Anderson--Hale L. (Art Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 University of Northern Iowa annual art faculty exhibition,1989, open Jan. 16.
Public Relations News Release 1988:237, p.1
Exhibit will feature artworks in a variety of mediums, designed to introduce the public to recent artistic activities and current work by the teaching faculty in Northern Iowa's Department of Art, according to Blair Benz.
2 Faculty artwork displayed in gallery
Northern Iowan 82:51, p.14
Work of 19 faculty on display.
3 Annual Northern Iowa Art Faculty Exhibition to open Monday night (April 14)
Public Relations News Release 1986:356, p.1
The exhibit will feature the works of eighteen current or emeritus professors; list of professors.
4 Regents approve professional development leaves for 20 UNI faculty
Public Relations News Release 1986:203, p.1
Leaves were approved for the 1986-1987 school year; six leaves are for the fall, eight for the spring and six for the entire year; list of those taking a leave.
5 Art lectures resume
Northern Iowan 78:35, p.9
Hale Anderson will speak on metal work.
6 UNI Gllery of Art to preview, open annual faculty exhibition
Public Relations News Release 1980:351, p.1
The Gallery of Art will host the Annual Faculty Exhibiton which will feature the works of 20 art faculty members.