Bailey--James L. (Business Office Staff)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 52 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Administrative changes and departmental reorganization
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.311
Detailed look at the break-up of the old, large departments into smaller, more discrete units; list of those who headed the old and new departments; photo.
2 Legislative study committee
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.357
A committee of legislators visits campus and makes recommendations related to curtailing expenditures.
3 Untitled
Northern Iowan 81:24, p.1

Refreshments are served at the retirement party for James Bailey; photo.

4 John E. Conner
Northern Iowa Today 13:1, p.7
Succeeds James Bailey as UNI Treasurer.
5 Administration reorganizes
Northern Iowan 81:16, p.1

Many changes are taking place in the Administration and Finance division, including the retirement of James L. Bailey.

6 James Bailey plans phased retirement
Alumnus 68:2, p.4

Will retire October 31, 1985.

7 New science dean named by Regents
Northern Iowan 80:60, p.1
Profile of Roy Saigo; John Page named acting head of Art Department; other personnel matters decided.
8 Board elected
Northern Iowan 76:25, p.4
Officers have been elected for the UNI Alumni Association Board of Directors.
9 Regents hear UNI tenure report, personnel actions
Northern Iowan 75:60, p.1
54% of faculty tenured; 74% on tenure track; parietal rule for sophomores suspended for two years; Norris Durham named department head.
10 A change for SIIF?
Northern Iowan 73:47, p.1
Debate over voluntary vs. mandatory fee; decision will have impact on care and use of the fund.
11 Association elects officers; discusses charging alumni dues
Alumnus 62:1, p.15
List of officers.
12 New officers
Northern Iowan 72:62, p.4
In accord with recent mandate, Regents appoint university officers: James Bailey is treasurer and Gary Shontz is secretary to replace Robert Stansbury who had been serving in that capacity.
13 Roof raising set for September
Alumnus 60:3, p.5
Lee Miller estimates that roof will be in place by September, building enclosed by November, and ready for use in December; current funding will mean that seating will be completed on one side only; photo.
14 Dome access approved
Northern Iowan 71:60, p.1
$26,500 truck access drive approved.
15 Obstacles can't keep alumni away
Alumnus 59:3, p.11
250 attend; service award winners named; photo.
16 Educator awards
Northern Iowan 69:47, p.2
Comments on who ought to be receiving awards.
17 KYTC: campus radio
UNI Quarterly 1:2, p.60
A look at the programming and facilities of the station, which was started in 1955; photo.
18 Board for Student Publications discuss layout of Seven
College Eye 63:33, p.1
Eye budget increased; consider elimination of advertising in Old Gold; talk about design of Seven.
19 Bailey questions Eye policy
College Eye 63:8, p.2
Responds to a September 30 College Eye editorial.
20 New procedures make Registration Day civilized
College Eye 60:26, p.2
Praises the new registration process and congratulates four administrators who helped formulate the new procedure.
21 8 faculty men's diversion: playing poker for pennies
College Eye 59:29, p.1
A group of faculty enjoy playing cards; photo.
22 Bailey says directories out next week
College Eye 59:7, p.3
Will sell for 50 cents each.
23 Turn in books
College Eye 52:33, p.2
Treasurers of student organizations must turn in books to Mr. Bailey.
24 Bright spot in the gloom
College Eye 52:18, p.8
Feels the student body, despite recently stated opinions, still maintains a degree of honor.
25 NAEB to confer at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:66, p.1
James L. Bailey manages campus arrangements for the regional conference of the National Association of Educational Buyers. The conference will cover developments in air conditioning and the purchase of quality building materials.
26 Boards Govern Communications
Old Gold 0:0, p.158
The Board of Control of Student Publications is the governing department of all student publications. The board selects the executive staffs of the Old Gold and College Eye and see that they function properly. KYTC is governed by the Board of Control of Student Broadcasting. They select the staff and determine policies the station will fallow.
27 Business Office Physical Plant
Old Gold 0:0, p.83
The Physical Plant services departs mof Luandry, mimeograph, and telephone. It and the staff that work there are responsible for the physical operation of the college, Photos.
28 37 on faculty promoted; 17 to "full prof"
College Eye 50:34, p.1
Roster of promotions.
29 Boards Govern Communications
Old Gold 0:0, p.144
The Board of Control of Student Publications select the executive staff for the OLD GOLD and the COLLEGE EYE, and make sure that the staffs function properly; they are the governing department of all the student publications; photo.
30 Business and Physical Plant Keep College Running Smoothly
Old Gold 0:0, p.89
The Business Office is responsible for the receipt and dispersement of TC funds, and the Physical Plant is responsible for maintenance and the physical operation of the college; photo.
31 Boards Govern Communications
Old Gold 0:0, p.144
Description of the Boards of Control of Student Publication and Student Broadcasting; photos.
32 Business and Physical Plant
Old Gold 0:0, p.89
Brief description of the role of these two offices; photos.
33 Boards of Control
Old Gold 0:0, p.138
The communications staffs, College Eye, OLD GOLD, and KYTC; they also are governed by the Board of Control of Student Publications and the Board of Control of the Student Broadcasting Association; photo.
34 Faculty Senate
Old Gold 0:0, p.41
Photograph of the Faculty Senate.
35 Business and Plant
Old Gold 0:0, p.33
The Business Office is responsible for receiving and disbursing funds; the Physical Plant Department's aim is to maintain the buildings, grounds, and equipment; the department employs ninety-six workmen full-time and many students part-time; photo.
36 Boards of Control
Old Gold 0:0, p.141
Brief description of the group; photo.
37 Buildings and Plant
Old Gold 0:0, p.90
Brief description of the faculty; photo.
38 SLB holds session, meal for new campus officers
College Eye 46:30, p.1
39 Elizabeth Rowley
Old Gold 0:0, p.23
Administration; photo.
40 Board of control of student publications
Old Gold 0:0, p.123
The Board of Control of Student Publications consists of five students and four faculty members. The board is charged with selecting staff officers of the College Eye and Old Gold.
41 Board of Control of Student Publications
Old Gold 0:0, p.114
Photo of the staff and a discription of duties; photo.
42 Assistants
Old Gold 0:0, p.19
Photos of the assistants are featured on this page; photos.
43 Approintment of James Bailey
Public Relations News Release 1951:261, p.1
Bailey, formerly of Erkskine, Minnesota, as treasurer and assistant business manager, was approved recently by the Iowa State Board of Education. At present, Bailey is assistant business manager of the college.
44 Special to: Crookston Times
Public Relations News Release 1951:241, p.1
The appointment of James Bailey, formerly of Erskine, Minnesota, as treasurer and assistant business manager of ISTC effective January 1, 1952, was approved recently by the Iowa State Board of Education.
45 Special to: Erskine Echo
Public Relations News Release 1951:240, p.1
The appointment of James Bailey, formerly of Erskine, Minnesota, as treasurer and assistant business manager of ISTC effective Jan. 1, 1952, was approved recently by the Iowa State Board of Education. At present Bailey is assistant business manager.
46 State Board boosts tuition to $40, names Bailey treasurer
College Eye 43:11, p.1
Tuition raised from $36 to $40 per quarter.
47 Student fees raised from $36 to $40 per quarter submitted by the board by President J. W. Maucker
Public Relations News Release 1951:207, p.1
Maucker's recommendation to the board read, in part, "recognizing the general increase in the price level of about ten percent since the beginning of the war in Korea, I believe it is equitable for students and their parents to bear their fair share.
48 Assistants
Old Gold 0:0, p.36
List of assistants; photo.
49 Warren opens Lyceum Series
Public Relations News Release 1950:60, p.1
Leonard Warren, bariton star of the Metropolitan Opera, will open the 1950-1951 concert course at the College Thursday in the auditorium. Warren has since starred in 21 other operas in this country and South America.
50 Forty new administrative faculty members join staff fall quarter
College Eye 42:2, p.5
List of new faculty.