Association of Educational Secretaries

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI Secretaries Honor Dr. Daryl Pendergraft
Public Relations News Release 1971:640, p.1
Pendergraft was honored on May 20 at a noon lucheon. He will be returning to teaching in the history department next fall.
2 UNI Secretaries to Attend Meeting in Des Moines
Public Relations News Release 1970:117, p.1
11 members of the UNI Association of Educational Secretaries (AES) will attend the annual convetion of the Iowa AES Oct 23-24 in Des Moines.
3 News Release 10-22-1970
Public Relations News Release 1970:117, p.1
11 members of the UNI Association of Educational Secretaries (AES) will attend the annual convetion of the Iowa AES Oct 23-24 in Des Moines.