Art Club
Displaying 1 - 50 of 50 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | 2016 Student Guide Northern Iowan 112:54, p. |
The summer 2016 student guide, including letters of welcome, information about higher education, and features of Cedar Falls; photos. |
2 | Student Art Gala to raise funds for Painting/Art Dept. Northern Iowan 112:54, p.5 |
The Art Club Gala will take place on April 29 and April 30; photo. |
3 | In Review, Gallery exhibit is 'alive' Northern Iowan 78:37, p.12 |
Review of the Student Art Club Gallery Show; photo. | |
4 | 'Please touch' art displayed Northern Iowan 78:31, p.7 |
A review of the art work on display by the UNI Art Club; photo. | |
5 | Watch for student art exhibits Northern Iowan 78:29, p.9 |
Art Club will sponsor student exhibitions. | |
6 | Art Club Northern Iowan 78:13, p.4 |
Will hold first gallery showing. | |
7 | 'Overview '62' Auction for art work tomorrow College Eye 56:29, p.5 |
Art Club will hold auction. | |
8 | Untitled College Eye 56:8, p.3 |
Students preparing to trick or treat with the Art Club; photo. | |
9 | Art Club to trick or treat College Eye 56:7, p.4 |
Will trick or treat faculty members. | |
10 | Halloween specters invade Art Club College Eye 52:8, p.2 |
Members of the Art Club dress up for Halloween; photo. | |
11 | Exhibits Highlight Art Year Old Gold 0:0, p.100 |
Two student shows, nine specially scheduled exhibits, a special invitational sculpture show, and the International Graphic Arts Experimental Exhibits highlighted the year's activities. The Art Club and Kappa Pi were sponsored by the Art Department; photo. | |
12 | Art Club Sponsors Beaux Arts Ball Old Gold 0:0, p.156 |
The Art Club went on an exciting trip to Minneapolis, visited art galleries and the Instructor Studios, and talked to artists; they strived to stimulate an interest in the arts and crafts; photo. | |
13 | Art Club Sees Picasso Old Gold 0:0, p.223 |
Description of the Art Club and of the trip to Chicago to see the Picasso Show; photo. | |
14 | Students display art in Georgian Lounge College Eye 49:23, p.3 |
Art Club shows work. | |
15 | Department of Art Old Gold 0:0, p.42 |
The Department of Art had new additions made to the permanent art collection through purchases and donors; the Second Annual Art Fair was held in April; various art exhibits were sponsored throughout the year; photo. | |
16 | Art Club Pursues Their Interest Old Gold 0:0, p.222 |
The Art Club program does projects that involve making a modern film, designing and executing pieces for the Nativity Scene for the Commons lawn, and taking field trips to museums and places of artistic interest; photo. | |
17 | Art Club Old Gold 0:0, p.213 |
Brief description of the group; photo. |
18 | Art Club and Kappa Pi hold exhibit at Paul's College Eye 47:10, p.5 |
19 | Mexican art featured at first art meeting College Eye 47:3, p.3 |
Professor Herrold will speak. | |
20 | Artists Plan Annual Show Old Gold 0:0, p.201 |
Description of the Art Club and their activities; photos. | |
21 | Art Club elects Zemanek prexy College Eye 46:30, p.10 |
List of officers. | |
22 | Kappa Pi elects Hurlbut veep College Eye 46:23, p.6 |
Kappa Pi and Art Club make plans. | |
23 | Artists meet Tuesday College Eye 46:19, p.7 |
24 | Art Club hears Junkel College Eye 46:10, p.5 |
Spoke on art in Venezuela. | |
25 | Announce winners of Homecoming College Eye 46:10, p.3 |
Roster of winners of Homecoming decoration contests. | |
26 | Art Club honors faculty members College Eye 46:5, p.6 |
Honors new art faculty. | |
27 | Art Club Old Gold 0:0, p.181 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
28 | Dadaism is theme of first art ball College Eye 45:31, p.6 |
Art Club plans dance. | |
29 | Art Club shows film College Eye 45:25, p.8 |
30 | Art Club board plans policy for this year College Eye 45:2, p.7 |
Brief look at plans for the year. | |
31 | Art club Old Gold 0:0, p.168 |
Siegfried Reichenberg, Ellen Petersen, Bob Sabus, and Ed Harris serve as officers in the Art Club; photo. | |
32 | Student Art Show to close Monday College Eye 44:32, p.3 |
33 | College Eye Bulletin Board College Eye 44:26, p.7 |
News from campus organizations. | |
34 | College Eye Bulletin Board College Eye 44:25, p.4 |
News from campus organizations. | |
35 | Art Club Old Gold 0:0, p.189 |
Description of the club and lists of members; photo. | |
36 | Talks on Mexico College Eye 43:21, p.8 |
Robert von Neumann speaks to Art Club. | |
37 | art club Old Gold 0:0, p.179 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
38 | Teachers College Names Homecoming Queen Public Relations News Release 1950:53, p.1 |
Lucille Hilger, 18-year-old brunette beauty from Hamburg, Iowa, will reign queen of the 29th annual Homecoming festivities next weekend. Her attendants will be Audrey Mack, Flo Anne Williamson, and Eleanor Woltman. | |
39 | Club seeks entrance to national fraternity College Eye 41:32, p.3 |
Considering possibility of affiliating with Kappa Pi. | |
40 | Dean Myhr chosen as next Art Club prexy College Eye 41:29, p.5 |
Other officers are listed. | |
41 | Jack Reninger elected chairman of Art Club College Eye 41:8, p.4 |
Reorganization meeting held. | |
42 | Interest Clubs Old Gold 0:0, p.165 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
43 | Art Club begins monthly meetings College Eye 39:1, p.7 |
Thirty attend first meeting. | |
44 | The Art Club Normal Eyte 15:7, p.111 |
Went to woods to sketch. | |
45 | The Art Club Normal Eyte 11:35, p.862 |
Gave Professor Patt a present. | |
46 | The Art Club Normal Eyte 11:34, p.835 |
Received letter from Professor Thornton. | |
47 | The Art Club Normal Eyte 11:34, p.835 |
Elected officers. | |
48 | Monday the Art Club Normal Eyte 11:32, p.788 |
Presented Professor Thornton a bouquet of roses. | |
49 | The Art Club Normal Eyte 11:30, p.739 |
Met recently. | |
50 | A number of students Normal Eyte 10:9, p.219 |
Have formed Art Club. |