Ballantyne--Mary Douglas (Classes of 1880 and 1888)

Displaying 1 - 26 of 26 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Mary Douglas Ballantyne
Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.6
Mary Douglas Ballantyne died at home April 4, 1920.
2 Mary D. Ballantyne
Normal Eyte 9:14, p.329
Was a teacher in the schools in Omaha; resigned in 1898.
3 Mary D. Ballantyne
Normal Eyte 9:13, p.305
Is teaching in Omaha, Nebraska.
4 Mary D. Ballantyne
Normal Eyte 8:16, p.223
Back in school.
5 Mary Ballantyne
Normal Eyte 8:10, p.139
Will rest at home in Traer.
6 The Normal Eyte
Normal Eyte 7:35, p.13

History of the student newspaper.

7 We notice that in these pleasant days of sunshine
Normal Eyte 2:2, p.15
Mary D. Ballantyne marries T. W. Davis and moves to Santa Barbara, California.
8 Mary Ballantyne
Students' Offering 8:33, p.8
Still teaching in Marshalltown.
9 Mary J. Ballantyne
Students' Offering 7:29, p.6
Teaching in Black Hawk County.
10 Mary Ballantyne
Students' Offering 7:26, p.6
Now teaching in Dexter.
11 Mary D. Ballantyne
Students' Offering 6:20, p.6
Principal of Brooklyn High School.
12 Mary Ballantyne
Students' Offering 5:19, p.10
Assistant principal at Brooklyn High.
13 We call the attention
Students' Offering 5:18, p.4
Annual meeting of Alumni Association approaching; officers and programs.
14 Members of the Classes of 1879 and 1880
Students' Offering 5:14, p.6
News about class members.
15 Commencement exercises
Students' Offering 4:13, p.1
Twenty-five students complete two year Elementary course; three complete the three year Didactic course; two complete the four year Scientific course; lengthy excerpts from Commencement orations; ceremony lasts five hours.
16 Carrie Flint
Students' Offering 4:12, p.7
Miss Flint visits campus; Miss Ballantyne accompanies her home for a visit.
17 The regular installation of officers
Students' Offering 4:12, p.3
Vina Warr succeeds Eliza Rawstern as Alpha president; music, essays, and debate follow installation.
18 Sunday School
Students' Offering 2:8, p.11
Meets every Sunday at 4PM.
19 The entertainment
Students' Offering 2:8, p.10
Description of Alpha celebration.
20 Philomathean Society
Students' Offering 2:8, p.10
Held third anniversary celebration; lengthy description of program.
21 The Sunday School
Students' Offering 2:7, p.6
About fifty students attend under superintendent Mary Ballantyne.
22 The Students' Offering
Students' Offering 2:7, p.4
Staff of the paper.
23 The Alpha Society
Students' Offering 2:6, p.7
Meeting times.
24 The Students' Offering
Students' Offering 2:6, p.4
Staff and subscription information.
25 The Students' Offering
Students' Offering 2:5, p.4
Roster of staff.
26 The Students' Offering
Students' Offering 1:4, p.4
Roster of the staff.