Barnes--Randy (Student--1990)

Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 "Cans for Campus!" at the University of Northern Iowa raises money for environmental projects through recycling
Public Relations News Release 1991:647, p.1
$600 was raised during the "Cans for Campus" at UNI.
2 Large, small student organization excellence awards presented at University of Northern Iowa Student Leadership Conference
Public Relations News Release 1991:479, p.1
Student organizations received awards during the Student Leadership Conference. Betty Jean Furgerson was the keynote speaker. Members of the Conservation Club are listed.
3 University of Northern Iowa Conservation Club continues recycling program
Public Relations News Release 1991:362, p.1
UNI Conservation Club collects recyclable items including paper, clear glass, plastics, newspaper, and tin cans the second Thursday of every month at sites in Gilchrist A parking lot and the Health Center lot.
4 Northern Iowa students create "Cans for Campus!" project to help fund environmental scholarships, waste reduction specialist
Public Relations News Release 1991:173, p.1
If everyone on the UNI campus would contribute one pop can per week for two semesters $26,604 would be available to help fund environmental projects. Funds would be used for scholarships and to pay the salary of a waste reduction analyst.
5 Conservation Club honored nationally
Northern Iowan 88:9, p.1
Wins 1991 student chapter award.
6 Environmental fundraiser
Public Relations News Release 1991:168, p.1
Aluminum cans are being collected to raise funds for scholarships and to hire a waste reduction specialist to work with students, faculty, and staff for a year.
7 University of Northern Iowa Conservation Club named outstanding student chapter in nation for 1991
Public Relations News Release 1991:62, p.1
UNI Conservation Club named national winner. Club members listed.
8 Concern is 'growing'
Northern Iowan 87:54, p.2
Believes population growth may be biggest problem of all.
9 Don't throw the world away
Northern Iowan 87:47, p.3
Urges everyone to recycle.
10 Student urged to save for Recycling Day
Northern Iowan 87:46, p.1
Conservation Club will sponsor two drop-off sites.
11 Cost of oil more than in your pocket
Northern Iowan 87:43, p.2
Should take a good look at the true cost of oil.
12 UNI Conservation Club to hold recycling day; 'our trash is our legacy'
Northern Iowan 87:19, p.4
Recycling Day will be held November 30.