Art Club

Displaying 1 - 50 of 50 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 2016 Student Guide
Northern Iowan 112:54, p.

The summer 2016 student guide, including letters of welcome, information about higher education, and features of Cedar Falls; photos.

2 Student Art Gala to raise funds for Painting/Art Dept.
Northern Iowan 112:54, p.5

The Art Club Gala will take place on April 29 and April 30; photo.

3 In Review, Gallery exhibit is 'alive'
Northern Iowan 78:37, p.12
Review of the Student Art Club Gallery Show; photo.
4 'Please touch' art displayed
Northern Iowan 78:31, p.7
A review of the art work on display by the UNI Art Club; photo.
5 Watch for student art exhibits
Northern Iowan 78:29, p.9
Art Club will sponsor student exhibitions.
6 Art Club
Northern Iowan 78:13, p.4
Will hold first gallery showing.
7 'Overview '62' Auction for art work tomorrow
College Eye 56:29, p.5
Art Club will hold auction.
8 Untitled
College Eye 56:8, p.3
Students preparing to trick or treat with the Art Club; photo.
9 Art Club to trick or treat
College Eye 56:7, p.4
Will trick or treat faculty members.
10 Halloween specters invade Art Club
College Eye 52:8, p.2
Members of the Art Club dress up for Halloween; photo.
11 Exhibits Highlight Art Year
Old Gold 0:0, p.100
Two student shows, nine specially scheduled exhibits, a special invitational sculpture show, and the International Graphic Arts Experimental Exhibits highlighted the year's activities. The Art Club and Kappa Pi were sponsored by the Art Department; photo.
12 Art Club Sponsors Beaux Arts Ball
Old Gold 0:0, p.156
The Art Club went on an exciting trip to Minneapolis, visited art galleries and the Instructor Studios, and talked to artists; they strived to stimulate an interest in the arts and crafts; photo.
13 Art Club Sees Picasso
Old Gold 0:0, p.223
Description of the Art Club and of the trip to Chicago to see the Picasso Show; photo.
14 Students display art in Georgian Lounge
College Eye 49:23, p.3
Art Club shows work.
15 Department of Art
Old Gold 0:0, p.42
The Department of Art had new additions made to the permanent art collection through purchases and donors; the Second Annual Art Fair was held in April; various art exhibits were sponsored throughout the year; photo.
16 Art Club Pursues Their Interest
Old Gold 0:0, p.222
The Art Club program does projects that involve making a modern film, designing and executing pieces for the Nativity Scene for the Commons lawn, and taking field trips to museums and places of artistic interest; photo.
17 Art Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.213

Brief description of the group; photo.

18 Art Club and Kappa Pi hold exhibit at Paul's
College Eye 47:10, p.5
19 Mexican art featured at first art meeting
College Eye 47:3, p.3
Professor Herrold will speak.
20 Artists Plan Annual Show
Old Gold 0:0, p.201
Description of the Art Club and their activities; photos.
21 Art Club elects Zemanek prexy
College Eye 46:30, p.10
List of officers.
22 Kappa Pi elects Hurlbut veep
College Eye 46:23, p.6
Kappa Pi and Art Club make plans.
23 Artists meet Tuesday
College Eye 46:19, p.7
24 Art Club hears Junkel
College Eye 46:10, p.5
Spoke on art in Venezuela.
25 Announce winners of Homecoming
College Eye 46:10, p.3
Roster of winners of Homecoming decoration contests.
26 Art Club honors faculty members
College Eye 46:5, p.6
Honors new art faculty.
27 Art Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.181
Brief description of the group; photo.
28 Dadaism is theme of first art ball
College Eye 45:31, p.6
Art Club plans dance.
29 Art Club shows film
College Eye 45:25, p.8
30 Art Club board plans policy for this year
College Eye 45:2, p.7
Brief look at plans for the year.
31 Art club
Old Gold 0:0, p.168
Siegfried Reichenberg, Ellen Petersen, Bob Sabus, and Ed Harris serve as officers in the Art Club; photo.
32 Student Art Show to close Monday
College Eye 44:32, p.3
33 College Eye Bulletin Board
College Eye 44:26, p.7
News from campus organizations.
34 College Eye Bulletin Board
College Eye 44:25, p.4
News from campus organizations.
35 Art Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.189
Description of the club and lists of members; photo.
36 Talks on Mexico
College Eye 43:21, p.8
Robert von Neumann speaks to Art Club.
37 art club
Old Gold 0:0, p.179
Brief description of the group; photo.
38 Teachers College Names Homecoming Queen
Public Relations News Release 1950:53, p.1
Lucille Hilger, 18-year-old brunette beauty from Hamburg, Iowa, will reign queen of the 29th annual Homecoming festivities next weekend. Her attendants will be Audrey Mack, Flo Anne Williamson, and Eleanor Woltman.
39 Club seeks entrance to national fraternity
College Eye 41:32, p.3
Considering possibility of affiliating with Kappa Pi.
40 Dean Myhr chosen as next Art Club prexy
College Eye 41:29, p.5
Other officers are listed.
41 Jack Reninger elected chairman of Art Club
College Eye 41:8, p.4
Reorganization meeting held.
42 Interest Clubs
Old Gold 0:0, p.165
Brief description of the group; photo.
43 Art Club begins monthly meetings
College Eye 39:1, p.7
Thirty attend first meeting.
44 The Art Club
Normal Eyte 15:7, p.111
Went to woods to sketch.
45 The Art Club
Normal Eyte 11:35, p.862
Gave Professor Patt a present.
46 The Art Club
Normal Eyte 11:34, p.835
Received letter from Professor Thornton.
47 The Art Club
Normal Eyte 11:34, p.835
Elected officers.
48 Monday the Art Club
Normal Eyte 11:32, p.788
Presented Professor Thornton a bouquet of roses.
49 The Art Club
Normal Eyte 11:30, p.739
Met recently.
50 A number of students
Normal Eyte 10:9, p.219
Have formed Art Club.