Bakkum--Glenn A. (Class of 1916)

Displaying 1 - 44 of 44 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Bakkum and Pierce cited at June commencement
Alumnus 48:3, p.18
Win Alumni Achievement awards; photo.
2 Glenn A. Bakkum
Alumnus 36:2, p.14
Head of the department of sociology at Oregon State College.
3 Glenn A. Bakkum
Alumnus 22:4, p.16
Professor of sociology and chairman of the Department of Sociology at Oregon State College in Corvallis, Oregon.
4 Glenn A. Bakkum
Alumnus 20:1, p.17
Chairman and professor of sociology at Oregon State College in Corvallis.
5 Glenn A. Bakkum
Alumnus 19:4, p.20
Taught a sociology course over the summer at the New York State College for Teachers in Albany.
6 Glenn A. Bakkum
Alumnus 15:4, p.22
Head of the Department of Sociology at the University of Wichita, in Kansas; toured Europe during the summer with his wife. They visited Norway, Sweden, Denmark, England, Russia, Germany, Poland, Switzerland, France, and Italy.
7 Glenn A. Bakkum
Alumnus 15:1, p.19
Alumnus was chair of town and country life conference in Kansas.
8 Glen Bakkum
Alumnus 14:4, p.27
Bakkum has been made dean and placed in charge of the Bureau of Municipal Social Research at the Municipal University of Wichita at Wichita, Kansas. He was formerly Head of the Department of Sociology at the the University..
9 Glenn A. Bakkum
Alumnus 14:4, p.27
In April, President H. W. Foght announced Bakkum as head of the organization of a bureau of municipal research in addition to being Head of the Sociology Department. His wife is instructor in mathematics at the University of Wichita.
10 Three Teachers alumni win Columbia scholarships
College Eye 16:30, p.8
Emma Chase, Luella Wright, and Glenn Bakkum will attend Columbia University on the Lydia C. Roberts Scholarship.
11 Glenn A. Bakkum
Alumni News Letter 6:3, p.4
Glenn A. Bakkum is named superintendent of Hudson, and will continue to fulfill his duties as an agricultural supervisor for that community.
12 Glenn Bakkum
College Eye 13:14, p.8
Visited campus.
13 Glenn A. Bakkum
Alumni News Letter 5:3, p.7
Glenn A. Bakkum is married to Florence Stahl in Nashua, Iowa.
14 Glenn Bakkum
College Eye 12:34, p.8
Attended picnic.
15 Glenn Bakkum
College Eye 12:24, p.8
Attended campus lecture.
16 Glenn Bakkum
College Eye 12:23, p.8
Visited campus.
17 Glenn Bakkum
College Eye 12:22, p.8
Gave a speech at a Y. M. C. A. meeting.
18 Bakkum leads Wednesday night meeting
College Eye 12:21, p.2
Brief profile of former student Glenn Bakkum.
19 Glenn Bakkum
College Eye 12:16, p.8
Visited campus.
20 Bakkum makes hit at I. S. T. A.
College Eye 12:12, p.2
Spoke about ideas on public school agriculture education.
21 Glen Bakkum
Alumni News Letter 4:4, p.6
Bakkum is Smith Hughes Agricultural Teacher at Hudson and Orange Townships.
22 Supt. Glen Bakkum
College Eye 9:29, p.8
Was here looking for teachers.
23 The following superintendents
College Eye 8:23, p.8
Have called, looking for teachers.
24 Glen Bakkum
College Eye 8:13, p.7
Visited the Hill.
25 The college gospel team at Linn Grove
College Eye 8:13, p.4
Highlights Y. M. C. A. gospel team and their activities.
26 Mr. Glenn Bakkum
College Eye 8:13, p.7
Visited friends on campus before returning to work in Halfa.
27 At the Older Boy's Conference
College Eye 8:12, p.7
Former students head delegations.
28 The Schoolmasters Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.253
Officers, executive committee, history, charter members, and honorary members.
29 Young Men's Christian Association
Old Gold 0:0, p.290
Members of the Cabinet; photo.
30 Young Men's Christian Association
Old Gold 0:0, p.291
Activities of the Y.M.C.A. at Iowa State Teachers College.
31 The Gospel Team
Old Gold 0:0, p.293
Members of the Gospel Team; photo.
32 Photographs of graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.85
33 Junior college
Old Gold 0:0, p.105
Baby hood ornament on a car. Class roster, officers, colors, flowers, mascot, will, and jokes; photo.
34 Photo
Old Gold 0:0, p.158
Members of the Philomathean Literary Society; photo.
35 The gospel teams
College Eye 7:13, p.6
Gospel teams return from trips to Garrison and Fairbank, Iowa.
36 Glen Bakkum and E. Herman Erickson
College Eye 7:11, p.8
Went to Ames to attend the Gospel team Conferences.
37 Y. M. C. A. Employment Bureau
College Eye 7:2, p.6
YMCA will try to match employers with students who can do the work.
38 Young Men's Christian Association
Old Gold 0:0, p.214

Review of the past year's work; photo.

39 The Y. M. C. A. employment bureau
College Eye 4:24, p.5
Glenn Bakkum will take leadership of the Y. M. C. A. employment bureau.
40 What some of the students say of "Dad" Elliott
College Eye 4:12, p.1
Students who have heard A. J. Elliott speak offer their comments on him.
41 Students celebrate Highland victory; real rural demonstration
College Eye 4:4, p.1
Gathering was held to welcome home football players from Highland Park.
42 The Y. M. C. A. Geneva Conference
College Eye 4:2, p.2
Review of events at annual Geneva Conference.
43 Christian associations; Geneva campaign brings results; large I. S. T. C. delegation will attend summer conference
College Eye 4:1, p.5
Sixteen men will make up I. S. T. C. representation at Geneva conference; women students will attend Y. W. C. A. conference.
44 Philo
Old Gold 0:0, p.325
Illustration of a man reading; description of society; roster of officers and members; photos.