Andrews--Clark (Student--1920-1921)
Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Clark Andrews College Eye 13:17, p.8 |
Visited during the holidays. | |
2 | Harold Christensen, Clark Andrews, and Louis Berg College Eye 13:5, p.8 |
Will attend the University of Chicago. | |
3 | T. C. Vets Old Gold 0:0, p.186 |
Roster of members with military affiliations; photo. |
4 | T. C. Club Old Gold 0:0, p.185 |
Lettermen's Club roster of officers and membership roll; photo. | |
5 | Commencement play Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.1 |
Many students were involved in the Commencement play, May 29, 1920; Lenore Shanewise directed the play titled "He and She." | |
6 | Clio-Orio Old Gold 0:0, p.182 |
Honor roll, jokes, and candid photos; photo. | |
7 | Photo Old Gold 0:0, p.142 |
Football team members; photo. | |
8 | I.S.T.C. football squad--1919 Old Gold 0:0, p.139 |
Team photo; biographical sketch of Coach Doseff; photo. | |
9 | Football season is a success Old Gold 0:0, p.137 |
Written summary of games during 1919 season. | |
10 | Class play Saturday night College Eye 12:1, p.1 |
Will present "He and She"; roster of cast members. | |
11 | Class play a success College Eye 12:1, p. |
Brief review of "He and She." | |
12 | See Yourself in the Funny Column College Eye 11:29, p.7 |
Humorous quotes and anecdotes heard on campus. | |
13 | Letters awarded athletes College Eye 11:26, p.2 |
Basketball and football letter winners announced; Russell Dickinson, Glenn Cowan, and Albert McKinstry received all-state honors. | |
14 | T. C. Club elects officers College Eye 11:26, p.5 |
Albert McKinstry will serve as president; Clark Andrews will serve as vice president. | |
15 | New staff chosen; Berry to be new editor College Eye 11:23, p.1 |
William J. Berry, Abram James, and Jean Souter won College Eye staff election; photo. | |
16 | Midwinter play a success; "Oh Doctor, Doctor!" pleases audience College Eye 11:22, p.1 |
Review of student production. | |
17 | Oh Doctor, Doctor!; hear and see it Feb. 27 College Eye 11:21, p.1 |
Midwinter play will be presented. | |
18 | College Eye election next week College Eye 11:21, p.7 |
Candidates are announced; election will take place at the Crossroads on March 3. | |
19 | Staff with newspaper experience College Eye 11:20, p.2 |
Advertising 1920-1921 College Eye candidates; photo. | |
20 | College Eye election College Eye 11:20, p.3 |
College Eye subscribers will vote in staff election on March 3. | |
21 | Candidates for College Eye College Eye 11:19, p.7 |
Staff election will be held on February 27. | |
22 | College Eye candidates for 1920-21 College Eye 11:18, p.1 |
Two slates of candidates are running. | |
23 | College Eye staff 1920-21 College Eye 11:17, p.4 |
Candidates for election are announced. | |
24 | See Yourself in the Funny Column College Eye 11:12, p.11 |
Humorous quotes and anecdotes heard on campus. | |
25 | Who's who on Iowa State Teachers College gridiron--1919 College Eye 11:12, p.6 |
Individual photo and brief comment for each man on the football team; photo. | |
26 | Basketball prospect bright College Eye 11:12, p.5 |
A roster of talented and capable players will make this season successful; photo. | |
27 | I. S. T. C. football squad--1919 College Eye 11:12, p.1 |
Team photo. |