Athletic Board

Displaying 1 - 50 of 90 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Student and faculty life at ISTC
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.68
History of student publications, debate, drama, music, and athletics during the Latham administration; photo.
2 Panther Tracks: SCI Athletic Board reports, 2 new sports added
College Eye 60:47, p.6
Discusses the SCI Athletic Board, including its purpose and its agenda.
3 Dr. Schlicher heads college Athletic Board
Alumnus 46:4, p.9
Will replace Professor Lott.
4 Schlicher named chairman for Athletic Board
College Eye 56:5, p.6
Will replace Fred Lott; description of board's responsibilities.
5 Marching Band Performs at Augustana
Old Gold 0:0, p.142
The Marching Band had been through long hours of practice, halftime shows at football games, Homecoming activities, and parades; one highlight was the presentation of the halftime show at Augustana; photo.
6 Athletic Board suggests 'C' averages
College Eye 50:30, p.1
Board also recommends joining another athletic conference and election, rather than appointment, of Board members.
7 'Most valuable' men athletes to be honored
College Eye 30:33, p.1
8 Sports banquet to be held May 24
College Eye 30:27, p.4
Will distribute athletic awards.
9 Athletic Board names winners
College Eye 28:37, p.4
The Athletic Board named letter winners for spring sports, including thirteen from baseball.
10 Professor S. A. Lynch will serve as acting chairman of the athletic board
Public Relations News Release 1934:968, p.1
Chairman H. Earl Rath is working toward a Ph. D. at Iowa State College.
11 Richard Rollins was selected as most valuable man on the baseball team
Public Relations News Release 1934:578, p.1
The vote was made by the coaches and Athletics Board of the college.
12 Athletic Board announces new trophy award
College Eye 25:25, p.1
Feel need for award after discontinuation of Berg Trophy; will be made on basis of value to team or "exceptional attainment".
13 Men to receive athletic awards; special assembly is called for Wednesday morning
College Eye 24:33, p.1
Description of the program.
14 Gridders set for nine game schedule
Alumnus 16:4, p.16
1932 football season preview.
15 Sweeping reduction admission charges
Public Relations News Release 1932:12, p.1
The cost of attending a football game goes down from $1 to $0.40.
16 Athletic Board picks Art Olsen for Berg award; trophy is awarded for most valuable service during basketball season
College Eye 23:36, p.4
Junior guard Arthur Olsen was awarded the Berg Trophy for his performance on the 1931-32 basketball team.
17 All varsity wrestlers
Public Relations News Release 1931:284, p.1
Lettered wrestlers attend a banquet hosted by Athletic Board.
18 Athletic Board votes to make wrestling new major activity; major letter will now displace the customary "I-w" as varsity award
College Eye 23:35, p.4
Criteria for winning a major letter in wrestling.
19 T. C. men to be guests at all college games
Alumnus 15:4, p.15
Athletic Board and Department of Physical Education for Men attempt to compile list of all athletic letter winners.; list of 325 names gathered thus far.
20 Board passes on pep leader plan
College Eye 23:13, p.3
Athletic Board approved plan to select cheerleaders and award sweaters according to performance.
21 Pep association will help spirit at Tutor school
College Eye 23:12, p.3
Cheerleaders will be selected; under supervision of Athletic Board.
22 Stewart Cooper named Most Valuable Gridder of 1930 Tutor eleven
College Eye 22:14, p.3
Stewart Cooper, right defensive end, named Most Valuable Player at recent meeting of Athletic Board of Control.
23 Stewart Cooper, of Sac City
Public Relations News Release 1930:120, p.1
Named most valuable player on the football team.
24 Mendenhall, Rath attend meet
College Eye 22:13, p.3
L. L. Mendenhall and E. H. Rath attend Intercollegiate Athletic Conference.
25 Atrhur Olsen, Cedar Falls, will receive the first
Public Relations News Release 1930:10, p.1
Receives the first Freshman Award; award is given for outstanding academic performance, athletic ability, and overall good sportsmanship.
26 Further honors were bestowed
Public Relations News Release 1929:177, p.1
David McCuskey was voted the football team's most valueable player
27 High school letters should not be worn; request comes from athletic men
College Eye 20:14, p.1
Believes students should leave high school behind.
28 Prof. Cable presented with gold football
College Eye 20:4, p.6
Professor Cable is the president of the Athletic Board.
29 Intramural sports made attractive; Athletic Board takes charge; eight trophies to be given
College Eye 19:2, p.6
Athletic Board encourages men to participate in intramural sports.
30 Athletic emblems
College Eye 18:44, p.1
Women will change their emblems so that they will not resemble men's athletics letters.
31 Athletic Board
Old Gold 0:0, p.179
Brief overview; roster of members.
32 New insignia for letter men
College Eye 18:26, p.1
Description of new insignia and system for award.
33 The Athletic Board
College Eye 18:16, p.3
Banquet to be held; Judge Utterback will be a guest.
34 Athletic board
Old Gold 0:0, p.198
Responsibilities of the Board; photo.
35 Teachers-Simpson both favor holding meeting
College Eye 17:32, p.6
Committee to be formed to make inquiries after post-game incident.
36 Teachers condemn Simpson coach; Workman to face charges of Tutor athletic board in future
College Eye 17:32, p.6
Inquiry began after post-game fight.
37 Simpson favors conference for reconciliation
College Eye 17:32, p.6
Would like to repair break in relations.
38 Athletic Board
Old Gold 0:0, p.213
Roster of board members, coaches, and team captains.
39 Dubuque 'U'-Pedagog clash today; Teachers' nine meet "Germans" in hardest battle on schedule
College Eye 16:33, p.6
Tutors to play baseball game against Dubuque University; championship Tutor basketball and wrestling squads to be honored prior to game.
40 No captains to be elected
College Eye 16:17, p.6
Captains for athletic teams to be appointed by coaches rather than elected.
41 Fighting spirit rises; team is out to win; school spirit reaching climax
College Eye 11:2, p.1
Prospects for 1919 football season look good; Athletic Board also working hard.
42 Athletics
Old Gold 0:0, p.183
Illustration of a football player; letter winners for the 1917-1918 athletic season.
43 Athletic Board
College Eye 9:2, p.7
Roster of board members.
44 Department of Administration
Old Gold 0:0, p.28
Profile of Leslie I. Reed, the adviser of men; photo.
45 Wearers of the TC
Old Gold 0:0, p.181
Letter winners of 1917; members of the Athletic Board.
46 Eight men awarded letters; a mention of the individual men
College Eye 8:18, p.1
Profiles of men winning letters in football.
47 Athletic Board awards letters; fourteen men win honor letters in football
College Eye 7:12, p.1
Letter winners for football listed.
48 Untitled
College Eye 7:11, p.5
Explanation of new plan of admission to games without gate fees.
49 Athletic police system
College Eye 7:7, p.1
Believes that because students have free admission to games, they should help police the grounds.
50 Athletic Board meets; approves spring track and baseball schedule; basketball letters awarded
College Eye 4:26, p.1
Basketball letters awarded; track and baseball schedules approved.