Arnold--Nicholas (Student--1996)

Displaying 1 - 47 of 47 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Spring Career Fair
Northern Iowan 101:42, p.1
Cindy Jones and Tiffiney Avenarius talk to Nick Arnold at the Career Fair; photo.
2 Up 'Til Dawn raising funds
Northern Iowan 98:27, p.13
Up 'Til Dawn is a fundraiser for the St. Jude Children's Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee.
3 More than just a good scare!
Northern Iowan 98:16, p.10
Greek community provides a haunted house for people of all ages.
4 Sorority recruitment promotes service
Northern Iowan 98:1, p.20
Describes the process used for sorority recruitment; photo.
5 Saving the life of a child: Up 'til Dawn project raises funds
Northern Iowan 97:49, p.9
Up 'til Dawn helps to raise money for the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee.
6 Panhellenic wins big in Chi-Town
Northern Iowan 97:41, p.13
Students involved in the Panhellenic Council comment on their success at the Mid-American Greek Council Association.
7 People to Know: Nick Arnold, new coordinator of student organizations
Northern Iowan 97:30, p.9
Nick Arnold looks forward to working in the UNI community; photo.
8 Donna and Eldred Harman to be Univeristy of Northern Iowa Homecoming Parade marshals: five UNI students to be honored with Lux Service Awards
Public Relations News Release 2000:92, p.1
Listed are the Homecoming parade marshals, as well as the finalists and winners of the Lux Service Awards.
9 May term possible next year
Northern Iowan 96:51, p.1
The University is studying the possibility of having a May term in 2001.
10 NISG decisions fall on deaf ears
Northern Iowan 96:51, p.1
Northern Iowa Student Government passed resolutions on landscape pesticides and arming public safety officers this year; have not beeen acted upon by either the Regents or the University.
11 Students protest budget
Northern Iowan 96:47, p.1
Students go to Des Moines to protest budget cuts; photo.
12 Legislature proposes more budget cuts
Northern Iowan 96:45, p.1
Detailed look at proposed budget cuts from state legislature; NISG plans media blitz and visit to state capital.
13 News conference and rally scheduled for Tuesday, March 28, 10 a.m., State Capitol Building, Des Moines. Students from the 3 Regent universities. . .
Public Relations News Release 1999:316, p.1
Students from the three Regents universities will respond to recent Legislative proposal for budget cuts.
14 State budget cuts hit Regents universities
Northern Iowan 96:40, p.1
Governor proposes to give $348,000 in new money to UNI, representing about 7% of new Regents money.
15 Off-campus jobs hazardous to GPA
Northern Iowan 96:38, p.1
University recently revised policy allowing students to work more than twenty hours per week at an on-campus job. This was done to encourage students to work on campus.
16 Investing in the future: McCollum Science Hall
Northern Iowan 96:34, p.1
Students are lobbying state legislators to appropriate money to remodel McCollum Science Hall.
17 Santa, horse-drawn sleigh rides to kick off holiday fun
Northern Iowan 96:25, p.8
Tree lighting ceremony will be November 30. Activities are described; photo.
18 Regents approve 4.3% tuition hike
Northern Iowan 96:17, p.1
NISG supported the Regent's recommendation to raise tuition 4.3%.
19 Public Safety: give us guns; NISG administration supports officers' request
Northern Iowan 96:17, p.1
NISG will support Public Safety's request to carry firearms on campus.
20 Tuition increase waiting for approval
Northern Iowan 96:9, p.3
Board of Regents will consider a 4.3 percent tuition increase, backed by all three state university presidents, in October.
21 Compromise reached on computer fees: NISG proposes $18 increase to Board of Regents
Northern Iowan 96:6, p.1
NISG and administration debate over computer fee increase amount; photo.
22 NISG welcomes students, introduces administration
Northern Iowan 96:6, p.7
Profiles of NISG President Nick Arnold; Vice-President Andrea Nechanicky; Director of Administration Rebecca Feldman; and Director of Public Relations Matt Yochum.
23 The culture of college; going under the needle
Northern Iowa Today 28:1, p.1
Students and faculty talk about tattoos and body-piercing.
24 Year-round shuttle for students
Northern Iowan 96:1, p.1
Hours announced for Panther Shuttle.
25 The University of Northern Iowa Welcome Week 1999 to be held August 23-28
Public Relations News Release 1999:14, p.1
Many events are scheduled to help new and returning students learn about campus during Welcome Week. Andrew Shue will speak August 24.
26 Untitled
Northern Iowan 95:58, p.1
Nick Arnold speaking with other student government leaders at meeting; photo.
27 NISG to investigate minimum housing code
Northern Iowan 95:58, p.3
Topics at recent NISG meeting included housing code exploratory committee, advertising on Panther Shuttle buses, "Welcome Week" activities, Student-Advantage, All-Events pass, and the increased student computer fee.
28 Summer Orientation Staff puts new students at ease
Northern Iowan 95:57, p.6
Incoming freshmen spend two days on campus for Summer Orientation.
29 NISG committee looks to book big bands at UNI
Northern Iowan 95:54, p.1
NISG's University Concert Committee wants to bring popular groups and bands to UNI to entertain students.
30 Tales of generosity mark Kosovo relief efforts
Northern Iowan 95:53, p.1

UNI community has supported the Kosovo relief effort in donating over $2500 and other items for the refugees thus far. NISG passed a resolution supporting the Kits for Kosovo project; photo.

31 Summer orientation with a new twist
Northern Iowan 95:52, p.9
Summer Orientation Staff is a group of active students who go through intensive training. Staff encourage freshmen to get involved right from the beginning.
32 NISG nominations approved after debate
Northern Iowan 95:51, p.1
Matt Yochum and Rebecca Feldman approved as NISG Director of Public Relations and Director of Administration, respectively, after two hours of debate; photo.
33 Not all Southerners are ignorant
Northern Iowan 95:48, p.10
Nicholas Arnold stereotyped Southerners as ignorant in his article on KKK.
34 South should not be stereotyped
Northern Iowan 95:48, p.10
Nicholas Arnold focused on stereotypes of the South in his column on the KKK.
35 University of Northern Iowa students elect new student body president and vice president
Public Relations News Release 1998:297, p.1
UNI students elected Nick Arnold and Andrea Nechanicky as student body president and vice president, respectively.
36 People to know: Nick Arnold, Andrea Nechanicky; exclusive inside look at UNI's top leaders
Northern Iowan 95:43, p.11
A look at the personal lives of the new NISG president Nick Arnold and vice-president Andrea Nechanicky; photo.
37 Arnold, Nechanicky elected to NISG helm after runoff; after another round of voting, another week of waiting¿
Northern Iowan 95:42, p.1
Nick Arnold and Andrea Nechanicky won the NISG election with 868 votes; Nieting and Brownell had 581 votes; photo.
38 Untitled
Northern Iowan 95:41, p.1
Jeff Nieting, Travis Brownell, Nick Arnold, and Andrea Nechanicky at Sunday's final NISG election debate; run-off election will be held tomorrow; photo.
39 Nick, Nechanicky possess best qualities for NISG success
Northern Iowan 95:41, p.9
Students support Nicholas Arnold and Andrea Nechanicky for NISG.
40 NISG election results in presidential, senate runoff
Northern Iowan 95:40, p.1
A runoff will take place next Wednesday between presidential candidates Arnold/Nechanicky and Nieting/Brownell, and for Lawther Hall senator; photo.
41 Nick and Nechanicky, your best choice
Northern Iowan 95:39, p.9
Students urge others to support Nick Arnold and Andrea Nechanicky for NISG President and Vice-President.
42 Arnold, Nechanicky round out NISG presidential candidate field
Northern Iowan 95:38, p.1
Candidates Nick Arnold and Andrea Nechanicky share their election platform; photo.
43 Fraternities do not deserve negativity
Northern Iowan 95:15, p.7
Students respond to stereotype of fraternity members in Tom Brazelton's musical review of "The Drovers".
44 Foxhoven misquoted, feminism has misfortunes
Northern Iowan 95:7, p.8
Tanya Foxhoven clarifies misquote from Nicholas Arnold's September 15 column and comments on feminist stereotypes.
45 College for exposure, not shutting eyes
Northern Iowan 94:20, p.6
Believes students should study course material even if they do not always agree with it.
46 Arnold's column way out of line; advice to Arnold: Don't be a sore loser
Northern Iowan 93:24, p.6
Demeter House resident comments on Nick Arnold's November 15 column "Roughhousing: Contagious disease".
47 Arnold's column way out of line; slam to Demeter House RA unfair
Northern Iowan 93:24, p.6
Demeter House resident responds to Nick Arnold's November 15 column "Roughhousing: Contagious disease."