Anderson--Christine (Student--1986)

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI student teachers serving in Iowa communities
Public Relations News Release 1986:341, p.1

One hundred and eighty-eight students have begun their nine-week student teaching experience in student teaching centers throughout the state; participants are usually UNI seniors; students listed.

2 Handbook ready soon for economics teachers
Northern Iowan 82:42, p.15
Thanks to a grant from the Department of Public Instruction, Professor Janice Morgan is able to write a home economics handbook.
3 Seven awarded UNI's Nellie Dickey Scholarships
Public Relations News Release 1986:299, p.1
The awards are granted by the Department of Home Economics; the scholarship amounts range from $600 to $1200.
4 UNI names 1,160 students to 1985 fall semester Dean's list
Public Relations News Release 1986:247, p.1
About eleven percent of the undergraduate student body were cited for scholastic honors; to be on the Dean's list one must take at least twelve hours of graded work and have a gpa of 3.5 or higher; students listed.