Art League

Displaying 1 - 50 of 186 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Art League
Old Gold 0:0, p.233

Brief description of the group; photo.

2 Last three students in Who's Who
Old Gold 0:0, p.136

Three students everyone should know. Brief biographies; photo.

3 Spring art salon will open April 21
College Eye 39:27, p.1
Will feature student work in many media.
4 Pat Smith's design will be used for programs
College Eye 39:20, p.3
For spring art salon.
5 Spring art salon:
College Eye 39:17, p.3
To be sponsored by Art League.
6 Art workshop planned by League
College Eye 39:4, p.7
Also considering organization of art honorary society Delta Phi Delta.
7 Art League conducts salon
Alumnus 31:3, p.2
Art League sponsors first salon in Commons.
8 Art League
Old Gold 0:0, p.181
Brief description of the group; photo.
9 Artists will be tea hosts Sunday
College Eye 38:32, p.4
10 Art League elects Wells, Fleming
College Eye 38:31, p.6
Roster of officers.
11 Art Salon to be held at Commons
College Eye 38:31, p.1
Will show work of alumni and students.
12 Colored movie shown to league members
College Eye 38:28, p.5
13 Art League will hold salon display
College Eye 38:28, p.4
Will display work by alumni and current students.
14 Art League gives marionette show
College Eye 38:24, p.7
15 Art League sees slides showing Nippon cities
College Eye 38:20, p.8
Slides taken by Darrel Porter.
16 Art League
Old Gold 0:0, p.146
The Art League works to create a better relationship between art students and faculty; photo.
17 Art League elects officers for fall
College Eye 37:31, p.1
List of Art League and Industrial Arts Guild officers.
18 Art exhibit by former T. C. student to open here Sunday
College Eye 36:41, p.1
Joanne M. Hansen will show work.
19 Art League
Old Gold 0:0, p.102
Anna Chapin acts as president of the Art League, with Professor Palmer serving as faculty adviser; photo.
20 Patt celebrates half a century of teaching here
College Eye 36:30, p.1
Brief profile of Miss Patt.
21 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 36:25, p.1
Campus event schedule.
22 Art League interests formulated for variety
College Eye 36:24, p.4
Will offer work in a variety of media.
23 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 36:24, p.1
Campus activities.
24 Copper jewelry made at Art League sessions
College Eye 36:20, p.3
Professor Dietrich guides lessons.
25 Tutor timetable
College Eye 36:18, p.1
Campus events.
26 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 36:10, p.4
Campus events and activities.
27 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 36:8, p.1
Events on campus.
28 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 36:7, p.1
Events on campus.
29 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 36:6, p.1
Weekly activities.
30 Paintings of famous Belgian to be shown
College Eye 36:4, p.1
Work by Celine Baekeland will be on display.
31 Art concour planned as Art League project
College Eye 36:2, p.4
Art League announces plans.
32 Art League
Old Gold 0:0, p.102
Brief description of the group; photo.
33 Art League elects next year's officers
College Eye 35:28, p.5
List of new officers.
34 Art League holds guest night on Tuesday, April 11
College Eye 35:26, p.4
Members should bring guests.
35 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 35:25, p.4
Events and meetings scheduled; student recital; life saving demonstration; holy week services; choir rehearsals.
36 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 35:24, p.2
Events and meetings scheduled; student recital; life saving corps; singing; art exhibits; choir rehearsals; playnight; fireside meditations.
37 Art League sponsors watercolor exhibit
College Eye 35:23, p.4
Will display work from Taos, New Mexico.
38 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 35:21, p.1
Events and meetings scheduled; Folk Festival; singing; war stamp sale; life saving corps; muncheon; play night.
39 Teachers College Art League sponsors series at exhibits
College Eye 35:20, p.5
Work by Florence Furst on display.
40 C. H. Bailey to talk to Art League about silver work
College Eye 35:20, p.6
41 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 35:19, p.1
Events and meetings scheduled; games; war stamp sale; play night.
42 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 35:18, p.1
Events and meetings scheduled; war stamps sale; life saving.
43 Untitled
College Eye 35:10, p.5
44 Art Leaguers' projects win admiring glances
College Eye 35:8, p.3
Work on display.
45 Dr. Palmer entertains Art Leaguers on picnic
College Eye 35:6, p.6
46 Art League members begin textile projects, oil paintings Monday
College Eye 35:4, p.7
Will continue their work.
47 Art League holds first fall meeting
College Eye 35:3, p.5
Holds organizational meeting.
48 Art League cancels sketching journeys
College Eye 34:34, p.4
Due to conflicting schedules.
49 Art group to discuss summer work plans at meeting Monday
College Eye 34:32, p.3
50 Art league
Old Gold 0:0, p.53
League is open to all students, only requirement is a interest in art, it is surprisingly popular on campus with non-art majors; photo.