Baker--Margaret (Class of 1894; Elocution Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 110 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Student and faculty life at ISTC A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.68 |
History of student publications, debate, drama, music, and athletics during the Latham administration; photo. | |
2 | Meeting educational needs, 1890-1902 A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.141 |
Organization of academic departments, military studies, the Training School; expansion of the curriculum; photo. | |
3 | Harriet A. Cunningham Alumnus 24:2, p.33 |
Residing in Anamosa; reported Margaret Baker's death. | |
4 | Miss Margaret Baker dies Alumnus 24:2, p.33 |
Died January 8 in Tacoma, Wash., where she lived with her sister, Grace; was professor of elocution and physical culture; went to England to study at Oxford University, and became vice principal and teacher of English of the Foreign Woman's Dept. | |
5 | Eleven members of the faculty Alumnus 22:2, p. |
Composite photo of faculty, 1895; photo. | |
6 | Gilchrist Hall picture calls up memories for '94 graduate Alumnus 19:2, p.4 |
News of the Class of 1894. | |
7 | Margaret Baker Alumnus 14:4, p.22 |
Baker, formerly of the Department of English at the Teachers College, has published a very instructive article in The Chicago Schools Journal for March, 1930 on "The Little Theater in the High School." | |
8 | Books by members and ex-members of the faculty College Eye 8:25, p.2 |
Bibliography of the work of past and current faculty members. |
9 | Margaret Baker College Eye 1:25, p.6 |
Is teaching at a high school in Chicago. | |
10 | Minneapolis public schools; plan of appointment of teachers College Eye 1:12, p.4 |
Standards of appointment; Margaret Baker will lead tour to Europe. | |
11 | Official Notes Normal Eyte 21:18, p.306 |
Iowa education news; Professor Page asks for additional leave to allow his ankle to heal; legislators discuss simplified spelling; Margaret Baker now in Oklahoma; Ira Condit publishes regularly. | |
12 | Official: the visit of the veterans Normal Eyte 19:4, p.49 |
Members of 3rd Iowa Infantry visit campus; Margaret Baker lecturing in Chicago; new lockers will be added to Gymnasium; NCA has new room; Nan Baldwin is secretary of YWCA; masonry work under way at President's House; Trustees file biennial report. | |
13 | Miss Margaret Baker Normal Eyte 18:2, p.17 |
Will teach in the Evanston Classical School. | |
14 | Books written by our faculty Normal Eyte Annual 0:0, p.14 |
Bibliography of work by Normal School faculty. | |
15 | Miss Margaret Baker; formerly instructor in reading at Normal--now at Oxford, England Normal Eyte 15:16, p.254 |
Margaret Baker is now an instructor at Oxford in England. | |
16 | Prof. Harry Lancaster Normal Eyte 13:26, p.414 |
Visiting Cedar Falls. | |
17 | Miss Margaret Baker Normal Eyte 13:2, p.22 |
Will teach at Whitworth College in Washington. | |
18 | Miss Baker, an author Normal Eyte 11:29, p.712 |
Margaret Baker writes illustrated and annotated edition of Ruskin. | |
19 | Miss Margaret Baker Normal Eyte 8:33, p.468 |
Visited chapel. | |
20 | Alpha Normal Eyte 8:29, p.409 |
Account of recent program with science theme. | |
21 | Miss Margaret Baker Normal Eyte 8:27, p.382 |
Visited chapel. | |
22 | Miss Margaret Baker Normal Eyte 8:27, p.375 |
Will work in the Extension Department of the University of Chicago. | |
23 | Miss Baker's resignation Normal Eyte 8:26, p.365 |
Will study at University of Chicago. | |
24 | Margaret Baker Normal Eyte 8:26, p.365 |
Returns home. | |
25 | High school class reception Normal Eyte 8:26, p.362 |
Second and Third Year High School classes hold reception at Miss Baker's house. | |
26 | Alpha Normal Eyte 8:22, p.312 |
Account of recent meeting with patriotic theme. | |
27 | The Cottage Reading Circle Normal Eyte 8:18, p.250 |
Miss Baker will give program. | |
28 | In honor of the victories of Friday, November Fourth Normal Eyte 8:11, p.150 |
Women faculty hold party to celebrate victories. | |
29 | Charles A. Frederick, '93, and Ida E. Shaw Normal Eyte 8:1, p.11 |
Married. | |
30 | The faculty and how they spent vacation Normal Eyte 8:1, p.9 |
Lengthy summary of faculty activities for the summer of 1898. | |
31 | Faculty--Group 1 Normal Eyte 7:35, p. |
Faculty in 1898; photo. | |
32 | The faculty; past and present Normal Eyte 7:35, p.4 |
Brief sketches of all faculty, 1876-1898; growth of the department faculties; photo. | |
33 | The Board of Trustees Normal Eyte 7:27, p.9 |
Roster of faculty changes. | |
34 | Miss Margaret Baker Normal Eyte 7:21, p.10 |
Receives bachelor's degree from Chicago; will work on master's degree. | |
35 | Margaret Baker's friends Normal Eyte 7:19, p.12 |
Enjoying life at University of Chicago. | |
36 | Official news and notes Normal Eyte 7:1, p.3 |
President Seerley's tribute to James Gilchrist; a look at improvements made on buildings and on campus with the help of a professional landscape planner; library classified; changes in faculty. | |
37 | Faculty no. 1 Normal Eyte 6:33, p.410 |
Composite of individual faculty portraits; photo. | |
38 | The faculty Normal Eyte 6:33, p.394 |
Profiles of the faculty members; photo. | |
39 | The best kind of entertainment Normal Eyte 6:33, p.449 |
Miss Baker will appear on Chautauqua program. | |
40 | The Cottage Literary Society Normal Eyte 6:33, p.450 |
Met at President Seerley's house. | |
41 | Pupils' recital Normal Eyte 6:32, p.375 |
Description of program given by Miss Falkler's students. | |
42 | The Normal School Normal Eyte 6:30, p.350 |
Account of welcoming Percy Hunt home after his debating victory in Emporia. | |
43 | The friends of Miss Baker Normal Eyte 6:27, p.321 |
Will give readings at summer Chatauqua; will enter University of Chicago in fall. | |
44 | Miss Margaret Baker Normal Eyte 6:24, p.278 |
Will take leave of absence for study. | |
45 | A very pleasant social hour Normal Eyte 6:20, p.231 |
Margaret Baker gave a party for those involved in the recent oratorical contest. | |
46 | Miss Susie Smith Normal Eyte 6:20, p.236 |
Visited Parkersburg. | |
47 | The Reading Circle Normal Eyte 6:19, p.223 |
Margaret Baker leads group. | |
48 | Y. M. & Y. W. C. A. Normal Eyte 6:16, p.189 |
A look at recent meetings. | |
49 | Others of the faculty Normal Eyte 6:15, p.178 |
Roster of faculty who attended ISTA meeting. | |
50 | Y. M. & Y. W. C. A. Normal Eyte 6:14, p.162 |
City chapter conducts meeting in chapel. |