Arey--Ethel L. (Classes of 1893 and 1895; Library Staff)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 73 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Class of 1895 to hold fiftieth anniversary Public Relations News Release 1945:152, p.1 |
Iowa State Normal class to hold reunion. Ninety four per cent of the class have been involved in the teaching profession. Nine members have taught for at least fifty years. | |
2 | Dr. Rodney M. Arey Alumnus 24:1, p.15 |
Died May 30, 1939. | |
3 | Dr. Rodney M. Arey Alumnus 16:3, p.28 |
Physician at Muscatine, Iowa; broke his ankles in fall down elevator shaft. | |
4 | Ethel L. Arey Alumnus 16:1, p.22 |
Resident of Minneapolis, Minnesota; working at the Deaconess M. E. Hospital and Home. | |
5 | Birthday celebration College Eye 14:30, p.5 |
Held in honor of Professor Melvin Arey's 79th birthday. | |
6 | Ethel Arey College Eye 13:17, p.8 |
Visited during Christmas. | |
7 | Ethel L. Arey Alumni News Letter 4:1, p.3 |
Ethel L. Arey visited Cedar Falls. She is a clerk in the Subsistence Branch of the Quartermaster's Corps. | |
8 | Ethel L. Arey Alumni News Letter 3:2, p.5 |
Ethel L. Arey is a Clerk in the Subsistence Division of the Quartermaster Corps of the U. S. War Department. | |
9 | Alumni banquet College Eye 7:1, p.1 |
Alumni tell old stories and enjoy the reunion. | |
10 | Prof. Arey and the Misses Arey College Eye 4:11, p.9 |
Entertained on Thanksgiving. | |
11 | How the faculty do it College Eye 4:3, p.3 |
Description of vacation taken by Miss Goodwin, Miss Wild, Miss Fesenbeck, Miss Ethel Arey, Miss Oliver, Mrs. John McVicar, and Miss Ash of Des Moines. | |
12 | Alpha Old Gold 0:0, p.223 |
Illustration of woman sitting on a windowsill, description of society; roster of officers; humorous accomplishments and fake classified ads; photos. | |
13 | The Mill Old Gold 0:0, p.331 |
Cartoons, jokes, and poems about I. S. T. C. students, faculty, and staff; photos. |
14 | Library Old Gold 0:0, p.48 |
Photos of faculty members. | |
15 | Official Notes College Eye 3:12, p.204 |
News about faculty activities; work on Training School Building going more slowly than expected; may not move to new building until the holidays. | |
16 | The Alpha society Old Gold 0:0, p.288 |
Society motto, colors, officers, and members; photo. | |
17 | Librarians Old Gold 0:0, p.82 |
Library staff and description of services, including the Youth Collection, in the new building; photo. | |
18 | Prof. M. F. Arey and daughter Ethel College Eye 2:13, p.6 |
Spent Thanksgiving in Iowa City with Rodney Arey who is a medical student there. | |
19 | Mrs. M. F. Arey; wife of prominent Cedar Falls professor suddenly stricken with heart failure; College Eye 2:10, p.1 |
Died November 5, 1912; obituary. | |
20 | Librarians Old Gold 0:0, p.19 |
Photos of Library faculty. | |
21 | The Cottage Reading Circle College Eye 1:18, p.3 |
Held a program at the home of Professor and Mrs. D. S. Wright. | |
22 | Official notes College Eye 1:17, p.5 |
Recognizes the life and mourns the death of librarian Ellen D. Biscoe, who died January 29, 1912. | |
23 | Miss Ethel Arey College Eye 1:15, p.1 |
Had typhoid fever, but is now back at work in the Library. | |
24 | We are glad to see College Eye 1:15, p.2 |
Ethel Arey has returned to the library after battling a sickness. | |
25 | What happened during the summer College Eye 1:1, p.3 |
Highlights events of interest taking place during the summer session. | |
26 | Library Department Old Gold 0:0, p.49 |
Photo. | |
27 | Official Normal Eyte 20:32, p.523 |
Ellen Biscoe is on leave due to illness; Ethel Arey will probably be acting librarian; Jessie Parish will study at University of Iowa. | |
28 | Annual board Old Gold 0:0, p.6 |
Roster of members of the 1908 Old Gold staff. | |
29 | Graduates of the Alpha Society who are faculty members Old Gold 0:0, p.178 |
Photo. | |
30 | Library reminiscences Old Gold 0:0, p.325 |
Ethel Arey recalls some interesting questions that a librarian receives. | |
31 | Normal trustees in sessions Normal Eyte 18:29, p.453 |
Trustees consider sidewalks, change in railroad tracks, location of President's House, late registration fees, school seal, museum collection expansion, library instruction, and college hospital. | |
32 | Ava McCune of Davenport Normal Eyte 17:9, p.143 |
Visited Ethel Arey. | |
33 | Ethel Arey Normal Eyte 16:9, p.137 |
Attended library professional meeting. | |
34 | Miss Arey Normal Eyte 16:8, p.124 |
Attended library professional meeting. | |
35 | Iowa State Normal School. Faculty 1905-06. Normal Eyte 16:4, p.62 |
Roster of faculty with their local addresses. | |
36 | Members of the I. S. N. S. faculty, 1904-1905 Normal Eyte Annual 0:0, p.12 |
Roster of faculty and administrative staff, with years of service and academic preparation; photo. | |
37 | The library Normal Eyte Annual 0:0, p.71 |
Contains over 20,000 pieces of material; photo. | |
38 | Jess Mantle Normal Eyte 15:20, p.319 |
Is helping in library. | |
39 | Miss Arey and Miss Wild Normal Eyte 14:1, p.14 |
Miss Arey and Miss Wild vacationed in Michigan. | |
40 | Miss Arey Normal Eyte 12:23, p.363 |
Visited sister and brother. | |
41 | The following is the list of delegates Normal Eyte 12:9, p.142 |
Roster of those who will attend the YWCA convention in Cedar Rapids. | |
42 | Alpha yearbook Normal Eyte 10:3, p.62 |
Ethel Arey edited a book on the society and its members. | |
43 | Ethel L. Arey Normal Eyte 9:28, p.663 |
Completed her advanced course. | |
44 | Ethel L. Arey Normal Eyte 9:22, p.519 |
Assistant librarian at I. S. N. S.; completed four year course in 1895. | |
45 | Miss Suplee Normal Eyte 9:12, p.283 |
How the faculty spent the Thanksgiving holiday. | |
46 | Eva Wier . . . . Normal Eyte 9:1, p.10 |
Several Normalites attended the YWCA Lake Geneva conference. | |
47 | Friends, teachers and students at large! Normal Eyte 8:1, p.5 |
Lengthy look at the prospects for the new term; intentions for the new year; introduction of Normal Eyte staff members. | |
48 | Faculty--Group 3 Normal Eyte 7:35, p. |
Faculty in 1898; photo. | |
49 | Miss Ethel Arey Normal Eyte 7:8, p.92 |
Visited sister Amy at Iowa College. | |
50 | Official news and notes Normal Eyte 7:1, p.3 |
President Seerley's tribute to James Gilchrist; a look at improvements made on buildings and on campus with the help of a professional landscape planner; library classified; changes in faculty. |