Associated Women Students
Displaying 1 - 50 of 517 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | What is RHA? Northern Iowan 69:16, p.9 |
Goals for new organization formed from AWS and MRA. | |
2 | Changing roles Northern Iowan 69:4, p.3 |
AWS group will look at changing roles of men and women. | |
3 | A misleading editorial Northern Iowan 68:47, p.3 |
Addresses errors and ambiguities in recent article. |
4 | AWS Easter egg hunt Northern Iowan 68:42, p.8 |
5 | AWS sponsors Easter egg hunt on Saturday Northern Iowan 68:40, p.7 |
6 | Lack of votes keeps women together Northern Iowan 68:39, p.6 |
Fail to get enough votes to disband. | |
7 | AWS Kids' Day Northern Iowan 68:38, p.11 |
Will host needy kids. | |
8 | AWS sponsors Easter egg hunt Northern Iowan 68:37, p.7 |
Will host children. | |
9 | Referendum tomorrow Northern Iowan 68:36, p.1 |
Will decide fate of AWS. | |
10 | Kid's day is tomorrow Northern Iowan 68:33, p.12 |
Local underprivileged children will visit campus. | |
11 | Women disband? Northern Iowan 68:33, p.3 |
12 | Dorms drive for visitation reform Northern Iowan 68:32, p.1 |
Results of survey distributed to student leaders: other important issues include calendar reform and combination of AWS and MRA into Residence Hall Association. | |
13 | AWS sponsors 'kid's day' Northern Iowan 68:31, p.8 |
About one hundred children will enjoy day on campus. | |
14 | Women students recommend disbanding Northern Iowan 68:30, p.1 |
AWS votes to disband; believes it no longer serves a purpose. | |
15 | UNI Supreme Court UNI Quarterly 3:2, p.108 |
Set up to hear appeals from AWS Judicial Council, Interhall Court of Appeals, and MRH Court. | |
16 | AWS Northern Iowan 68:9, p.12 |
Will present lecturer on rape. | |
17 | Organizational News Northern Iowan 68:9, p.12 |
Activities and meetings. | |
18 | Mother's Weekend: the heart of SUNI Northern Iowan 67:49, p.1 |
Program for Mother's Day Weekend. | |
19 | UNI Group to Sponsor March of Dimes Pledge Walk Public Relations News Release 1971:534, p.1 |
The Associated Women Students at UNI will be organizing a March of Dimes walk. | |
20 | "No hours" proposal approved by AWS Northern Iowan 67:43, p.13 |
Recommendation goes to deans. | |
21 | Little Sis weekend Northern Iowan 67:43, p.16 |
AWS sponsors activities for visitors. | |
22 | Inter-Hall Court proposed Northern Iowan 67:43, p.15 |
AWS and MRA attempt to bring equity to justice system. | |
23 | AWS UNI Quarterly 2:3, p.9 |
Group photo of leaders. | |
24 | AWS proposals Northern Iowan 67:36, p.2 |
Platform of candidates running for AWS office. | |
25 | MRA reports on its 1970-'71 activities Northern Iowan 67:36, p.6 |
Among most important is cooperation with AWS. | |
26 | AWS candidates Northern Iowan 67:36, p.6 |
Nancy Wing, Nancy Havens, Dianna Reynolds, and Verlee Greer will run for AWS positions; photo. | |
27 | AWS to ski Northern Iowan 67:26, p.5 |
Will sponsor ski trip to Galena. | |
28 | Mrs. Kamerick to Meet with UNI Women Students Public Relations News Release 1970:169, p.1 |
Mrs. Kamerick will be a guest at the Nov. 11 luncheon for women in the UNI Continuing Education for Women Program. | |
29 | Untitled Northern Iowan 67:12, p.4 |
Linda Alloway provided musical entertainment at the AWS Sadie Hawkins Days; photo. | |
30 | "Round him up" Northern Iowan 67:9, p.7 |
Schedule for AWS Sadie Hawkins Days. | |
31 | Untitled Northern Iowan 67:2, p.4 |
AWS presented fall fashions in University Hall; photo. | |
32 | Internship: a chance for the future Northern Iowan 67:2, p.3 |
Would allow students to get better look at positions in student organizations. | |
33 | Untitled Northern Iowan 67:2, p.8 |
UNI coeds enjoy the AWS fashion show; photo. | |
34 | Fall fling Public Relations News Release 67:1, p.21 |
AWS and MRA sponsor early mixer. | |
35 | Campus women welcome Public Relations News Release 67:1, p.2 |
AWS president outlines program. |
36 | Women's Weekend UNI Quarterly 1:4, p.50 |
AWS sponsors activities; Leora Geadelmann is Mother of the Year; photo. | |
37 | "Relevance" and "Change": key words for AWS UNI Quarterly 1:4, p.22 |
A look at the year's projects and activities; list of officers; photo. | |
38 | UNI women to be in the spotlight Northern Iowan 66:50, p.3 |
Schedule of end of year activities for Associated Women Students. | |
39 | Coed faces challenge of AWS membership Northern Iowan 66:50, p.2 |
Unhappy with AWS; does not believe that it is up-to-date or responsive. | |
40 | Tipton woman Named UNI "Mother of the Year" Public Relations News Release 1969:530, p.1 |
Patricia Geadelmann's mother has been named UNI's "Mother of the Year" and will reign over Mother's Day activities on campus April 25 and 26. | |
41 | President Maucker comments: UNI "no hours" policy Public Relations News Release 66:49, p.2 |
President Maucker addresses new policy to Patricia Geadelmann of AWS. | |
42 | Liberalization of hours for women students at UNI reported to Regents Public Relations News Release 1969:488, p.1 |
Beginning in fall of 1970, women students, regardless of classification, may be given "no hours" privileges if written permission from their parents is submitted to UNI. | |
43 | Two UNI coeds attend IAWS meeting Northern Iowan 66:46, p.4 |
List of those who attended regional meeting. | |
44 | Additional comments on hours regulations Public Relations News Release 66:43, p.3 |
Continues debate on AWS and its association with hours for women. | |
45 | Communication gap causes misconceptions Public Relations News Release 66:43, p.2 |
Believes AWS should take steps to inform students about policies. | |
46 | Critical statements should have proof Northern Iowan 66:42, p.2 |
Defends role and actions of AWS in recent hours debate. | |
47 | "No hours" policy presented to president Northern Iowan 66:41, p.4 |
Dean Holmes passes on AWS proposal to President Maucker; policy would allow freshman women to waive hours, with parental consent. | |
48 | Reply to criticism of AWS Northern Iowan 66:41, p.2 |
AWS president Geadelmann explains that AWS does not make rules; points out recent AWS recommendations in favor of liberalizing hours regulations. | |
49 | Freshman hours draw opposition Northern Iowan 66:40, p.2 |
Student outlines arguments against freshman hours. | |
50 | Organizational News Northern Iowan 66:40, p.8 |
Activities and meetings. |