Aurand--Wayne O. (Class of 1948; Laboratory School Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 33 of 33 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI professors chosen for project GO
Northern Iowan 66:38, p.8
Professors Mitchell and Aurand selected by music education professional organization.
2 Two UNI profs named to music educators national committees
Public Relations News Release 1969:366, p.1
Professors Mitchell and Aurand have been appointed to represent Iowa on commitees for a new national "Goals and Objects (GO) Project" of the 58,000-member Music Educators National Conference (MENC).
3 Regents Arrange for Selection of UNI Presidential Evaluation Committee
Public Relations News Release 1969:243, p.1
Committee to consist of six faculty members, including one member of the adminstration, two students, and one rep each for the UNI alumni and the university non-academic staff.
4 Lab school gives concert Thursday
College Eye 59:29, p.6
Wayne Aurand will direct work.
5 Lab School music students enter contest
Public Relations News Release 1960:376, p.1
Leslie Hale and Wayne Aurand supervise five vocal and three instrumental groups from the Price Laboratory School in their participation in the Small Music Ensemble contest in Tripoli.
6 Malcolm Price School to give concert
Public Relations News Release 1960:370, p.1
The Boy's and Girls Glee Clubs and the Chamber Choir perform in the Price School auditorium under the direction of Leslie Hale following their victory in a state music contest. Also performing will be the Chamber Band and String Ensemble.
7 Kappa Theta Psi Witnesses Active Year
Old Gold 0:0, p.207
Kappa Theta Psi strive to develop strongly knit friendships, and promote better relationships on campus both socially and scholastically; they were kept busy with Homecoming Coffee Hour, the Sweetheart Dinner and Dance, and other events; photo.
8 Kapps help needy at holidays
Old Gold 0:0, p.248
Kappa Theta Psi projects include learning about Kappa history, fixing blankets, rush parties, dinners, and dances; photo.
9 Concert tonight
College Eye 47:28, p.8
10 Festival concert given tomorrow
College Eye 45:12, p.1
High school students will perform in North Iowa Cedar League show.
11 Concert presented by college orchestra
College Eye 43:41, p.4
12 Nielsen conducts bandmaster clinic
College Eye 43:11, p.7
A look at the recent bandmasters clinic.
13 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne O. Aurand
Alumnus 35:4, p.24
The former Miriam F. Hansen and her husband are the parents of Robert William, who was born on October 16, 1951.
14 11 new members named for fall instructional staff
College Eye 42:40, p.1
List of new members, brief profiles, and the faculty members whom they are replacing.
15 The appointments of five new instructors in the teaching department have been announced by Dr. M. J. Nelson, dean of the faculty
Public Relations News Release 1951:6, p.1
They are Wayne O. Aurand, music; Walter J. Gohman, science; Albert Leeland, fourth grade; Melvin F. Salo, rural supervisor, and Marguerite M. Vodicka, third grade.
16 Bandmaster to meet at ISTC, Dec. 4
Public Relations News Release 1950:140, p.1
A full day of band music will feature the annual clinic of the Northeast Iowa Bandmasters association. Visiting bandmasters will hear successive half-hour clinics on individual instruments or instrument groups.
17 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Aurand
Alumnus 34:1, p.26
The former Miriam F. Hansen and her husband are the parents of Elisabeth Carolyn, who was born on October 21, 1949.
18 Miriam Hansen
Alumnus 33:1, p.22
Married Wayne Aurand in August.
19 Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia
Old Gold 0:0, p.223
Brief description of the group; photo.
20 College Concert Band
Old Gold 0:0, p.165
List of members and what instrument they played; photos.
21 Seniors of 1948
Old Gold 0:0, p.64
This page lists some of the Senior Class of 1948; photo.
22 Symphony Orchestra
Old Gold 0:0, p.159
List of members and what instrument played; photo.
23 Band presents outdoor concert
College Eye 39:31, p.11
Performance program; students conduct.
24 Band will present 3 final concerts
College Eye 39:30, p.3
Will feature student conductors.
25 Concert Band will present winter quarter concert here
College Eye 39:20, p.1
Performance program.
26 Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia
Old Gold 0:0, p.171
Brief description of the group; photo.
27 College Symphony Orchestra
Old Gold 0:0, p.254
List of members; photo.
28 The Concert Band
Old Gold 0:0, p.255
List of members; photo.
29 Our inquiring reporter
College Eye 38:4, p.2
Student responses to the question "What, in your opinion, is the most important factor in a broad, liberal education?"
30 Concert Symphony Orchestra
Old Gold 0:0, p.153
Roster of members of the Concert Symphony Orchestra, Edward Kurtz as Conductor; photo.
31 Concert Band
Old Gold 0:0, p.152
Band Photo and roster of members; photo.
32 Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia
Old Gold 0:0, p.69
National honorary music fraternity dedicated to the promotion and fostering of music, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia holds several social functions to the envy of other organizations at Teachers College, such as the dinner-dance; photo.
33 Music Fraternity Initiation
Public Relations News Release 1943:17, p.1
Ten new students and two faculty were admitted into Beta Nu chapter of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, the national honorary music fraternity.