Around (Column)

Displaying 1 - 40 of 40 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Around
College Eye 44:13, p.2
Christmastime conversation.
2 Around
College Eye 44:8, p.2
Louie the Fifth and Heathcliff discuss the 'good old days.'
3 Around
College Eye 44:2, p.2
Conversation between Louie the Fifth and Heathcliff.
4 Around
College Eye 44:1, p.7
Conversation between Louie the Fifth and Heathcliff.
5 Around
College Eye 43:20, p.6
Discusses the poor quality of current film trends.
6 Around
College Eye 43:19, p.2
Sarcastically applauds the benefits of capitalism.
7 Around
College Eye 43:18, p.2
Discusses the recent controversy over the true intent of cosmetics.
8 Around
College Eye 43:17, p.2
Humorous anecdotes of college life.
9 Around
College Eye 43:16, p.2
Humorous stories of college life.
10 Columnist confesses long concealed ambition
College Eye 43:15, p.2
Discusses failed attempts to get the 'book rights' of several popular movies.
11 Around
College Eye 43:14, p.2
A column of humorous anecdotes.
12 Around
College Eye 43:13, p.2
Random stories of college life.
13 Around
College Eye 42:32, p.2
Bugsy and Punchy argue over a shirt.
14 Around
College Eye 42:31, p.2
Advertising pitch for a worthless car.
15 Around
College Eye 42:30, p.4
Louis the Fifth (roommate) is brewing curious concoction.
16 Around
College Eye 42:29, p.5
Characters prepare for the spring.
17 Around
College Eye 42:28, p.3
Thoughts on unused space at TC.
18 Around
College Eye 42:27, p.5
Describes new 'characters' who will be featured in the column this quarter.
19 Around
College Eye 42:22, p.3
Don Coombs announces he will no longer write the column this semester.
20 Around
College Eye 42:21, p.6
Author claims that two joking students will be married this summer.
21 Around
College Eye 42:20, p.3
Author considers writing a 'love' column.
22 Around
College Eye 42:19, p.6
Story of time zone experimentation.
23 Around
College Eye 42:18, p.6
Cynical attitude toward the values behind war.
24 Around
College Eye 42:17, p.5
Mock news report on a writing strike fabricated by the usual author of this column (Don Coombs).
25 Around
College Eye 42:16, p.6
Student jokes about his amazing new medical cure.
26 Around
College Eye 42:15, p.6
Call to write legendary play script that will rake in money for Teachers College.
27 Around
College Eye 42:14, p.6
Story of Joe and his ceiling mural.
28 Around
College Eye 42:13, p.5
College students are destined to be poor.
29 Around
College Eye 42:12, p.5
Plans to retreat to a desert island to avoid hatred in world.
30 Around
College Eye 42:11, p.6
Student explores contents of his desk.
31 Around
College Eye 42:10, p.6
Story of Annie, Baker Hall maid, and her carpet-clipping.
32 Around
College Eye 42:9, p.6
Issues on dressing up for dinner.
33 Around
College Eye 42:8, p.6
Story of Jonesy, the student who decided not to quit school.
34 Around
College Eye 42:7, p.6
Speculates on future college students (three legs, one arm, no tongue).
35 Around
College Eye 42:6, p.3
Story of a college slacker.
36 Around (column)
College Eye 42:5, p.6
Disagrees with Emily Vanderbilt's lessons on manners.
37 Around
College Eye 42:4, p.6
Plea for TC walkers to stay on the sidewalks.
38 Around
College Eye 42:3, p.6
TC men appreciate life in the dorms.
39 Around (column)
College Eye 42:2, p.6
Explores necessity of green beanies for freshmen.
40 Around (column)
College Eye 42:1, p.3
Advice (Do's and Don'ts) for freshmen students.