Anderson--Durward (Swede) (Class of 1931)

Displaying 1 - 30 of 30 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Track and Freshman Track
Old Gold 0:0, p.150
Names of track team members, photo of freshman team, and overview of freshman season.
2 Trackmen smash records in banner season
Alumnus 15:3, p.18
1931 season wrap-up; photo.
3 T. C. letters awarded
Alumnus 15:3, p.19

Roster of letter-winners for spring 1931.

4 Basketball lettermen
Old Gold 0:0, p.145
Award winners; photos.
5 Basketball
Old Gold 0:0, p.142
Season highlights and schedule; photos.
6 The 1930-'31 list of winners
Public Relations News Release 1930:445, p.1
Athletic Council awards letters for baseball and track.
7 Iowa State Teachers track men will test the strength
Public Relations News Release 1930:395, p.1
Team travels to Dubuque to compete against five other schools, including: Luther, Columbia, Dubuque Uviversity, Upper Iowa, and St. Ambrose.
8 Cagers awarded letters
Alumnus 15:2, p.15
Nine men win letters in basketball.
9 Cagers win nine of twelve games
Alumnus 15:2, p.18
1930-1931 basketball season wrap-up; freshmen won both games in which they played; photo.
10 Nine tutor cagers at the Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1930:295, p.1
Letter winners announced in basketball.
11 Iowa Teachers cagers close the current court season
Public Relations News Release 1930:245, p.1
Basketball team has final game of the season against Columbia College of Dubuque.
12 Here are the members of this year's Iowa State Teachers College cage squad
Public Relations News Release 1930:243, p.1
Basketball team closes the season with as match against Coe.
13 Iowa Teachers leave the home court
Public Relations News Release 1930:232, p.1
Basketball team prepares for final away game of the season against Parsons College.
14 Complications of various court woes
Public Relations News Release 1930:203, p.1
Basketball team prepares for game against Simpson.
15 Iowa Teachers probably will meet the Dubuque University quintet
Public Relations News Release 1930:140, p.1
While Coach Art Dickinson remains hostpitalized with the flu, his team will play Dubuque with Melvin Fritzel as substitute coach.
16 Iowa Teachers College cagers
Public Relations News Release 1930:141, p.1
Basketball team prepares for game with Dubuque.
17 Iowa Teachers, runners-up in the Iowa conference cage race
Public Relations News Release 1930:125, p.1
Basketball team kicks off season in a match at Coe.
18 Iowa Teachers cagers settle down
Public Relations News Release 1930:110, p.1
Basketball team prepares for upcoming game with Coe College.
19 Six lettermen
Public Relations News Release 1930:107, p.1
Prospects for the 1930-1931 basketball team.
20 Iowa State Teachers college tracksters will journey to Decorah
Public Relations News Release 1929:505, p.1
Varsity track squad travels to Decorah to compete with Luther, Upper Iowa, Dubuque Uviverstity, and Columbia.
21 Letters and numeral awarded
Alumnus 14:2, p.23
Roster of those who won letters and numerals for winter sports.
22 Durward Anderson, Minneapolis, was one
Public Relations News Release 1929:279, p.1
Anderson closed his ISTC basketballcareer playing against Luther.
23 Tutor tracksters will hit their stride
Public Relations News Release 1929:273, p.1
The track team prepares for the upcoming season.
24 Tutor cagers will again attempt
Public Relations News Release 1929:258, p.1
The basketball team plays Luther College.
25 Iowa State Teachers College cagers will journey
Public Relations News Release 1929:166, p.1
The basketball team travels to Simpson and Upper Iowa this week.
26 Basketball ascends sports throne
Alumnus 14:1, p.20
Season preview; photo.
27 Veteran basketeers at Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1929:91, p.1
A partial roster for the upcoming Basketball season is provided.
28 Basketball
Old Gold 0:0, p.148
Coach; team members; photos; 1927-1928 basketball schedule.
29 Xanho
College Eye 19:34, p.8
Fraternity happenings; spring dance plans.
30 Xanho
College Eye 19:29, p.4
Fraternity happenings.