Baldwin--Stephen John (Classes of 1899--1913--and 1915)

Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Stephen J. Baldwin
Alumnus 36:4, p.24
Died on April 27, 1952.
2 Stephen J. Baldwin
Alumnus 25:3, p.28
Has moved from Denver Colorado, to Long Beach, California.
3 S. J. Baldwin
College Eye 7:5, p.7
Left Jesup to visit friends in Cedar Falls.
4 Orio
Old Gold 0:0, p.151
Illustration of a castle on a hill; brief overview of the society past and present; winter triangular team; photo.
5 Bachelor of Arts
Old Gold 0:0, p.20
Photos of graduates.
6 A. B.'s pull off first real tirade; the Fell residence fairly radiates senior stunts, senior knowledge and senior magic
College Eye 4:9, p.2
Seniors held Halloween party.
7 A. B. class hold jolifification; enjoy a breakfast at the golf links Saturday
College Eye 4:5, p.2
Review of events at breakfast.
8 Orios
Old Gold 0:0, p.321
Description of society; roster of officers and members; photos.
9 Photos of graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.58
1913 graduates; photo.
10 S. J. Baldwin
College Eye 2:19, p.6
Missed class to assist a school whose teachers were ill.
11 S. J. Baldwin
Normal Eyte 13:9, p.143
Teaching near Waterloo.
12 S. J. Baldwin
Normal Eyte 10:19, p.461
Is teaching in Jesup.
13 Orio
Normal Eyte 8:22, p.313
Account of recent program.
14 Mr. Baldwin
Normal Eyte 8:9, p.123
Back in school.
15 Undergraduates
Normal Eyte 8:6, p.84
News about Normalites.
16 S. J. Baldwin
Normal Eyte 7:12, p.138
Is now teaching.
17 Mr. Baldwin's brother
Normal Eyte 5:7, p.53
Here for a visit.
18 The Orios first meeting
Normal Eyte 5:1, p.7
Officers elected.
19 Field Day
Normal Eyte 4:33, p.524
Records in track and field events.