Ashland--June Irene (Class of 1953)
Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | June Irene Ashland Alumnus 37:3, p.22 |
Married Robert E. Galloway on July 12, 1953. | |
2 | Pi omega pi Old Gold 0:0, p.158 |
Marlyn Thompson, Joanne Jackson, Mary Jo Hand, Gladys Wagner, Dale Strotman, and Patricia Barr serve as officers in the Pi Omega Pi national honor fraternity for business education majors; photo. | |
3 | Lutheran Student Association Old Gold 0:0, p.196 |
List of members; photo. | |
4 | Theta Gamma Nu Old Gold 0:0, p.215 |
Sponsors of Theta Gama Nu were Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Winier, and Dr. and Mrs. Martin Grant. Officers includeMona Van Steenbergen, June Ashland, Marileigh Behrends, Lois Bubb, and Mary Jo Hand; photo. | |
5 | College Eye Old Gold 0:0, p.112 |
Photo of the staff and discription of the activities done by the publication; photo. | |
6 | Future Business Leaders of America Old Gold 0:0, p.197 |
Description of the club and photo of the members; photo. |
7 | Theta Gamma Nu Old Gold 0:0, p.235 |
Description of the sorority and some of the events that they held over the school year; photo. | |
8 | Special To: Clear Lake Mirror Public Relations News Release 1951:659, p.1 |
June Ashland, Clear Lake, has been elected vice-president of Theta Gamma Nu, local social sorority at Iowa State Teachers college. | |
9 | Special To: Mason City Globe Gazette Public Relations News Release 1951:660, p.1 |
June Ashland, Clear Lake, has been elected vice-president of Theta Gamma Nu, local social sorority at Iowa State Teachers college. | |
10 | Special To: Clear Lake Reporter Public Relations News Release 1951:661, p.1 |
June Ashland, Clear Lake, has been elected vice-president of Theta Gamma Nu, local social sorority at Iowa State Teachers college. | |
11 | New officers of the Iowa State Teachers college chapter of Future Business Leaders of America were recently installed Public Relations News Release 1950:371, p.1 |
They are: Margaretjean Butterworth, Humboldt, president; Jim Ribbeck, Sumner, vice-president; Marilyn Lowe, Cedar Rapids, secretary, and Clinton Wolf, Hampton, treasurer. New Board members were announced and are listed. |