Faculty given representation rights
Northern Iowan 73:24, p.1
UNI faculty approved collective bargaining, 358-116; United Faculty selected as agent over AFT, 288-133, with 43 selecting neither organization.
48 UNISA investigates collective bargaining
Northern Iowan 73:22, p.7
Representatives from the American Federation of Teachers and the United Faculty spoke at a special UNISA meeting.
49 Why we support UNI/AFT
Northern Iowan 73:21, p.10
Professors offer their opinions.
50 UNI-AFT talk
Northern Iowan 73:12, p.3
Dale Burtner, professor of chemistry at California State University at Fresno, will speak on the topic of collective bargaining.