Associated Women Students

Displaying 1 - 50 of 517 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 What is RHA?
Northern Iowan 69:16, p.9
Goals for new organization formed from AWS and MRA.
2 Changing roles
Northern Iowan 69:4, p.3
AWS group will look at changing roles of men and women.
3 A misleading editorial
Northern Iowan 68:47, p.3

Addresses errors and ambiguities in recent article.

4 AWS Easter egg hunt
Northern Iowan 68:42, p.8
5 AWS sponsors Easter egg hunt on Saturday
Northern Iowan 68:40, p.7
6 Lack of votes keeps women together
Northern Iowan 68:39, p.6
Fail to get enough votes to disband.
7 AWS Kids' Day
Northern Iowan 68:38, p.11
Will host needy kids.
8 AWS sponsors Easter egg hunt
Northern Iowan 68:37, p.7
Will host children.
9 Referendum tomorrow
Northern Iowan 68:36, p.1
Will decide fate of AWS.
10 Kid's day is tomorrow
Northern Iowan 68:33, p.12
Local underprivileged children will visit campus.
11 Women disband?
Northern Iowan 68:33, p.3
12 Dorms drive for visitation reform
Northern Iowan 68:32, p.1
Results of survey distributed to student leaders: other important issues include calendar reform and combination of AWS and MRA into Residence Hall Association.
13 AWS sponsors 'kid's day'
Northern Iowan 68:31, p.8
About one hundred children will enjoy day on campus.
14 Women students recommend disbanding
Northern Iowan 68:30, p.1
AWS votes to disband; believes it no longer serves a purpose.
15 UNI Supreme Court
UNI Quarterly 3:2, p.108
Set up to hear appeals from AWS Judicial Council, Interhall Court of Appeals, and MRH Court.
16 AWS
Northern Iowan 68:9, p.12
Will present lecturer on rape.
17 Organizational News
Northern Iowan 68:9, p.12
Activities and meetings.
18 Mother's Weekend: the heart of SUNI
Northern Iowan 67:49, p.1
Program for Mother's Day Weekend.
19 UNI Group to Sponsor March of Dimes Pledge Walk
Public Relations News Release 1971:534, p.1
The Associated Women Students at UNI will be organizing a March of Dimes walk.
20 "No hours" proposal approved by AWS
Northern Iowan 67:43, p.13
Recommendation goes to deans.
21 Little Sis weekend
Northern Iowan 67:43, p.16
AWS sponsors activities for visitors.
22 Inter-Hall Court proposed
Northern Iowan 67:43, p.15
AWS and MRA attempt to bring equity to justice system.
23 AWS
UNI Quarterly 2:3, p.9
Group photo of leaders.
24 AWS proposals
Northern Iowan 67:36, p.2
Platform of candidates running for AWS office.
25 MRA reports on its 1970-'71 activities
Northern Iowan 67:36, p.6
Among most important is cooperation with AWS.
26 AWS candidates
Northern Iowan 67:36, p.6
Nancy Wing, Nancy Havens, Dianna Reynolds, and Verlee Greer will run for AWS positions; photo.
27 AWS to ski
Northern Iowan 67:26, p.5
Will sponsor ski trip to Galena.
28 Mrs. Kamerick to Meet with UNI Women Students
Public Relations News Release 1970:169, p.1
Mrs. Kamerick will be a guest at the Nov. 11 luncheon for women in the UNI Continuing Education for Women Program.
29 Untitled
Northern Iowan 67:12, p.4
Linda Alloway provided musical entertainment at the AWS Sadie Hawkins Days; photo.
30 "Round him up"
Northern Iowan 67:9, p.7
Schedule for AWS Sadie Hawkins Days.
31 Untitled
Northern Iowan 67:2, p.4
AWS presented fall fashions in University Hall; photo.
32 Internship: a chance for the future
Northern Iowan 67:2, p.3
Would allow students to get better look at positions in student organizations.
33 Untitled
Northern Iowan 67:2, p.8
UNI coeds enjoy the AWS fashion show; photo.
34 Fall fling
Public Relations News Release 67:1, p.21
AWS and MRA sponsor early mixer.
35 Campus women welcome
Public Relations News Release 67:1, p.2

AWS president outlines program.

36 Women's Weekend
UNI Quarterly 1:4, p.50
AWS sponsors activities; Leora Geadelmann is Mother of the Year; photo.
37 "Relevance" and "Change": key words for AWS
UNI Quarterly 1:4, p.22
A look at the year's projects and activities; list of officers; photo.
38 UNI women to be in the spotlight
Northern Iowan 66:50, p.3
Schedule of end of year activities for Associated Women Students.
39 Coed faces challenge of AWS membership
Northern Iowan 66:50, p.2
Unhappy with AWS; does not believe that it is up-to-date or responsive.
40 Tipton woman Named UNI "Mother of the Year"
Public Relations News Release 1969:530, p.1
Patricia Geadelmann's mother has been named UNI's "Mother of the Year" and will reign over Mother's Day activities on campus April 25 and 26.
41 President Maucker comments: UNI "no hours" policy
Public Relations News Release 66:49, p.2
President Maucker addresses new policy to Patricia Geadelmann of AWS.
42 Liberalization of hours for women students at UNI reported to Regents
Public Relations News Release 1969:488, p.1
Beginning in fall of 1970, women students, regardless of classification, may be given "no hours" privileges if written permission from their parents is submitted to UNI.
43 Two UNI coeds attend IAWS meeting
Northern Iowan 66:46, p.4
List of those who attended regional meeting.
44 Additional comments on hours regulations
Public Relations News Release 66:43, p.3
Continues debate on AWS and its association with hours for women.
45 Communication gap causes misconceptions
Public Relations News Release 66:43, p.2
Believes AWS should take steps to inform students about policies.
46 Critical statements should have proof
Northern Iowan 66:42, p.2
Defends role and actions of AWS in recent hours debate.
47 "No hours" policy presented to president
Northern Iowan 66:41, p.4
Dean Holmes passes on AWS proposal to President Maucker; policy would allow freshman women to waive hours, with parental consent.
48 Reply to criticism of AWS
Northern Iowan 66:41, p.2
AWS president Geadelmann explains that AWS does not make rules; points out recent AWS recommendations in favor of liberalizing hours regulations.
49 Freshman hours draw opposition
Northern Iowan 66:40, p.2
Student outlines arguments against freshman hours.
50 Organizational News
Northern Iowan 66:40, p.8
Activities and meetings.