Ary--Lester C. (Class of 1915; Extension Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 112 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Three achievement awards to alumni Alumnus 41:4, p.4 |
List of Achievement and Service awards; photo. | |
2 | Arey member of Board of Public Instruction Alumnus 38:1, p.11 |
Lester C. Arey elected to Board. | |
3 | Alumni attend their first post-war reunion Alumnus 30:3, p.3 |
Over three hundred alumni attend first reunion since 1942; description of program; photo. | |
4 | Alumni reunion Public Relations News Release 1946:170, p.1 |
Over three hundred alumni gathered for the sixty third reunion. Ten members of the class of 1896 attended. | |
5 | Alumni reunion Public Relations News Release 1946:167, p.1 |
Ten members of the class of 1896 returned for the 50th reunion. Over three hundred alumni returned for the annual reunion day. | |
6 | Members of the class of 1915, the 25-years honor group, and guests, attending the spring reunion included: Alumnus 24:3, p.27 |
Roster of honor group members and guests. | |
7 | You, too, would have enjoyed it Alumnus 24:3, p.19 |
Description of reunion activities and roster of many who attended; Minnesingers celebrate fiftieth anniversary; photo. | |
8 | Lewis H. Bock Alumnus 24:2, p.32 |
Died in December 1939; resided in Hills, Minnesota. He had been a bank cashier. The death was reported by Lester C. Ary, Cherokee attorney. | |
9 | Lester C. Ary Alumnus 22:2, p.20 |
Attorney in Cherokee, Iowa; member of the Board of Directors of the Seerley Foundation. | |
10 | Luncheon for alumni to be at Commons College Eye 27:17, p.1 |
Description of some of the activities. | |
11 | Returning alumni will find the sixteenth annual Homecoming a busy one Public Relations News Release 1935:130, p.3 |
Schedule of events. | |
12 | Untitled College Eye 22:32, p.3 |
Lester Arey will address graduates. | |
13 | Lester Ary, president of the alumni association Public Relations News Release 1930:407, p.1 |
Will speak at Commencement dinner on May 30. | |
14 | "If there is society we want the news," says society editor College Eye 22:25, p.5 |
Campus social calendar. | |
15 | Alumni Association of college holds annual reunion College Eye 21:35, p.1 |
Roster of officers. |
16 | Lester C. Ary Alumni News Letter 6:3, p.4 |
Lester C. Ary, superintendent of Cherokee schools, was elected to a committee by the Iowa State Teachers Association that will cooperate with other divisions at their Des Moines meeting. | |
17 | T. C. graduates get good wages College Eye 11:27, p.7 |
Three students have secured good teaching salaries. | |
18 | Senior B. A. notes College Eye 11:27, p.3 |
Happenings within the senior class. | |
19 | Helen Knapp and Helene Peebles College Eye 11:12, p.8 |
Visited Cedar Falls; teaching in Rock Rapids; Lester Ary is superintendent in Rock Rapids. | |
20 | Latest military news College Eye 10:21, p.5 |
Profiles of Ben Robinson, Lester Ary, and Burl Haight. | |
21 | Lester C. Arey Alumni News Letter 3:2, p.5 |
Lester C. Arey was elected Superintendent of Schools at Rock Rapids succeeding the late W. S. Wilson. | |
22 | Lieutenant Lester Ary College Eye 10:16, p.5 |
Served overseas for three months; now an instructor; visited college. | |
23 | Memorial war record established; Iowa State Teachers College led by President Seerley ranks high in American war-college activities College Eye 10:9, p.1 |
Detailed description of all the activities at I. S. T. C. during the course of World War I. |
24 | Lieut. Ary back from France College Eye 10:8, p.4 |
Served overseas for six months; returned to US to serve as instructor. | |
25 | Military Old Gold 0:0, p.165 |
Illustration of soldier in front of flag; poem; flag; roster of men in military service; students with location unknown or not officially reported and those awaiting call; photos. |
26 | Mrs. Arey College Eye 9:15, p.8 |
Visited Mrs. Oscar Tostlebe. | |
27 | Ary-Eckstem College Eye 9:13, p.6 |
Eva Eckstem married Lester Ary. | |
28 | Our honor list; these men are in Uncle Sam's army. To them we dedicate this issue College Eye 9:12, p.1 |
Roster of men in military service. | |
29 | Our honor roll College Eye 9:7, p.1 |
Roster of men from Teachers College who are enlisted in military service. | |
30 | Lester C. Ary College Eye 9:3, p.8 |
Is Lieutenant at Ft. Snelling. | |
31 | Lester Ary College Eye 8:24, p.8 |
Visited campus last Sunday. | |
32 | Lester Ary College Eye 8:13, p.7 |
Visited Cedar Falls; plans to study law at Yale University. | |
33 | Lester Ary making good College Eye 8:11, p.7 |
Serving as superintendent in Sioux Center. | |
34 | Lester C. Ary College Eye 7:28, p.8 |
Has been reelected a superintendent. | |
35 | Bob party College Eye 7:13, p.2 |
Students met at Dr. Sage's house for a Christmas party. | |
36 | I. S. T. C. is certainly on the map College Eye 7:5, p.8 |
Nine former students are teaching in the school system in Sioux Center. | |
37 | The library note College Eye 7:4, p.4 |
Humorous look at notes passed between men and women in the library. | |
38 | A strange and pleasant coincidence occurred College Eye 7:4, p.7 |
Former editors and business managers write to keep the current staff of the College Eye informed. | |
39 | Untitled College Eye 7:2, p.5 |
Lester Ary and George Zimmerman returned from Columbia University, where they had spent the summer. | |
40 | The Interstate Oratorical Contest Quarterly News Letter to the Alumni 0:0, p.1 |
Contest won by Lester C. Ary in Wisconsin. This is the fifth straight year that the Teachers College has won first place. College almost lost its membership in the Oratorical Association in 1897. | |
41 | Track Team Old Gold 0:0, p.186 |
Results from four meets in 1914 season; photo. | |
42 | Miscarriage of Justice Old Gold 0:0, p.241 |
Story written by student Lester Ary. | |
43 | Young Men's Christian Association Old Gold 0:0, p.214 |
Review of the past year's work; photo. |
44 | Debate and oratory College Eye 7:1, p.3 |
Lester Ary took first place in oratory. | |
45 | Social Science Club Old Gold 0:0, p.154 |
Brief overview of the purpose of the club; roster of officers; photo. |
46 | B. A. Side Show Old Gold 0:0, p.169 |
Cartoon about the senior Bachelor of Arts students. | |
47 | The College Eye staff Old Gold 0:0, p.172 |
Lester Ary was editor-in-chief; Esther Shoemaker was local and alumni editor, and Axel Justesen was business manager; photo. | |
48 | Teachers College Letter Club Old Gold 0:0, p.202 |
Overview of the club; roster of officers and members, divided by sport; photo. | |
49 | The B. A.'s Old Gold 0:0, p.170 |
An review of the year's events for the Class of 1915. | |
50 | Mid-Winter play "Stop Thief" Old Gold 0:0, p.226 |
Character list; synopsis of the play produced on February 1, 1915; photo. |