Barrett--Richard C. (Board of Trustees)

Displaying 1 - 35 of 35 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 The Board of Directors, 1876-1897; the Board of Trustees, 1897-1909
First 75 Years 0:0, p.27
Board members who had particular influence on the Normal School; duties of the Boards; difficulties involving selection of faculty.
2 Official
Normal Eyte 20:11, p.184
Highlights of the ISTA convention
3 President Seerley
Normal Eyte 14:15, p.237
President Seerley has been visiting other colleges.
4 Normal Commencement; closing recital of piano, voice and elocutionary departments
Normal Eyte 13:35, p.558
News notes on Commencement activities; included production of Taming of the Shrew..
5 Barrett vs. Miller
Normal Eyte 13:29, p.450
C. V. Miller is critical of Superintendent Barrett.
6 The Hon. R. C. Barrett
Normal Eyte 13:23, p.354
Advocate of manual training.
7 Official
Normal Eyte 13:15, p.225
Lengthy account of ISTA meeting; Board of Trustees will make final decisions on plans for the Gymnasium
8 The Southwest Iowa Teachers Association
Normal Eyte 13:10, p.150
President Seerley gives his impressions of the meeting.
9 Hon. R. C. Barrett
Normal Eyte 13:1, p.2
Parents died in recent months.
10 Commencement address
Normal Eyte 12:35, p.551
Included concert by Mandolin and Guitar Clubs.
11 Official
Normal Eyte 12:28, p.435
Board met and adopted a plan of tenure for the faculty; legislature makes summer session permanent; streetcar track to be installed; boiler house to be re-built; alumni Commencement reunion permanent.
12 The people of Iowa
Normal Eyte 12:21, p.324
Editorial states that the state should support ISNS rather than found additional normal schools.
13 A week of jubilee is coming
Normal Eyte 12:14, p.210
Literary societies will move into new rooms in Auditorium Building; will hold dedication for Auditorium on January 30, 1902; does the state need more normal schools?
14 State Supt. Barrett
Normal Eyte 11:28, p.691
Spoke in chapel.
15 Hon. R. C. Barrett
Normal Eyte 11:27, p.663
Could not attend board meeting; he was at an Iowa Teachers' Association gathering.
16 Hon. R. C. Barrett
Normal Eyte 10:9, p.219
Inspected Auditorium Building site.
17 State Supt. Barrett
Normal Eyte 9:6, p.131
Led chapel service.
18 On the program
Normal Eyte 9:3, p.62
Several Normalites will make presentations at conference.
19 The Board of Trustees
Normal Eyte 8:26, p.365
Has been meeting this week.
20 The Southwest Iowa Teachers Association
Normal Eyte 8:10, p.138
Report on the meeting.
21 In one of our recent editorials
Normal Eyte 8:8, p.105
Corrects earlier remarks on teachers salaries by Superintendent Barrett.
22 Is holding first place sufficient?
Normal Eyte 8:6, p.77
Comments on Richard Barrett's remarks on teachers' pay.
23 We received a visit
Normal Eyte 8:3, p.43
Board of Trustees on campus; Superintendent Barrett speaks.
24 Summer term
Normal Eyte 8:2, p.22
Lengthy report on the summer session; 339 enrolled.
25 Wednesday's exercises
Normal Eyte 7:36, p.10
Description of the Commencement exercises.
26 Alumni banquet
Normal Eyte 7:36, p.10
Description of the event.
27 Iowa State Normal School; history; a general survey
Normal Eyte 7:35, p.1
History of the founding and the governing boards; photo.
28 The annual address
Normal Eyte 7:33, p.8
R. C. Barrett will speak to graduates.
29 The summer term
Normal Eyte 7:33, p.8
Faculty will offer special lectures and entertainment programs during the summer.
30 Hon. R. C. Barrett and Hon. I. J. McDuffie
Normal Eyte 7:30, p.10
Speak at teachers meeting.
31 The Southeastern Iowa Teachers Association
Normal Eyte 7:28, p.10
Brief report.
32 Hon. R. C. Barrett
Normal Eyte 7:28, p.10
First State Superintendent to have seat on Board.
33 Members of the Board of Trustees
Normal Eyte 7:27, p.13
Attended chapel exercises.
34 Honorable Richard C. Barrett
Normal Eyte 7:20, p.9
Begins term as superintendent of public instruction.
35 The Iowa State Teachers Association
Normal Eyte 5:21, p.188
Appeal for support of more teacher training institutions.