Around the Campus (Column)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 61 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Graduate student explains changes in M.A. program
College Eye 59:51, p.2
SCI now authorized to grant three types of Master's degrees.
2 New curriculum indicates changes in art philosophy
College Eye 59:49, p.2
Course changes will allow for more artistic development.
3 Hughes proposes solution to enrollment problem
College Eye 59:47, p.2
Stricter regulation should be used in recruiting freshmen.
4 Behrens: freshman will meet himself and futility
College Eye 59:46, p.2
College does not provide academic struggle, or answers to dominant questions.
5 Finegan ceramics exhibit compatible with human ideals of knowledge, truth, and creative contemplation--Orth
College Eye 59:45, p.2
Potters/pottery plays important role in history of civilization; exhibit of Scandinavian ceramics collected by Don Finegan on display in Library.
6 Around the Campus
College Eye 39:32, p.2
Believes the administration needs to add more sidewalks around campus.
7 Around the Campus
College Eye 39:30, p.2
Olympic wrestlers are giving TC a good reputation; Coach McCuskey hopes to go to London for Olympic games, and thanks is given to the TC band for their hard work.
8 Around the Campus
College Eye 39:29, p.2
Michael Lee Blake comments on the wives of student veterans, war, free speech, and prejudice.
9 Around the Campus
College Eye 39:28, p.4
Wonders why there are religious speakers allowed on campus but not political speakers.
10 Around the Campus
College Eye 39:27, p.2
Discusses the upcoming Teachers Relays, student teaching, the lack of pencil sharpeners, and the spring play.
11 Around the Campus
College Eye 39:26, p.2
Due to lack of interest the Old Gold and Pen may be discontinued, a journalism fraternity should become a reality, and the concept of having a journalism minor is being considered.
12 Around the Campus
College Eye 39:24, p.2
Comments on the difficulty of freshman English classes; warmer weather is appreciated by those living in Sunset Village.
13 Around the Campus
College Eye 39:23, p.2
Campus news.
14 Around the Campus
College Eye 39:22, p.7
Makes students aware of the new chapel proposed for the TC campus.
15 Around the Campus
College Eye 39:20, p.2
Comments on the service of the Humanist Club, religious discrimination, placement guidance in the work force, and TC's basketball team.
16 Around the Campus
College Eye 39:19, p.3
Comments on recent dramatic productions, registration procedures, and intercollegiate basketball games.
17 Around the Campus
College Eye 39:18, p.6
Comments on the bulletin board outside the Placement Bureau, and two hour courses.
18 Around the Campus
College Eye 39:17, p.6
Comments on the changing face of the TC campus, recent concerts, and the problems of the Old Gold staff.
19 Around the Campus
College Eye 39:16, p.7
Criticizes students for bringing radios to the TC game, so that they can listen to the Iowa Hawkeye game.
20 Around the Campus
College Eye 39:15, p.6
Comments on the separation of KXEL and TC, South Dakota State basketball fans, and the movement of the Campus School.
21 Around the Campus
College Eye 31:15, p.1
Student Council sponsors play night; Dean Nelson surprised at lecture attendance.
22 Around the Campus
College Eye 31:12, p.1
Sorority rush begins, Kagan named most valuable player, winter registration numbers are low compared to last year.
23 Around the Campus
College Eye 31:9, p.1
Show on latest fashions; Baker Hall defeats Seerley Hall in touch football.
24 Around the Campus
College Eye 31:8, p.1
25 Around the Campus
College Eye 31:5, p.1
Dads will be guests at game.
26 Around the Campus
College Eye 31:3, p.1
President entertains faculty; all-college hike tomorrow; cast announced for play
27 Around the Campus
College Eye 31:2, p.1
Enrollment down; pep rally to be held; upcoming concert.
28 Around the Campus
College Eye 31:1, p.1
Advance registration stands at 394, women students number 248 while the number of men are 146; ISTC will play Northeast Missouri State.
29 Bartlett Hall dance given tonight; Dr. Knoff to discuss life of Calvin; invite students to panel discussion
College Eye 30:41, p.1
Dance will be held in ballroom of the Commons; discussion on the life and thoughts of John Calvin; discussion held on "Opportunities for Farm Youth."
30 What causes students to cheat?
College Eye 30:40, p.1
The atmosphere in the classroom causes problems for students.
31 Personal appearance is important
College Eye 30:38, p.1
Keep up your appearance, even on those hot summer days.
32 No recreational dancing Monday; women's dormitory progresses; install index filing machines
College Eye 30:37, p.1
No recreation because of vacation; dormitory is moving toward completion; new machines installed at the office of the Registrar.
33 Student directories are out, typing champion demonstrates; two hour exams discontinued; five new faculty members coming
College Eye 30:36, p.1
There are eight hundred copies of the student directories out; world's greatest typing champion types at a speed over 120 words per minute; no two hour finals this summer due to a conflict with Commencement; five new faculty this fall.
34 Students register for summer term; two hours of recreational dancing
College Eye 30:34, p.1
Registration is expected to swell the number of students and increase the ratio in favor of women from last summer; there is a traditional two hour recreational dance at the Commons.
35 Presbyterian students convene here tomorrow
College Eye 30:30, p.1
The Reverend John Maxwell Adams of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, will be at TC for the conference of Westminster Fellowships of Iowa.
36 Drama department closes season
College Eye 30:29, p.1
Final dramatic production will be "Moor Born".
37 Matrix and oil cans to be awarded
College Eye 30:28, p.1
Matrix medal awarded to the most admired faculty member and various oil cans to valued staff members.
38 Old Gold to be released in May
College Eye 30:27, p.1
The annual will be ready between May 15 and May 25 for students who wish to purchase one.
39 Language Club sponsors dance tonight; water carnival scheduled Wednesday, 'You Can't Take It with You' here next week
College Eye 30:24, p.1
Mardi Gras ball tonight; wear costumes; water carnival at women's swimming pool at the Women's Gymnasium; nationally-famous movie will be shown.
40 Band's spring concert
College Eye 30:23, p.1
Spring concert will be held at the college auditorium under the direction of Myron Russell.
41 Around the Campus
College Eye 30:21, p.1
Figures from the spring quarter show that out of 1327 students, there are 911 women and 416 men.
42 Intramurals tomorrow afternoon; forum series begins Tuesday
College Eye 30:17, p.1
Intramural game basketball will take place in the Men's Gymnasium; this will be first four in a series of four forum-type discussions of current problems.
43 Mixed swimming starts Sunday; play night features volleyball
College Eye 30:15, p.1
There is mixed swimming for faculty and students; must wear the swimming suits furnished by the college; students and faculty play volleyball against each other tonight.
44 Around the Campus
College Eye 30:14, p.1
Christmas supper party held in Commons.
45 Around the Campus
College Eye 30:12, p.1
Enrollment for winter quarter 1938 is 1892.
46 Around the Campus
College Eye 30:11, p.1
Femmes Fancy and rec dances will be held.
47 Around the Campus
College Eye 30:10, p.1
Sophomore cotillion entertainment and semi formal, football game held will be last of season, and advance registration shows largest enrollment.
48 Around the Campus
College Eye 30:7, p.1
Course in homemaking; champion band here; Saturday night varieties.
49 Around the Campus
College Eye 30:6, p.1
PE instructors come to campus; green button ceremony to be held; Fall Fun Fest planned.
50 Around the Campus
College Eye 29:40, p.1
Cedar Falls Music Festival is postponed; Dr. Harold Bosley will speak; students will perform a recital.